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31 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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-contralateral subthalamic nucleus
-lacunar stroke
-wild flail of arm or leg
-sudden jerky purposless movment
-basal ganglia
-slow writhing movment - esp fingers
-basal ganglia
- sudden brief uncontrolled muscle contraction
- jerks, hiccups
- common in renal and liver faiure
-sudden sustained contraction
-writer's cramp; eyelid twitch (blepharospasm)
Essential tremor
-aka postural tremor
-action tremor, exacerbated by holding posture
-genetic predisposition
- tx: etoh, b-blocker, primidone
Resting tremor
-uncontrolled movement of distal appendages
-tremor relieved by intentional movement
intention tremor
-tremor when pointing
-cerebellar dysfunction
Basal ganglia: function and structure
-voluntary movment and postural adjustment
-receives cortical input, provides negative feedback to cortex to modulate movement
-striatum: putamen (motor) + caudate (cognitive)
-lentiform: putament + globus pallidus
BG Excitatory
-cortical input → stim striatum
-releases GABA
-Disinhibits thalamus (via Globis pallidus interus and SNr
-Increase motion
BG Inhibitory
-cortical input → stim striatum
-disinhibits sub thalamic nucleus (via GPexterus)
-STN stimulates GPi/SNr → inhibit thalamus
-Dec motion
BG Dopamine
-D binds to D1 → excitatory path → increase motion
-D binds to D2 → inhibit inhibitory path → increase motion
Right parietal lobe lesion
-spatial neglect of contralateral side
Kluver Bucy syndrome lesion
-amygdala bilateral lesion
-HSV-1 association
Reticular activating system (midbrain) lesion
-dec arousal, wakefulness
Cerebellar hemisphere lesion
-intention tremor
-limb ataxia
-ipsilateral defects
- fall toward lesion
Cerebellar vermis lesion
-truncal ataxia
Paramedian pontine Reticular Formation (PPRF) lesion
-eyes look away from lesion
Frontal eye fields lesion
-eyes look toward lesion
-CAN understand
-Nonfluent aphasia – cant make words
-Inferior frontal gyrus of frontal lobe
-fluent aphasia – can make words
-CANNOT understand
-Superior temoral gyrus of temporal lobe
Cerebral perfusion
-Primarily driven by PCO2 --> adjusted until PCO2 > 90
-hypoxemia increases cerebral perfusion pressure only when PO2 < 50
Basal ganglia lesion
-may result in tremor at rest, chorea, or athetosis
Subthalamic nucleus lesion
- contralateral hemiballismus
Hippocampus lesion
anterograde amnesia
global aphasia
both wernike and broke
nonfluent aphasia
conduction aphasia
poor repetition but fluent
intact comprehension
damage to arcuate fasiculus
Parkinson's disease:
-Lewy bodies - made of a-synuclein intracellular inclusions
-loss of dopamine in S.Nigra
-TRAP: Tremor, Rigidity, Akinesia, Postural instability
- CAG repeats
- Xsome 4
- Anticipation
- Caudate loses ACh and GABA
- Chorea, aggression, depression
**Neuronal death via NMDA-R binding and glutamate toxicity**
**atrophy of striatal nuclei**
superior colliculi lesion
paralysis of upward gaze
parinaud's syndrome
central pontine myelinolysis
- acute paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia
- diplopia
- Locked in syndrome
- axonal demyelination in pons
- d2 rapid correction of NA levels