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153 Cards in this Set

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wide complex non-perfusing tachycardia

V tach

Narrow QRS Tachy


No p-waves, fibrillatory f-waves, variable R-R intervals

A fib

Wide QRS typically less than 40bpm

Idioventricular rate

L vent HF produces what s/s

Pulm. edema. Blood in L vent has difficulty with forward flow-- engorges L Atria and engorged pulmonary return causing the pulm edema

Administer to pt's with R Ventricular MI (RVMI) to maintain CO

IV crystalloids. W/ RVMI the R vent pump function is damaged and blood doesn't pump efficiently leading to decreased L vent filling and decreased CO. Increasing prefload (volume of blood entering R vent will result in increased blood volume ejected, leading to incresed SV and CO.) If still hypotensive p 2L, consider inotrope swuch ad dobutamine. Nitro/MS contraindicated decreases CO and causes hypotension. IV colloids ok w/ low H&H

MI pt >85 yo most common abnormal presentation


QRS represents what mechanical event

Vent. contraction

P wave mechanical event

atrial contraction

T wave mechanical event

Vent. relaxation

Atrial relaxation

not displayed on ECG as a specific waveform because it cooccurs with vent. depolarization and is electrically insignificant

Successfully defib pt. HR regular, rate 86, no pulses palpable

PEA-- electrical disturbance in the electrical/mechanical activity of heart

Cardiac tamponade

Occurs w/ rapid accumulation of blood in pericardial sac-- decreased ventricular filling.

Cardnial signs... Becks triad:

hypotension, muffled heart tones, distended neck veins

What indicates fibrinolytic therapy has been effective Txment of a STEMI?

Typically a relief from pain, resoluation of the ST-segments, and reperfusion dysrhthymias such as accelerated idioventricular rhythms.

Fibrinolytic therapy isn't coronary-specific... so you can expect bleeding to occur at the puncture and ejection sites.

Can't get peripheral access ... cardiac arrest, what next?

IO intraosseous provides access to non-collapsible marrow venous plexus. Rapid, reliable & safe for crystalloids/colloids, blood, meds

What is the rationale for heprin or LMWH for a pt with ACS?

It inhibits further thrombin (clot) time. Heparin/LMWH does NOT lyse current present clots.

Heparin/LMWH can cause thrombocytopenia or fewer platelets therefore a lower PLT count.

New onset A fib w/ RVR in asthmatic patient.. Pt A&O, bp 119/62, HR 158, RR 22. First line med?

diltiazem (Cardizem)

Pt with implated cardioverter/debrillator (ICD) report syncope. Monitor shows NSR suddently yells that the device went off & shocked him. What is next?

Place a magnet on the device to temporarilty deactivate it and prevent inappropriate firing of the defib. until the device can be interrogated and corrected as necessary

The device should fire when the pt has a shockable rhythym --not NSR. If combined with pacemaker, it may also perform demand-pacing functions.

Pt dx w/ IWMI (inferior wall MI) What is the most common dysrhtymmia to occur?

bradycardias are often seen in the presence of IWMIs due to ischemia to the R coronary artery.

What is angina?

Ischemic CP occurring when myocardial O2 demand exceeds O2 supply.

Elderly pt w 2-hr Hx of dizziness/fatigue. ECG is irreg, no p-waves. Suspects the pt's s/s are due to?

A fib w/ RVR.

Most common dysrhythmmia in older adults? What occurs pysiologically? Why can't older adults tolerate it?

A fib

Loss of atrial kick or coordinated filling/pumping of blood into the vents which typically makes up 30% of CO. When the vent rate increaswes, they don't fill completely which decreases CO even more.

Older adults have a decreased ability to compensate (and don't tolerate) the drop in CO as well as young pt's. More likely to report fatigue, weakness, dizziness

ST elevation in V4, V5, and Leads I and AVL

lateral wall MI

ST changes leads II, III, and AVF

Inferior wall MI

ST Elevation in leads V1-V4

anterior septal MI

Cardioversion synchs w/

ventricular depolarization (QRS complex)

Purpose of B-blockers with STEMI

AHA reccomends within 24h... it reduces morbidity and mortality w/ no contraindications.

adenosine (Adenocard) What happens?

interrupts conduction at the AV node causing apparent aystole that can last 10secs... allows the SA node to take over and regular impulses to conduct.

