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66 Cards in this Set

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to release NRG, in starch/sucrose, what must happen?

The must be broken down into glucose

when glucose is broken down, in does what

enters respiration

Repiraiton: in the presence of _______ glucose is broken down to CO2 and water


The release of NRG is captured in what


respiration is

reverse photosynthesis

e- is transferred from carbohydrates by ____

reduced NADH

NADH carries electrons to ______ which deposits them on _____

etc, oxygen

As e- are added, ___ are attracted and oxygen is converted in water

Hydrogen ions

Steps of respiration

1. glycolysis 2. acetyl coenzyme A formation 3. krebs cycle 4. electron transport chain 5. chemiosmosis and oxidative phosphorylation

what is glycolysis

taking glucose and making it into pyruvate

After glycolysis, the pyruvate makes what

Acetyl COA

krebs cycle produces what


chemiosmosis and oxidate phosphorylation is comparable to what

ATP synthase complex

Where does cellular respiration occur


what function of CR occurs in the cytoplasm/


what function of CR occurs in the matrix

Acetyl CoA and Krebs cycle

What functions of CR occur in the critsae

ETC, and oxidative phosphorylation

IS O required for glycolysis


In Glyco., glucose (6-C) split into two what?

pyruvate (3-C)

In glyco., NRG is captured as _______ or is contained in pyruvate


What is the net gain of glyco.

2 ATP per glucose

glyco means


lysis means


aerobic respiration

oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor

anaerobic respiration

fermentation, respiration occurs without oxygen

fermentation is ____

respiration without oxygen

In fermentation, pyruvate is broken down into what?

ethyl alcohol and CO2

In animals, the byproduct of anaerobic respiration is NOT ethyl alcohol, but ____

lactic acid (muscle fatigue)

After glyco., pyruvate moves from cytoplasm to ____

the matrix

In the matrix, CO2 is

split off from pyruvate

Acetyl group (2-c) +coenzyme A (CoA) ->

acetyle CoA

In Acetyl CoA, for each glucose molecule, what is make?

2 pyruvate from glycolysis, and 2 acetyl groups enter the krebs cycle

Krebs cycle is also called

citric acid cycle

Acetyl CoA transfers acetyl group to what?


During the transfer of acetyl groups to oxaloacetate, what is yielded?

citrate (6-c)

1 acetyl group is oxidized to

2 CO2

Most NRG from krebs cycle is transfers to NAD and FAD to become what?


One krebs cycles produces

3 NADH and 1 FADH

What happens to oxaloacetate during krebs cycle

it is regenerated

For each glucose molecule, how many acetyl groups enter cycle


for each glucose molecule, how many ATP enter cycle

2 atp

For each glucose molecule, how many NADH enter krebs cycle


the electron transport chain is broken down into 4 subunit ______ ________

protein complexes

Complex 1of electron transport chain

oxidizes NADH to NAD+ and reduce ubiquinone to ubiquinol

Complex 2 of electron transport chain

1. oxidizes FADH into FAD and reduce ubiquinone

2. ubiquinone carries e- from complexes I and II to complex III

What happens in ETC complex III

E- pass from ubiquinol to cytochrome c

cytochrome c transfers 1 e- at a time from complex III to complex IV

complex IV

oxygen is reduced to water

the ETC creates a __________________-

hydrogen concentration gradient

the hydrogen concentration gradient causes ______- to occur


NADH and FADH2 become

NAD+ and FAD

NAD and FAD can be used again where

krebs cycle

chemiosmosis is the

flow of Hydorgen

hydrogen flows through the what?

ATP synthase complex

NRG is captured in ATP because

Hydrogen diffuse back into the matrix because the concentration gradient

oxidative phosphoylation refers to

converting ADP to ATP

why is it called OXIDATIVE

oxygen is the final electron acceptor

NRG is captured in what?


At the end of it all, how many ATP are generated from 1 glucose molecule?

up to 34

How many ATP are yielded before the last step


in aerobic respiration, what is the maximum yield from 1 glucose


What are environmental factors that may affect cellular respiration?

1. temperature

2. oxygen availability

10˚Cincrease between 5˚C and 25˚C

doublesrespiration rate

above 30 c

slower increases

below 5 c

rate greatly decrease3s

above 40 c

rate greatly decreases

oxygen availibility changes at night because

there is no photosynthesis, stomata may close