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69 Cards in this Set

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Name 4 atoms found in a protein or amino acids.
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
Proteins are composed of small subunits called
____________ that are linked together.
Amino Acids
Where does a hydrogen bond form between two
water molecules?
Oxygen of one molecule to the hydrogen of the oth
Where did the catalase in our enzyme lab come form?
Name 1 of the 4 organic molecules?
Lipid, Protein, Carbohydrate or Nucleic Acid
What was the substrate in the enzyme lab?
Hydrogen peroxide
List one example of a nucleic acid?
What is another name for a fatty acid in a lipid?
Hydrocarbon Chain
What happened to the activity of catalase when
We boiled it for 5 mins?
activity decreased or something similar
Which part of an enzyme fits with a substrate?
Active Site
How does extreme pH level affect the shape of
an enzyme?
changes the shape
Why does sweating lead to a cooling effect
in mammals?
water carries heat with it
Which of the following is a monosaccharide:
fructose, sucrose or lactose?
How do enzymes affect chemical reactions?
Lower activation energy or speed them up
Which of the following would be a enzyme?
Sucrose or Sucrase
What is it called when water sticks to something
other that water?
T or F
Cohesion is when water molecules bond to
other water molecules.
Which of the following is an example of a
Lipid: C6 H12 O6 or C13 H45 O3
C13 H45 O3
Which of the following would be a decomposer
In a food chain: algae, primary consumer, bacteria
What 2 products does catalase break hydrogen
Peroxide into?
O2 and H20
What is the function of DNA?
Blueprint for life or it codes to make proteins
What does it mean that water has
a high heat capacity?
Water holds onto heat well or
It maintains a stable temp
____________is the property of water that
allows water molecules to stick together?
A steroid is a type of lipid that has _____ core
interlocking rings?
In dehydration synthesis 2 smaller
Molecules join to make a larger molecule
And a _________ molecule is lost.
What is surface tension?
water forms a blanket on the surface
or water has a greater attraction to other
water molecules than air molecules.
Name 1 molecule that dissolves well in water?
anything with a charge - most molecules we've
talked about except lipids
Describe how you would recognize the structure
of a protein.
NH2 group or COOH group
Which part of an amino acid makes it unique
compared with the other 19?
Which atom do all 4 organic molecules have
in common?
The second law of thermodynamics states
That as energy is transferred, ___________
Nitrifyers convert __________ to ___________.
ammonia to nitrate
What is an exergonic reaction?
Reactants contain more free or
Bond energy than products
Which type of lipid contains a glycerol and
3 fatty acid chains?
What is a long chain of amino acids called
and what is the bond called that links them
Polypeptide and peptide bonds
The 4 levels of a protein include ___________,
Second, tertiary, and ____________?
Primary and quaternary
Nitrogen fixers convert ___________ to
nitrogen gas ammonia
Which type of lipid has a polar phosphate
group and nonpolar fatty acid chains?
Which type of organic molecule contains
A carboxyl group and an amino group?
amino acid or protein
Which type of reaction would involve splitting
a polypeptide into a single amino acids?
Denitrifyers covert _________ to _________.
Nitrates Nitrogen Gas
Which type of reaction would involve the
joining of galactose and glucose to make
Lactose and water?
Dehydration Synthesis
Which of the 4 organic molecule has the
5 atoms PONCH?
Nucleic Acids
An allosteric enzyme that is normally in
an inactive state, must bond with an ___________
to become active.
Name 2 of the 4 organic molecules that
contain nitrogen.
proteins/amino acids and nucleic acids
Which gas is released by plants during
photosynthesis and taken in by consumers?
Which gas do plants take in and consumers
O2, CO2
True or False
Enzymes affect the free energy of reactants
and products in a reaction.
False- activation energy only
What is the difference between a cofactor
and a coenzyme?
cofactor: can be organic or inorganic;
Coenzymes are only organic
Which 2 organic molecules have C, H
And O only?
Carbs and Lipids
When the products contain more free energy
than the reactants, the reaction is known as?
List 5 properties of water
Excellent solvent, high heat capacity,
Surface tension, adhesion and cohesion,
Density change at 4 degrees C
List the 3 atoms found in an aldehyde
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
List 4 factors that can affect enzyme activity
Salt, Temperature, pH, Enzyme concentration,
And substrate concentration
List the chemical formula for a hydroxyl group
List the 3 parts of a nucleic acid that compose a
phosphate, sugar, and base
Name 3 polysaccharides.
starch, cellulose, glycogen, chitin
List 2 atoms found in a ketone group
List the chemical formula for a Carboxyl group
Name the 3 types of bacteria that
are critical to the recycling of nitrogen?
nitrifyers, nitrogen fixers, denitrifyers
Describe the structure of a protein at the
primary level.
Chain of amino acids
Which monosaccharide is missing?
Glucose, Fructose, ___________.
Which polysaccharide is used by plants
to store the monosaccharides they make during
Which components of amino acids interact
to cause the "bunching" that occurs at the
tertiary level?
R groups
What is competitive inhibition?
when an inhibitor molecule blocks
the active site of an enzyme so that a
substrate cannot bind
Which polysaccharide is used by animals
as a storage molecule?
Which polysaccharide is used by plants
For stability of their cell walls?
Name the two possible structures that can
exist within a protein at the secondary level?
alpha helix and beta sheet
Describe the structure of a protein at the
Quaternary level?
More than 1 polypeptide bonded together
What is non-competitive inhibition?
when an inhibitor fills the allosterc
site of an enzyme and as a result, the active
site closes