Complex gets more narrow and rate decreases. Narrows the QRS complex.

Assessing a pt in high speed, head on MVC... bp 100/50 HR 110, RR 22, LUQ abraisons. Focused organ assessment?

Pancreas is in the LUQ behind the stomach in the retroperitoneal area. Direct blunt force to the epigastric area may result in pancreatic injury with a mortality rate as high as 50%. Also, the spleen, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, transverse/descending colons, and stomach.

Newly Dx pt with liver failure... s/s: cognitive changes, irratibility, some muscle rigidity and hyperreflexia, what is another expected sx?

Asterixis-- a flapping tremor usually of the hand... an early indication of hepatic encephalopathy. Have pt "stop traffic" with hand-- involuntary flapping is a positive sign. Bruising/bleeding tendancies may develop as a result of impaired clotting factors and squestration of PLTs in the spleen.

late sx of bowel obstruction

Absent bowel sounds: indicative of paralytic ileus or diminshed perfusion indicating a closed bowel lumen (complete bowel obstruction)

Mid epigastric and RUQ discomfort ... what increases suspicion that the pt is having s/s of cholecystitis? What are the s/s? What is it?

fatty foods "two bowels of chili and french fries" resulting in RUQ discomfort or epigastric pain.

other sx indigestion, NV, anorexia

It is an inflammation of the gallbladder.

bethanechol (Urecholine) and use for GERD. ADRs include?

Cholenergic drug. Increases sphincter pressure and facilitates gastric emptying. ADR of cholenergic drugs: urinary urgency, diarrhea, abd. cramping, hypoTN, increased salivation.

Esophagitis, what is it? dietary instructions?

It is inflammatory response to the mucosa, avoide causitive factors such as spicy foods. Avoid alcohol, eat small frequent meals.

Assessment of suspected hepatic injury may reveal?

RUQ tenderness extends transversely across the midline. Live is extremely vascular and a injury could result in a major hemorrhage.

Post MVC. Lap belt injury most likely to occcur

Colon rupture due to compression powerful enough to rupture the small bowel or colon.

Young adult present N/V, abd. bloating & cramping IBS dx... dietary instructions

don't drink w/ meals as it may cause distention.

Pt DC from ER dx with acute prostatitis .. include these instructions

increase daily fluids to aid in eliminating the bacteria. Take meds as directed typically for several weeks. PCP followup within next week, no sexual activity restrictions.

29wk gestation awaiting xfer to high-risk OB Dx preeclampsia. Rec'ving Mg Sulfate 1g/hr via IV. Priority assessment?

RR. ADR if Mg is muscle weakness. Monitor for hyporeflexia. Normal for preesclamtic pt to have proteinurea.

Painless dark red urine caused by these foods

Beets, rhubarb, blackberries, several medications (not blackberries though)

38 week gestation triaging with onset of spontaneous bright red painless vag bleed. Most likely cause is?

Placenta previa. Placenta is abnormally implanted in the lower uterine segment. May partially or completely cover the cervical os... as trhe cervis dilates, the placenta may be torn and bleeding will be bright red vs dark blood assoc. w/ abruption. Early dilation may not be felt by pt, which is why it is painless.

Placental abruption

premature separation of the normally implanted placenta from the uterine wall. Painful. Classic s/s: vag bleeed dark red, uterine tenderness, abd. pain, back pain, uterine hyperactivity w/ poor relaxtion between contractions. May be vague or severe presentation.

uterine rupture

can also be severe and acute. injury involving sudden deceleration, severe abd. compression, or direct force to the abd can result in uterine rupture.

