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43 Cards in this Set

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Functions of Epithelium tissue (5)
1. Diffusion
2. secretion
3. absorption
4. ion transport
5. filtration
Functions of Connective Tissue (5)
1. connect tissue and organs together
2. form basis of the skeleton
3. store and carry nutrients
4. surround all the blood vessels and nerves of the body
5. Lead the body's fight against infection
Function of Muscle Tissue
Bring about most kinds of movement
Functions of the Nervous tissue
regulate and control body function
Connective tissue classes
fibroblasts and a matrix of tissue fluid, collagen, and elastin fibers –
subcutaneous where it connects skin to muscles and in mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts
mostly elastin fibers (matrix) with few fibroblasts – walls of large arteries and around alveoli in lungs – helps maintain blood pressure and promotes normal exhalation
mostly collagen fibers (matrix) with few fibroblasts – tendons and regular ligaments and irregular dermis – provides strength to inner layer of skin and strength to withstand forces of joint movements
Collagen fibers
most common fibers, long, straight, and unbranched.
Elastic fibers
contain the protein elastin and are branched and wavy, returning to their original length after being stretched
Reticular fibers
least common of the three, thinner than collagen fibers, forming a branching, interwoven network in various organs.
most abundant cells responsible for the production and maintenance of the connective tissue fibers and the ground substance.
engulf (phagocytize) pathogens or damaged cells encountered in the tissue
Adipose cells (adipocytes)
A fat cell contains such a large droplet of lipid that the nucleus and other organelles are pushed to one side. The number of cells varies from one tissue type to another, from one region of the body to another, and from one individual to another.
Mast cells
mobile connective tissue cells often found near blood vessels. The cytoplasm is packed with vesicles filled with chemicals that are released to start the body's defence system when the need arises.
Basal Lamina or basement membrane
Supporting sheet, acts as a selective filter determining what molecules from capillaries in the underlying connective tissue are allowed to enter the epithelium, also helps with regeneration of epithelium
smallest, flatest
medium, squar
Column like, tallest
Simple vs stratified
one layer, multiple layers
Simple Squamous epithelium
lines blood vessels, air sacs of lungs- functions in absorption
Simple columnar epithelium, with microvilli
lines small intestine functions in absorption
stratified squamous epithelium
skin, lining of mouth and esophagus functions primarily as a protective layer
pseudostratified, ciliated columnar epithelium
lines nasal cavity and trachea functions in movement of substances along air passageway (a special type)
transitional epithelium
bladder, allows for distension/stretching of the bladdar (a special type)
Exocrine glands
external secretion
secretion onto body surfaces
Endocrine glands
Secretes hormones
internal secretion
Goblet cell
One celled exocrine glands
produces Mucin (which mixed with water makes mucus)
Loose connective (areolar) tissue
Gel like matrix, has fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, white blood cells
Function of Loose connective (areolar) tissue
wraps and cushions organs, it's macrophages phagocytize bacteria, plays a role in inflammation, holds and conveys tissue fluid
Locations of Loose connective
(areolar) tissue
widely distributed under epithelia of body
Dense regular connective tissue
primarily parallel collagen fibers, a few elastic fibers, major cell type is fibroblast
Function of Dense regular connective tissue
Attaches muscles to muscles or bones and bones to bones, withstands great tensile stress when pulling force is applied in one direction
Location of Dense regular connective tissue
Tendons, most ligaments, aponeuroses
Elastic connective tissue
contains high proportion of elastic fibers
Function of elastic connective tissue
allows recoil, maintains flow of blood through arteries, aids passive recoil of lungs following inspiration
Location of Elastic connective tissue
Walls of arteries, within ligaments associated with the vertebral column, within the walls of the bronchial tubes
Adipose connective tissue
matrix but very sparse, closely packed adipocytes or fat cells, have nucleus pushed to the side by large fat droplet
Function Adipose connective tissue
reserve food fuel, insulates, protects organs,
Locations Adipose connective tissue
under skin in the hypodermis, around kidneys and eye balls, within abdomen and breasts
Hyaline Cartilage
most extensive cartilage type in body, forms embryonic skeleton and covers the surfaces of synovial joins
has an extracellular matrix that is formed of primarily collagen fibers and there is little ground substance (intervertebral discs)
Elastic cartilage
has an extracellular matrix containing a preponderance of elastic fibers (ears and nose)