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35 Cards in this Set

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Spinal Cord (organization)
Gray matter - on inside

White matter on outside
Gray matter
- collections of neuron cell bodies and unmyelinated axons. nuclei acts as relaying station
or has integrative functions (combines signals)
White matter
parallel axons and myelin sheaths are white matter, form nerve tracts which transmit action potentials from one area to another
Somatic Sensory - dorsal furthest out

Visceral sensory - dorsal close to center

Visceral motor - ventral close to center

somatic motor - ventral away from center
Development (neural tube)
Develops on dorsal midline of embryonic disk is epithelial cells tightly adhering to one another derives brain and spinal cord
Neural Crest
Lateral to neural tube made of mesencyme free
Mantle layer
layer of cells surround original epithelial cells during development gives rise to gray matter
Marginal layer
division continues and another layer surrounds mantle layer gives rise to white matter in marginal layer fibers beomce milenated
Regions of mantle layer
Roof plate

Floor plate

sulcus limitans

alar plates

basal plates
Roof plate
Thin layer at dorsal side
floor plate
layer on ventral side, forms motor neurons, axons exit spinal cord from ventral root, cell bodies form motor units located n CNS axons in PNS
sulcus limitans
thin area on side
alar plates
two expanded areas on dorsal side
basal plates
ventral expansion gives rise to ventral honrs
Neuroglia cells
formed by neuroepithelial cells after they have givin rise to neurons
Neural Crest
Creates sensory neurons
Central process
grows into dorsal horn of CNS
Periferal procces
grows inot opposite side
Brain development
posterior region of neuraltube creats spin cord

anterior region creates brain
first 3 brain divisions
Prosencephalon - forebrain front

Mesencephalon - midbrain

Rhombencephalon -hindbrain
5 divisions
prosencephalon becomes telencephalon and diencephalon

then mesencephalon

rhombencephalon divids into metencephalon

then myelencephalon
Central canals or ventricles
lateral vent - located in telencephalon

third vent - located in diencephalon

aqueduct of silvius - mesencephalon

fourth vent - rhombencephalon
Choroid plexus
formed from roof plate - secrets fluid that fills central canal known as cerebral spinal fluid
Medulla oblongata
in milencphalon
somatic sensory
visceral sensory
visceral motor
somatic motor
Medulla oblongata (somatic sensory)
recieves sensations from head and face (touch)

first association center for hearing and balance.
Association Center
Where synapses occur and information can be changed there
Medulla oblongata (Visceral Sensory)
recieeves general sensations of throat and mouth.

also acts as first association center for taste
visceral motor
innervates branchial muscles and smooth muscles going into guts
Somatic motor
innervates muscles of tongue
Pyrimids of medulla
neural pathways coming from primary motor in the cortext on side ar inferior allas which are relay nuclei for spinal cerebrial tract where synapsing occures
Contains pons

primarily a relay station for motor inofrmation going from cerebral cortext to cerebellum to coordinate a motor function
sensory imputs

primary motor area of cerebrum
Cerebellum internal organization
white layer arbor vitae - nerve fibers , axons

outer gray layer - cereballar cortex - cell bodiies
tracts that go in and out nerve tracts