When should the RN prepare for a d&c?

oNGOING BRIGHT RED BLEEDING WITH TISSUE PRESENT & CRAMPING The pt needs D&C if bleeding does not decreased.. She is at high risk for hypovolemia and coagulopathy is bleeding continues. Darkening of blood indicates that it isn't fresh bleeding FYI...even w/ occasional clots.

interventions for renal calculi

analgesics for pain

antiemetics may be necessary

fluids to flush it out

Pt w hx of PID pelvic inflamm. disease... RLQ pain, scant vag bleeding, dizziness, pain radiating to L shoulder. 88/50, 127bpm, 22RR, 36.4C, +Hcg. What is most likely?

Ectopic pregnancy. PID may lead to scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can make it difficult for a fertilized ovum to move into the uterus. Tube can rupture and cause severe bleeding in the peritoneum. Blood irritating the diaphragm causes pain radiating to L shoulder (Kehr's sign)

Thick white cheese-like vag DC.... RN to expect Dx of


Gray-greenish vag DC...


Yellow vag DC


Endometriosis, what is it, who is F/U with?

Endometriosis when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus. During menstruation tissue sloughs and causes pain. Tissue often found in peritoneal area, endometriosis has been found in the lungs, brain and many non-peritoneal sites.

Analgesia therapy is appropriate. Refer for hormonal therapy w/ OBGYN. Surgery may be neccassry but is not urgent.

Best indication of a viable fetus?

1) 10 kicks/hour in a term fetus

2) FHR >160

3) 26cm fundal height above symphysis pubis.

4) minimal contraction q3min

1) 10 kicks/hr is indiciative of fetal well being. No fetal movement in an hr may indicate detal demise. US to eval fetal status.

2) normal for term is 100-160 bpm. >=160 may indicate a young nonviable or distressed fetus

3) 26cm = 26 weeks old. Considered viable.

4) Contractions may indicate labor but do not indicate viablity.

Corneal abrasion

damage to epithelial layer of cornea w/ uptake of fluorescein dye. The denundation/scraping away of the superficial layer alters the surface and causes the dye to adhere to the tissue


bleeding into anterior chamber of which is detected by presence of RBCs visible on slit lamp exam

traumatic iritis

ititis involves the iris and/or choroid body, which are deeper structures in the eye. The superficial layer of the cornea remains intact-- no uptake of dye.

Glucagon hcl action useful in managing esophageal food impaction

Relaxes smooth muscles.

chemical burn to orbit greatest concern

altered visual sensory-perception... chemical burn will cause some degree of impaired vision-- therefore they're emergent. Any disruption of the visual senses will alter the sensory perception. Immediate eye irrigation is needed to minimize exposure of tissue to caustic chemicals. May not require opthalmic FU, infx is uncommon complication, damage to eye from increased intraocular pressure and necrosis is more of a concern.

priority assessment of larynx fx

airway patency... larnyx is vital part of upper airway. can lead to immediate or progressive airway obstruction. ongoing monitoring. be prepared for immediate intervention. Observe for hoarseness, stridor, hemoptysis, dyspnea, cough & painful/difficult speech.

concerning finding indicating a globe disruption

Peaked, teardrop shaped pupil in pt w/ unilateral eye pain.

globe rupture

major ocular emergency that may require immediate surgical intervention. It may be an occult injury,

other assesment findings: enophthalmos an afferent papillary defect and possible extrusion of aqueous or vitreous humor may also be noted. Shallow anterior chamber may be the only abnormal finding and is associateed with a poor prognosis


blood in ant. chamber. associatied w/ disruption of the ciliary body. possible conncurent injury with globe disruption pt.

steamy hazy cornea w/ cleral injection

common finding w/ acute narrow-angle glaucoma. in globe rupture scleral redness is more likely due to severe conjunctival hemorrhage rather than injection.

