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145 Cards in this Set

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all reactions in body that involve energy transformations
Metabolism divided into
breaks down molecules and releases energy
-is the primary source of energy for making ATP
makes larger molecules and requires energy
-source of body's large energy-storage compunds
Aerobic cellular respiration
series of chemical reactions whereby glucose (or other moelecues) and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide and water in the process of making adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
1 glucose molecule can be made into
30-38 ATP molecules
Anaerobic cellular respiration
series of chemical reactions whereby glucose (no oxygen) is converted into carbon dioxide and water in the process of making ATP
1 glucose molecule can be made into
2 ATP molecules
Both aerobic and anaerobic respirations begin with
metabolic pathway by which glucose (C6H12O6) is converted to 2 pyruvates
-pyruvic acid
-occurs in cytoplasm
-does not require oxygen
Glycolysis net equation
glucose+2NAD+2ADP+2Pi> 2pyruvates+2NADH+2ATP
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
NAD carries
Glycolysis prodouces net gain of
2ATPs and 2NADHs
Glycolysis involves _ indivual steps
Step 1 glycolysis
-Glucose must be activated with ATP (phosphorylation) before energy can be ontained
-phosphorylation traps glucose inside cell by forming glucose 6-phosphate
Step 2 glycolysis
glucose 6-phosphate is converted to its isomer fructose 6-phosphate
Step 3 glycolysis
another ATP is used to form fructose 1, 6-biphosphate
Step 4 glycolysis
fructose 1, 6 -biphosphate is converted into two 3C molecules, 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde
Step 5 glycolysis
2 pairs of hydrogens are removed and added to NAD forming NADH and 1,3-biphosphoglyceric acid
Step 6 glycolysis
a phosphate is removed from each 1, 3-biphosphoglyceric acid forming 2 ATP and 3-phosphoglyceric acid
Step 7 Glycolysis
3-phosphoglyceric acid is changed to the isomer 2-phosphoglyceric acid
Step 8 Glycolysis
2-phosphoglyceric acid is changed to the isomer phosphoenolpyruvic acid
Step 9 glycolysis
last phosphate is removed from phosphoenolpyruvic acid forming 2 more ATP and pyruvic acid
-Net gain of 2ATP
To avoid end-product inhibition,
there must be sufficient NAD
-NADHs produced in glycolysis need to give Hs away
Anaerobic respiration aka
lactic acid fermentation
Lactic acid is formed when
NADH gives its Hs to pyruvate (in absense of O2)
Lactic acid is the cause for
-muscle fatigue
-cell death in excessive high concentrations
RBCs dont' have _ so they use _
mitochondria, lactic acid pathway
Step 5 glycolysis
2 pairs of hydrogens are removed and added to NAD forming NADH and 1,3-biphosphoglyceric acid
Step 6 glycolysis
a phosphate is removed from each 1, 3-biphosphoglyceric acid forming 2 ATP and 3-phosphoglyceric acid
Step 7 Glycolysis
3-phosphoglyceric acid is changed to the isomer 2-phosphoglyceric acid
Step 8 Glycolysis
2-phosphoglyceric acid is changed to the isomer phosphoenolpyruvic acid
Step 9 glycolysis
last phosphate is removed from phosphoenolpyruvic acid forming 2 more ATP and pyruvic acid
-Net gain of 2ATP
To avoid end-product inhibition,
there must be sufficient NAD
-NADHs produced in glycolysis need to give Hs away
Anaerobic respiration aka
lactic acid fermentation
Lactic acid is formed when
NADH gives its Hs to pyruvate (in absense of O2)
Lactic acid is the cause for
-muscle fatigue
-cell death in excessive high concentrations
RBCs dont' have _ so they use _
mitochondria, lactic acid pathway
Why can't cells store a lot of seperate glucose molecules?
because the osmotic pressure would draw large amounts of water into cells, instead some organs store glucose as glycogen
process of polymerizing glucose into glycogen
Step 1 glycongenesis
glucose is converted to glucose 6-phosphate
Step 2 glycongenesis
glucose 6-phosphate is then converted to its isomer, glucose 1-phosphate
Step 3 glycongenesis
enzyme glycogen synthase removes phosphates as it polymerizes glucose to form glycogen
conversion of glycogen to glucose 6-phosphate
what enzyme removes phosphate to free glucose?
