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135 Cards in this Set

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What are organelles
organelles are specialized structures that have specific shapes
What is the cytoskeleton?
skeleton of a cell (holds the cells together)
What are microtubules composed of?
protein called tubulin
What do microtubules do?
The help determine the shape and function in th intracellular trasport of organelles
What are centrosomes
they are dense areas of cytoplasm
What are cilia and flagella
cillia are hairlike projections and flagella is similar but larger and moves the entire cell (sperm)
ribosome are tiny spheres consisting of ribosomal RNA andserveral ribosomal proteins; they occur freely or together with
endoplasmic reticulum
Functionally ribosomes are the sites of
protein synthesis (where proteins are converted)
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)is a network of membranes that form
flattened sacs or tubules called cisterns
Rough ER is where you can find
What is the Golgi complex
consists of four to six stcked flattened membranous sacs
What is the principal function of Golgi complex is to
process, sort and deliver proteins and lipids to the plasma membrane, lysosomes, and seccretory vesicles
What are Lysosomes?
are powerful digestive enzymes that clean out the cellular contents
Perioxosomes are similar in structure to lysosomes but are
Mitochondria are little...
power stations shaped like kidney beans
Mitochondria are the site of
ATP (how we rate energy in the body) (gasoline of the body)
DNA is always located in the
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of
the cell
the nucleus is usually the most prominent feature of
a cell
most body cells have a single nucleus some red blood cells have
the parts of the nucleus include the
nuclear envelope whis is perforated by channels called nuclear pores,nucleoli, and genetic material (DNA)
Each chromosome is a long molecule of
DNA coiled together with several proteins
Human somatic cells have how many chromosomes
46 arranged in 23 pairs
What is an organelle
highly organized sub cellular structure characteristic of shape
cilia is numerous...
short hairlike projections that extend from the surface
are similar in structure to the cilia but are much stronger and move their entire body
flagella are an example in the human body as...
cytosol is fluid from
cytoplasm that surround organelles constitutes about 55% of total cell volume
microvilli is nonmotile bicroscopic finger like projections of the plasma membrane involved in absorption they are abundant....
on the surgace of the cell
What does epithelial tissue ?
covers the body surgaces, lines organs, body cavities, and ducts; and forms glands
What is connective tissue>
protects and supports the body and its organs, binds organs together, stores energy reserves as fat, and provides immunity
What is muscle tissue
it is responsible for movement and generation of force
What is nervous tissue
initiates and transmits action potentials (nerve impulses)helps coordinate body activities
How are epithelial cells arranged
in sheets either single or multiple layers
Where is the apical surgace and a basal surface
top of cell and bottom
What does epithelial tissue adhere to
connective tissue via a thin extracellular layer, the basement membrane
Is epithelial tissue avascular or vascular
How does epithelial tissue exchange of materials between adjacent connective tissues
is by diffusion
Does epithelial have a nerve supply
Functions of the epithelia include
protection filtration lubrication secretion digestion absorption transportation excretion sensory reception and reproduction
Name the types of layers of epithelial tissue
simple, stratified, and pseudostratified
Name the epithelial cell shapes
squamous (flat), cuboidal (cubelike), columnar (rectangular), and transitional (Variable)
Simple squamous epithelium consists of a
single layer of flat, scale like cells
It is adapted for diffusion and filtration and is found in
the lungs and kidneys
Endothelium lines the
heart and blood vessels
Mesothelium lines the
thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities and covers the organs within them
Simple cuboidal epithelium consists of a simple layer of
cube shaped cells and performs the functions of secretion and absorption
Simple columnar epithelium sonsists of a single layer of
rectangular cells and can exist in two forms
What forms can simple columnar exist in
ciliate and non-ciliated
Non ciliated simple columnar epithelium contains.....
microvilli to increase surface and the rate of absorption
Goblet Cells secrete
Ciliated simple columnar epithelium are found
in the lining of the intestinal tract
Cilia and flagella help
move fluids or particles along a surgace
Stratified epithelium have atleast two layers of
Stratified epithelium is a more.....