Bells palse teaching is effective when pt states

" will wear sunglasses anytime I go outside" Helps keep debris out of eye due to loss of the normal blink response. Cold exposure can be a precipitating factor and should be avoided, pt will need to instill eye drops frequently, steroid therapy is short term

Untreated lyme disease may cause

AV blocks! Also, expanding bulls eye circle on skin, flu-like sx, AV blocks, meningitis, hepatitis, arthralgia. Tx w antibx and supportive therapy

Tick paralysis

Caused by wood/dog ticks. Ascending motor paralysis occuring over 1-2 days. Sx: ataxia, lower extremity weakness progressing to UE, parathesia, hypo/absent reflexes, eventual respiratory failure. Remove the tick. Supportive care. Sx usually resolve in 72hr.

Rocky Mntn Spotted Fever

Rickettsia rickettsii from wood and dog ticks. Untreated... the classic sx are petechial rash on the palms, wrists, soles of the feet or ankles. Mortality 8-25% in unTx. Antibiotics and supportive care.

what is myxedema coma? mgmt of?

Loss of brain function as a result of severe, longstanding low level of thyroid hormone in the blood

o2 therapy. Tongue can swell and impede airway. Hypovent. is not uncommon, resp drive is decreased leading to alveolar hypovent. No B-blockers-- these pts have a decreased SV and CO, often bradycardic,

peripherally vasocontricted lower core body temp. No aggressive cooling. Passively rewarm slowly. Monitor UOP

Adrenal crisis expect

hypoTN. Insuffiecient glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormone production. HypoTN and electrolyte disturbances hyperK & hypoNA, death occurs due to circ. collapse and hyperK-induced dysrhthmias

10 mo old, bluish gray specks on buccal mucosa, rash on face....

Measles. Immunized @12-15mos.

Koplic spots are classic. (bluish gray).


swelling and tender to salivary and parotid glands.

Lab value indicating viral vs bacterial meningitis?

Leukocytes are less than 1000cells/mL in viral meningitis and >1000 in bacterial. Normal range is 0 to 5 WBCs.

Glucose elevated in viral, low in bacterial.

Protein less than 200 in viral, >200 in bacterial. Normal 15-45

Elderly pt-- febrile, restless, confused, weak and recent hx of iodine tx. Dx w thyroid storm. What is tx option?

Propranolol./esmolol to control tachycardias <100bpm.

No ASSA duie to it displacing thyroid hormone from binding sites.. tylenol is better for fever

Sodium bicarb if acidotic

Flagyl DC instructions

NO ETOH! It'll cause a disulfiram (antabuse) reaction-- violent vomiting. Not even mouthwash for up to 48 hr after taking it.; Not safe for pregnancy

Elderly pt given IV synthroid (T4) for tx of myxedema coma. Which lab would indicate improvement?

Inc in Thyroid hormone level. Myxedema coma occurs in pt's w long-standing or undx hypothyroidism. Administration of T4 saturates empty sites and replensishes peripher circulating levels. Increased thyroid hormone levels indicate tx successful.

Elederly pt, extremity lac. On 5mg coumadin qD. Complications?

Prolonged wound healing r/t decrease in skin tensile strength, subq fat, and the ability to tamponade underlying bleeds--all of which lead to prolonged wound healing.

Pt presents w/ generalized ecchymosis and CC of nose bleed, which subsided PTA. Hx of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) Dx workup revelas need to provide replaceement therapy. What is most appropriate?`

PLT-- ITP has dec. in PLT production. PLT less than 150. Tx of chornic ITP is PLT replacement. Minimize IM. Consider topical to clot wounds.

progressive confusion x3 weeks. Which focal head injury is most likely cause?

SDH. W/ chronid SDH blood collects in the subdural space over a period of 2 weeks tto months. The geriatric brain loses mass over time, this bleeding process produces subtle s/s over time.

Pt on backboards...

get them off ASAP...particularly with any sensory losses.

GCS consists of

best: eye opening, motor and verbal responses.

Elderly pt c/o severe HA, red nodules over temporal region. Other c/o associate with temporal arteritis

Wt loss, night sweats, aching joints, fever, classic systemic s/s associated w/ temporal arteritis which is inflammation of the branches of the temporal artery

S/S early IICP & most reliable indicator of neuro fx

change in LOC

Cincinatti prehospital stroke scale

facial droop, arm drift, abnormal speech.