glucose 6-phosphatase from liver to blood
Step 1 glycogenolysis
glycogen is catalyzed by glycogen phophorylase
Step 2 glycogenolysis
glucose 1-phosphate is formed
Step 3 glycogenolysis
glucose 6-phosphate is converted
-can be used for glycolysis by skeletal muscle
Cori cycle
2-way traffic between skeletal muscle and the liver
Most of _ produced in _ respiration is eliminated by _respiration where is made into _ and _.
lactic acid, anaerobic, aerobic, CO2 and H2O
Lactic acid dehydrogenase converts
lactic acid to pyruvic acid to glucose 6-phosphate
Some of the _ produced in _ goes to _ where it is converted back to _
lactic acid, anaerobic, liver pyruvate
In cori cycle, _ can then be converted to _ or _
glucose 6-phosphate, free glucose, glycogen
Aerobic respiration is preceded by
glycolysis (2 pyruvates, 2
what is the end product of aerobic respiration?
CO2, H2O and ATP
Step 1 Aerobic Respiration
pyruvic acid leaves the cytoplasm and enters the mitochondria
Step 2 Aerobic respiration
CO2 is enzymatically removed from each 3-carbon long pyruvic acid to form a 2-carbon long acetic acid
Step 3 Aerobic respiration
the acetic acid is combined with a coenzyme, Coenzyme A= Acetyl conenzyme A
acetyl CoA=_ C molecule
2 carbon molecule
1 pyruvic acid converted into _ molecules of _ and _ of _
one, acetylCoA, one, CO2
1 glucose converted into _ molecules of _ and _ of _
two, acetylCoA, two, CO2
Oxygen derive in CO2 is derived from _ not from _ gas
pyruvic acid, oxygen
Energy in _is extracted during aerobic respiration in _
acetylCoA, mitochondria
CO2 is goes to
the lungs
During glycolysis, 1 glucose>
2 pyruvate
1 pyruvate (3 carbon)> _
1 acetylCoA + 1 CO2
1 glucose>
2 acetyl CoA + 2CO2
Oxygen in CO2 is not from breathed O2 gas, it's from
Kreb cycle aka _ aka _
citric acid cyle, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
1 acetyl CofA (2 carbons) combines with _ to form _
oxaloacetic acid (4 carbons), citric acid (6C carbon)
In kreb cycle, 1 guanosine triphosphate (GTP) which donates a _ to _ to produce _.
phosphate group, ADP, ATP
3 molecules of NAD are reduced to
1 molecule of FAD is reduced to
_ and _ carry electrons to _
NADH, FADH2, electron transport chain (ETC)
Byproducts of kreb cycle
2 more CO2 (waste)
ETC is a _ on _
linked series of proteins, foldings of mitochondria
Foldinds of mitochondria
Proteins in michondria include
flavin mononucelotide FMN
conenzyme Q
iron containing pigments (cytochromes)
cytochromes are
iron pigments found in cristae
_ and _ are regenerated to shuttle more _ from _ to _
NAD, FAD, electrons, krebs cycle, ETC
_ and _ are _ when by transferring their electrons to _
NADH, FADH2, oxidized, ETC
Exergonic process is
ETC reduces electrons and oxydizes at the same time
Energy gained from exergonic process is used to _ _ to _.