durable and protective tissue
the name of teh specific kind of stratified epithelium depends on the
shape of the cells
Stratified squamous epithelium consists of several layers of cells in which the top layer of cells is
flat and the deeper cells vary in shape from cuboidal to colunar
the basal cells replicate by
mitosis and ultimately work their way to the surface
What is Keratin
keratin is a strong protein that protects a cell
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is
tough and repels bacteria
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium does not contain
keratin and remains most
Stratified cuboidal epithelium is a rare tissue consisting of two or more layers of of cube shaped cells whose function is
mainly protective
What is transition epithelium
consists of several layers of cells whose appearance is variable
Transitional epithelium lines the
bladder and portions of the ureters and the urethra
Pseudostratified epithelium has only one layer but gives the appearance as
of many
Glandular epithelium is a
single cell gland or a mass of epithelial cells adapted for secretion
Endocrine glands are
ductless and their secretory products (hormones) enter the extracellular fluid and diffuse into the blood
Exocrine glands are
sweat, oil, and digestive glands that secrete into ducts that empty at the surface of covering and lining epithelium or directly onto a free surface
The structural classification of exocrine glands are
unicellular glands and multicellular glands
What are unicellular glands
are signel celled such as the goblet cell
What are multicellular glands
are composed of cells that form a distinctive microscopic structure or macroscopic organ, such as sweat, oil and salivary glands
Membranes are
flat sheets of pliable tissue that cover or line a part of the body
What do epithelial membranes consist of
epithelial layer and an underlying connective tissue layer and include mucous membranes, serous membranes, and the cutaneous membrane or skin
Where are mucous membranes found and what do they line
the gastrointestinal tract and are usually found in areas open to the exterior
The epithelial layer of a mucous membrane is an important aspect of the body's defense mechanisms, acting as a
barrier to pathogens and a trapping surface for particles
The connective tissue layer of a mucous membrane is called
a serous membrane, or serosa, lines a body cavity that does not open directly to the exterior and covers the organs that lie within the cavity. Name some examples:
pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum
Synovial membranes line hoint cavities, bursae, and tendon sheaths and do not contain what
Synovial membranes secrete a lubricating
synovial fluid
List three types of intercellular fibers in connective tissue
collagen fibers, elastic fibers, reticular fibers
Collagen fibers are composed of the protein collagen, are very tough and resistant to stretching, yet allow some flexibility in tissue; they are found in
bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments
Elastic fibers, composed of the protein elastin, provide strenght and stretching capacity and are found in
skin, blood vessels, and lungs
Reticular fibers, consisting of collagen and glycoprotein, provide support in the walls of blood vessels and form a strong, supporting network around
fat cells, nerve fibers, and skeletal and smooth muscle fibers
List the types of cells in connective tissue
fibroblast, macrophages, plasma cells mast cells, adipocytes and white blood cells
fibroblasts secrete
fibers and matrix
macrophages or histiocytes which develop from
monocytes and are phagocytic
Immature cells have names that end in
Mature cells have names that end in
What cell produces histamines
mast cells
adipocytes are
fat cells
The ground substance and fibers deposited in the space between the cells are called
substances found in the ground substance include
hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and keratan sulfate
the function of ground substance is that it supports
binds, and provides a medium for the exchange of materials between the blood and cells
Embryonic connective tissue is
connective tissue that is present primarily in the embryo or fetus
Mesenchyme is found almost exclusively
in the embryo
Mucous connective tissue is called
Wharton's Jelly
Wharton's Jelly is found
in the umbilical cord of the fetus
What are some types of mature connective tissue
found in the newborn: connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone tissue, and blood, Subtypes include loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood
Loose connective tissue consists of all three types of fibers, several types of cells, and a
semifluid ground substance
Name a prime example of loose connective tissue
areolar connective tissue
What does the ground substance do
it aids the passage of nutrients
Where can you find areolar connective tissue
in the subcutaneous layer
What does Adipose tissue consist of
adipocytes which are specialized for storage of the triglycerides
Where is adipose tissue found
it is found wherever areolar tissue is located
What does adipose tissue do
it reduces heat loss through out the skin serves as an energy reseve, supports, protects, and
generates considerable heat to help maintain proper body temp in newborns
Reticular connective tissue consists of
fine interlacing reticular fibers and reticular cells
Dese regular connective tissue consists of bundles of collagen fibers in a regular and
orderly, parallel arrangement
Dense irregular connective tissue contains collagen fibers that are
are irregular and are all over the place
Where can you find dense irregular connective tissue
found in heart vlaves, the perichondrium, the tissue surrounding cartilage, and the periosteum
What does elastic connective tissue consist of
elastic fibers and fibroblasts
What does collagen consist of
a dense network of collagen fibers and elastic fibers embedded in chondroitin sulfate
Unlike other connective tissue cartilage has no
blood vessels or nerves except in the perichodrium
Chondrocytes occur with spaces called
lacunae in the matrix
There are three types of major cartilage, what are they
Hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartialge is the most abundant but the
weakest type of cartilage and has fine collagen fibers embedded in a gel type matrix
Gibrocartilage contains bundles of collagen fibers in its
matrix but as no perichondium
Elastic cartilage contains a threalike network of elastic fibers within the
matrix and it has a perichondium
Elastic cartilage helps maintain the
shape of certain organs
Bone is
osseus tissue
What does bone consist of
matrix containing mineral salts and collagenous fibers and cells called osteocytes
Bone is classified as either
compact or spongy
Compact bone is the
osteon or haversian system consisting of 4 parts
The haversian system consists of 4 parts name them
lamella, lacunae, canaliculi, and the haversian canal
Lamellae are concentricrings of
matrix that consist of mineral salts tha give bone its hardness
lacunae are small spaces between lamellae that contain
mature bones cells called osteocytes
Canaliculi are minute canals containing processes of osteocytes that provide
routes for nutrient and waste transport
The central haversian canal contains
blood vessels and nerves
spongy bones has
trabeculae rather than osteons
If no trabeculae is mentioned than it is
a compact bone
Blood is a vascular tissue that consists of a liquid matrix called
red blood cells have no nucleus and they live about
30 days
red blood cells are called
white blood cells are called
Platelets are called
Thrombocytes function are
blood clotting