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26 Cards in this Set

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Primary HA

No organic cause.

Migraines, tension, cluster.

50% are migraines.

Migraine s/s VS Cluster HA s/s


may have aura

associated with N/V


no aura

<1hr each waxing and waning

strictly unilateral

periorbital-temporal locations

Tension HA


bilateral, back to front

no photophobia

Temporal Arteritis

Inflammatory disease of cephalic arteries.

Blood supply to optic nerve so can lead to blindness.

Sed Rate may be Very High

Neuro Problems more associated with bleeds (2)



Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunts

Placed to relieve incr ICP due to hydrocephalus.

Excess CSF shunted from ventricle to peritoneal cavity.

Complications: infection and malfunction

s/s : fever, distended/tender abdomen(from infx), bulging fontanels(infants) (from malfx shunt), change in LOC (malfx shunt)

Seizures : causes

Electrolyte imbalances (Ph changes)

Metabolic changes (fever, blood sugar imbalance)

Stress. Fatigue.

Nerve structure imbalance(hypoxia), tumors, trauma)

Medication noncompliance

ETOH/Benzo withdrawals

Status Epilepticus

Series of seizures without recovery period.

Emergency d/t risk for hypoxia.

No paralytics, still seizing in brain, only stopped external signs.

CPP : formula, normal limits


Normal = 70-100mm Hg

How to Manage increasing ICP

Increase the MAP : fluids, blood, pressors

Decrease the intra-cranial volume : diuretics, promote outflow, elevate HOB

Decrease vasodilation (which increases volume)

Cushings Response what it indicates, (5) signs

Indicates impending herniation

Hypertension : trying to perfuse brain tissue

Bradycardia : parasympathetic stimulation of vagus nerve.

Irregular Respirations

Widening Pulse Pressure

Pupillary Changes

Sub-arachnoid Hemorrhage/Hematoma

Skull->Dural->Arachnoid->cerebrum and pia

Common w contusions. Bleeding will contaminate CSF.

complications: seizures, incr ICP, hydrocephalus

Sub-Dural Hemorrhage/Hematoma

Skull->Dural->Arachnoid->cerebrum and pia

More likely venous and gradual bleeding.

High risk : elderly, anticoagulants, ETOH

Epidural Hemorrhage/Hematoma

Skull->Dural->Arachnoid->cerebrum and pia

Often d/t middle meningeal artery, r/t temporal skull fx

Arterial, rapidly expanding.

Fast progression to death. "talk and die" phenomenon of "lucid interval"

Spinal Cord Injuries : Complete


No sensory/motor fx

Spinal Cord Injuries : Incomplete : Central Cord Syndrome

sensory/motor sx more pronounced in upper extremities

Spinal Cord Injuries : Incomplete : Anterior Cord Syndrome

loss of motor, pain and temp. sensation.

Preservation of vibration, touch and position perception.

Brown-Sequard Syndrome

Injury to one side of spine(hemisection)

Same side : paralysis/paresis, loss of pressure, touch vibration.

Other side : loss of pain and temp sensation.

(abnormalities on both sides of body, different abnormalities on both sides)

Innervation of Phrenic nerve and effects

Exits at C-3-4-5. C4="breath no more"

intercostal nerves for accessory muscle breathing exit at T1-T12. controls deep breathing, coughing.

Spinal Shock

problem with nerve TRANSMISSION.

No neuro fx below level of injury

No spinal reflexes, autonomic fx.

Flaccid paralysis.

Reflexes may return in weeks "stunned"

Neurogenic Shock

Problem with response to CATECHOLAMINES.

No sympathetic fx below injury.

vasodilation, hypotension, bradycardia

unopposed vagal(parasympathetic) influence

**skin is warm and dry below injury

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs disease)

Neuro degenerative disease. Affects motor neurons(voluntary movment).

Cognitive fx usually spared, even when on ventilator, they are awake and alert.

frequent tripping, stumbling falls.

Mutiple Sclerosis

Autoimmune condition. CNS is attacked, demyelination.

Physical And cognitive disabilities(ALS-lou gehrigs is ONLY physical)

Myasthenia Gravis

Autoimmune disorder. Antibodies block Acetylcholine receptors. Causing fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability.

s/s : muscle weakness during activity, improving with rest.

Tensilon test used to help dx.

Tx : cholinesterase inhibitors, prednisone, plasmapherisis

Parkinsons Disease

Degenerative disease of CNS.

"TRAP" assessment

Tremors: at rest

Rigidity : cogwheel movement

Akinesia : slowness of movement

Postural Instability : balance problem

Brudzinskis Sign

Pt supine.

Passively flexes neck chin to chest

Pt involuntarily lifts leg = Positive