IV phenytoin (Dilantin)

ADR hypoTN and bradycardia especially with rapid IVP. Elderly especially, decrease loading IVP to 25mg/min. Max adult is 50mg/min.

HypoCA reported in prolongd high dose anticonvulsant therapy. Some dr's give adty'l 4,000U/week of vitD esp to pt with poor diet and no sun exposure.

NS or LR diluents are okay. INCOMPATIBLE w/ D5NS, D5W, and fat emulsion 1%. Dilutions of 1-10 mL reccommended. Give ASAP after dilution. Discard within 4hr if not used. Do not refrigerate.

Fall, struck head, LOC briefly, c/o Severe HA, followed by another LOC...

epidural hematoma. Period of unconciousness followed by brief period of wakefulness, with return to unconsciousness is the hallmark pattern.

Clear fluid draining from R nares s/p MVC. This may indicate

basilar skull fx. These bones are thin and fragile-- may tear the dura when fx'd causing CSF rhinorrhea or otorrhea.

High dose Solu-Medrol methylprednisolone protocol w/ SCI pt at C7-T1 level.

30mg/kg over 15min, then wait 45 min, then 5.4mg/kg/hr x23 hrs. Start within 8 hrs for max effect.

Epi drip rate

1mg mixed in 250mL of D5W or NS to infuse at 2-10 mcg/minute

Inotropin (dopamine) gtt rate

400mg in 250mL D5W or NS to infuse at 2-20 mcg/kg/min. Can be double concentrated.

Norepi (Levophed) gtt rate

8mg in 250mL of D5W at 0.5-12mcg/min.

Central cord syndrome

Caused by hyperextension and is seen most often in elderly pt's s/p fall. Results in loss of fx in UE while LE functional. B/B fx also maintained. "pt can dance but they can't play piano"

Anterior cord syndrome

characterized by hyperesthesia, hypoalgesia, and incomplete or complete paralysis of the LEs

Brown Sequard syndrome

results from hemisection of the cord usually following penetrating trauma

tPA IV alteplase

uncontrolled HTN 180/110 despite repeated measurements excluses from Tx

IV within 180min window. Intraarterial tPA has shown to be effective though

ICH is a definite exclusion. Managed usually with surgical intervention

removal of UE/LE sutures not involving joint surface

7-10 day

Removal of facial sutures

3-5 days

Removal of scalp sutures

5-8 days

Removal of joint/knee sutures

12-14 days

foul smell, febrile, sloughing, pain

C. gangrene infx

Cast syndrome

obstruction of the 3rd part of the duodenum by an artery following use of plaster body cast

Lac from rock in freshwater/streams

Tx aggressively. Bacteria are associated w fresh water. Meticulous irrigation. Antimicrobials. Become infected withint 12-48 hrs.

Compartment syndrome

unrelieved pain is a cardinal sign

Fat emboli suspected. Where is petechiae typically observed?

Anterior chest and neck.

radial gutter spline

fx or soft tissue injury to 1st or 2nd metacarpal

ulnar gutter splint

fx, injury to 4th/5th metacarpal

thumb spica splint

soft tissue injury or metcarpal fx of the navicular or scaphoid bone

volar FA splint

carpal bones of wrist injured

where to give IM human diploid cell (HDCV) vacc

Deltoid only, never glut for sure.

cane instruction/fitting

Use on uninjured side to support during ambulation. When held next to heel elbow should be at 30degree angle of flexion

Osteoporosis risk factors

post menopauseal women, chronic ETOH abuse, long term steroid use

how to check for radial nerve function in kids

thumbs up

dislocation imaging

seen on xray

C. tetani is found

in soil and human/animal intestines

Nitro gtt... decrease it when pt is

hypoTN <90. it could decrease perfusion to heart. Consider fluid bolus. Titrate to relief of pain and while maintaining SBP >90. Common SE is a HA.. tx with morphine or tylenol. Target resting HR 50-60 with b-blocker therapy.

differentiation of a traumatic LP vs SAH

Compare cell count in 1st tube to last tube. If there is a decrease in RBCs it's probably a traumatic LP rather than SAH


contraindicated in pt's w cancer/autoimmune disorders. This herbal remedy stimulates the immune system. Check with your doctor.