phosphorylation of ADP, ATP
Oxydative phosphorylation is
the production of ATP though the coupling of the ET system with phosphorylation of ADP
Chemiosmotic theory states
energy gathered by ETC by the passage of e- is used to pump H+ into mitochondria outer chamber
-creates high H+ concentration
ATP synthasis
_ added to the beginning of _ by _ and _ are passed along until they reach the last member of ETC (_)
e-, ETC, NADH and FADH2, cytochrome a3
_ is reduced and serves as the final e- acceptor by combining with _ to form _
O2, 4H+, H2O
O2+4e-+4H >
2 H2O
_ is deadly because it blocks transfer of _ to _
cyanide, e-, cytochrome a3
ATP can be made in 2 ways
-Direct (substrate level)phosphorylation
-oxidative phosphorylation
Direct phosphorylation is where
ATP is generated when bonds break (i.g.glycolysis and 2 ATPs/glucose in krebs)
Oxidative phosphorylation is where
ATP is generated by ETC, 30-32 ATPs made this way
-H+s pass thru ATP synthase to generate ATP
theoretically yields _ ATPs/glucose
36-38, however some ATPs are used to pump ATPs out of mitochondria
_ ATPs/ glucose include
26 ATP produced in ETC
2 from glycolysis
2 from direct phosphorylation in Krebs
For energy, Fats can be _ to _ and _
hydrolyzed, glycerol and fatty acids
-can be modified to run thru Krebs to make ATP
For energym Proteins can be broken down to _, which can be _, converted into _ and run through krebs
amino acids, deaminated, pyruvate
When more _ is taken in than consumed _ is inhibited
energy (food)
ATP sysnthesis
-we do not store ATP
_ converted into _ and _ can be broken down to form _
When _ is going to be converted to _, _ first occurs forming _, which is converted to _
_ is a common substrate for energy and synthetic pathways because it can be sent to _ or made into
bile salts
steroid hormones
fatty acids
_ + _= fat (triglycerides)
fatty acids
fat production occurs mainly in
adipose and liver tisse when blood glucose are high after meal
1 g fat= _ _kilocalories of energy vs. 1 g carbohydrate= _kilocaries of energy
Lypolysis is the
breakdown of fat into free fatty acids and glycerol via hydrolysis by lipase
Lypolysis breaks down triglyceride to
fatty acid chains
Some organs use glycerol to form _
Most fatty acids are used in a process called
beta oxidation
Fatty acid chains are
long hydrocarbons with COOH at end
A _ C fatty acid chain can yield _ C acetyl CoA molecules
Each acetylCoA molecule can run through krebs giving _ ATPs
note:oxidative phosphorylation can make 28 ATP per 16 C fatty acid chain
Each acetylCoA can result in _ and _
beta oxidation total
108 ATP from 16 carbon chain
Brown fat is a major site for
thermogenesis in the newborn
-amount greatest at time of birth
Brown fat not a major source of energy because it produces _ protein
Uncoupling protein caused _ to leak out of inner mitochondiral membrane thus fewer H+ pass through ATP synthase making less _
Lower ATP causes ETC to be _ which generates _ instead of ATP
more active
Triglycerides are continually broken down forming _ and _ and _ to ensure its contained for aerobic respiration by other organs
fatty acids
During fasting and diabetes
-rate of lipolysis exceeds fatty acid utilization
-blood fatty acid increases
If liver (ATP) are sufficient so that it is not being made, some _ will enter metabolic pathway forming _
ketone bodies
Ketone bodies include
acetoacetic acid
beta hydroxybutric acid
In fasting conditions, fat metabolites
too high in blood
too high in urine
-gives breath an acetone (sweet)
Nitrogen ingested primarily as _ which is used in body as _
amino acids
Excess N is excreted mainly as _
N balance=
N ingested-N excreted
Positive N balance
more N ingested than extreted bc used in protein synthesis
Negative N balance
less N ingested than excreted bc proteins are broken down
Excess amino acids can be _ converted into _ and _
_ used to build all proteins
20 amino acids
_ can be produced by body
nonessential amino acids
_ must come from diet
essential amino acids
addition of amine (NH2) to pyruvate or krebs cycle acids called "keto acids" (ketone functional) to make new amino acid
Note- not confuse with ketone bodies that derive from acetylCoA
Transaminase is
an enzyme that catalyzes in transamination
Oxidative deamination is the process by which
excess amino acids are eliminated
Steps Oxidative deamination
-NH2 is removed from glutamic acid forming keto acid and ammonia
Ammonia is converted to
urea and excreted
Keto acid goes to
Krebs or to fat or glucose
Main substrates for gluconeogenesis
lactic acid
Gluconeogenesis is the formation of
glucose from non-carbohydrates
Brain uses _ as its major source of energy
Under fasting conditions, blood glucose is supplied mostly from _ via _ and _