Who to explain procedure in detail for

preschool age

Allow parents to remain in room during a procedure

toddler fear parental separation

required documentation w/ organ donors

notification of procurement team, family notification (consent it not necessary), determination and declaration of death.

Family education documentation is NOT required

tPA dosage/appropriate interventions

0.9mg/kg up to 90mg. IVF NS is appropriate, as is passsive or active cooling for 24 hrs and starting within 3 hrs of onset.

Corticosteroids (such as in advair) are known to contribute to ______ especially in geriatrics

depresive symptoms ie emotional lability, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite,

Mental health triage scale non urgent, semi urgent, urgent, emergent,

non urgent- med refill and NAD

semi urgent SI accompanied by friend

urgent pt presents paranoid w moderate behaviorla disurbances

emergent extreme agitation

s/s anorexia nervosa

amenorrhea, low body weight, hypoTN, tachy w/ possible dysrhythmias, dehydration, intolerance to cold due to poor fat storage

resp. difficulties in elderly caused by

decreased muscle strength i.e. diaphragmatic muscle results in trouble maintaining normal resp.

crackles in lungs are caused by

fluid/secretions in small airways or alveoli. popping sounds produced by passage of air through fluid or secretions

near strangulation pt presents in distress, swelling of neck, subq emphysema-- which is likely have caused subq emphysema


tension pneumo,

tracheal transection,

laryngeal spasm

tracheal transection due to meechanism of injury. Esophageal, pleural, tracheal, or bronchial injuries can present with subq emphysema

elderly pt presents SOB xseveral years, getting worse x1 month, especially exertional dyspnea, unable to walk to mailbox without resting. Hx of HTN and 40 yrs smoking.. what does RN suspect

ephysema-- structural changes of emphysema (breakdown of alveoli, loss of elasticity and increased diameter of chest wall) contribute to a decrease in the vital capacity of the resp. system. Due to the decrease the pt will experience exertional dyspnea

Flail chest priority

Pain management to promote effective ventilation. FFlail chest is result of significant blunt force trauma, 2+ adjacent ribs fx in 2_ locations or a free-floating sternum. Extreme pain and may contribute to hypoventilation, risking pt for pneumonia, atelectasis, and ARDS in addition to systemic narcotic analgesic , nerve blocks, epidural analgesia and RSI, sedation and paralysis may be used to maximize ventilation

s/p blunt force chest trauma from rollover, pt has sudden onset of anxiety, diminished breath sounds on one side, tracheal deviation and hypoTN .... this is s/s associated with a rapid

increase in intrathoracic pressure. most likely a tension penumo. shifts lung/cardiac tissue to uninjured side & decreaseed vent filling and CO. Impedes venous return, shifts mediastinum and depresses diaphragm causing distortion of the great vessels and ressults in decreased CO

Sellick maneuver indication (cricoid pressure)


Following ET placement, first step to confirm placement is to

ausc. absent epigastric sounds with chest rise. If sounds are heard over epigastrium in the absence of chest rise, suggestive of esophageal placement. Remove, reoxyugenat, attempts again.

albuterol sulfate beta 2 agonist ADR

inadvertent beta 1 stim leading to cardio effects such as tachy, PVC and palpitations.

what is peak flow used to evaluate

peak expiratory flow rate, with pts who have obstructive diseases such as asthma ... evals response to bronchoilator therapy

ABGs of pregnant women

RR increased r/t progesterone levels. PaCO2 decreased to 30-34mmHg. Kidneys increased excretion of bicarb in an effot to compensate for the drop in CO2. AEB hyperventilation in pregnant pt who will also have a decreased bicarb.

PaO2 normal, PaCO2 decreased, bicarb decreased as compensation, pH increased

Early s/s pneumonia in elderly pt

leading infection cause of death in this age group-- more susceptible to infx--

acute onset of confusion, lethargy, deteriorating general healh

neurogenic shock findings

brady, poikilothermia, hypoTN

involved loss of sympathetic vasomotor regulation. Bragy from loss of sympathetic innervation. Poikilothermia due to inability to vasoconstrict and produce piloerection to generate heat. HypoTN from massive vasodilation and inability to vasocontrict.

how to prevent injury w TQ palcement

use padding, keep it visible, tighten high enough to compleetely occlude arteries and arterioles, a wide TQ and padding, remove ASAP p bleeding controlled.

early s/s hypovolemic shock in adults

gradual increase in rate/depth of resp. Tachpynea to decrease Co2 and compensate for cellular acidosis since inadequate circulating volume causes cellular hypoxia and anaerobic cellular metabolism.

When do coagulapathies develop after autotransfusion

When the amt of blood auto transfused is 25-50% of total blood volume-- there is a dilution of clotting factors which can result in coagulopathies.

What do you add to the collection bag of auto transfusions in order to prevent clotting during collection and plugging the filter?

Citrate phosphate dextrose.

Auto transfused blood shouldn't be held for more than _____ because of the increased risk of infx

4-6 hours.

Absolute contraindication to administration of recombinant human activated protein C (Tigris) in pt's with multiple organ failure

presence of bleeding risk

when is antivenin most therapeutic p a bite?

within 4 hours. There is limited value p 12 hours.

Grade the following s/p rattlesnake bite:

Severe pain over bite area, edema 25cm spreading toward the trunk, petechiae and ecchymosis in the edematous area, N/V, hypoTN...

Grade 2- moderate s/s envenomation

Pt presents hyperthermic, confused, hallucinating, tachypenic, pulmonary edema, dehydrated with evicence of renal failure... using OTC arthritis meds and Pepto-Bismol for her upset stomach. This is probably due to toxic levels of what substance?

ASA toxicity. Chronic use of salicylate in the elderly is frequently undx or confused with other disease states. Neurotoxicity is common with ASA toxicity-- but not common with tylenol/ibuprofen

Pupils of suspected opiate ingestion and pt w AMS?

pinpoint fixed pupils are expected of pt's with opioid ingestion.

pupils of pt who ingested CNS stimulants or hallucinogens

dilated but reactive to light.

Pupils of THC ingestion pt

equal with constriction to light

Rate TBSA:

Superficial partial thickness burn to entire R leg, full thickness to anterior portion of L leg superficial burn to chest

27%. Leg is 18% and anterior leg is 9%=27% Superficial are not calculated into the TBSA of a burn injury

Antidote for hydrofluouric acid-- what happens with copious use of H2O?

calcium gluconate.

Unlike alkali and acid burns, HF penetrates the skin and affects calcium in bone and tissue.

H20 can actually exacerbate the burn

When does American Burn Assoc recommend Tx at a burn center

>10% TBSA

Chemical/inhalation burns

Burns involving face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or major joints

Pt w electrical burns including lightning injuries

What substance is suspected in this pt:

Suffenly disoriented, drowsy, w/ decreased RR minutes p ingesting a cocktail. Following Resp arrest, the pt was quickly resuscitated but remained difficult to arouse. Within 4 hrs pt A&O but with ℅ amnesia.

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) s/s include confusion and rest. depression occur rapidly and are usually short in duration

Pt presents w/ lacrimation, salivation, N/V, bradycardia p ingesting blackberries... what should the RN administer?

Atropine. The pt is experiencing s/s of nerve agent poisoning from organophosphates on the blackberries. Nerve agents fx by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinestrase (AChE) allowing excess accumulation of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions causing overstim of the organs.

String ray bite and hot water immersion DC'd when

Pt has relief of pain. Stingray vensum is heat labile and will dissipate with soaking in warm to hot water.

Tx of cocaine OD that manifests as ACS is

Nitroglycerin (Tridil) has been shown to reverse the effects of vasoconstriction caused by cocaine overdose.

Propranolol has been shown to worsen effects of ACS.