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89 Cards in this Set

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Cell division

Cells come from other cells through this process

Plasma membrane

Cell membrane that separates the inside from the outside


Contains the orgenelles


Controls the cell activities


A membrane bound structure with a cell that carries out specific functions

Parts of a cell...



Moves the entire cell and is only present in some cells


Projections from the cell membrane that move material along cells surface and are present only in some cells


Array of microtubules and proteins that move material and microfilaments during cell division


The fluid inside the cell where most of the chemical reactions occur


Where ingested material and worn out organelles are digested

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Membrane system that makes up the fatty acids and stations detoxifies drugs and stores calcium ions for intercellular signaling

Rough endoplasmic Raticulum

Membrane system attached to ribosomes whe r new proteins and phospholipids are made


A large structure consisting of a nuclear envelope with pores: contains the genetic material that controls and directs cell activities


Floating fiercely in the cytosol, involved in making new proteins

Plasma membrane

Lipid bilayer barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside; controls the flow of materials into and out of the cell and plays a role and communication

Golgi complex

Relay station where newly made proteins are processed and stored in various destinations within the cell


Folded i,error membrane surrounded by smooth outer membrane; makes cells ATP

Lipid bilayer

Flexible barrier made of two layers of phospholipids


Other lipids within the bilayer

Integral proteins

Proteins are firmly embedded into the bilayer

Peripheral n proteins

Proteins are loosely embedded into the bilayer

Glycoproteins s

Sugar attachments

Plasma membrane

Has four basic fuctions

1. Function

Barrier that seprat ed the inside of the cell from its surrondings

2. Function

Transport proteins ; bilayer controls the flow of material into and out of cell via selective permeability

3. Function

External glycolipids on the plasma membrane help identify the cell to immune cells

4. Function

Receptor proteins and some enzymes participate in intercellular signaling

What is selective permeability

Property of a membrane that allows some substances to pass through but not oth r s


Made of networks


Small protein strands that provide mechanical AL support and generate force for movement; anchor proteins within the plasma membrane and provide support for microvilli

Intermediate filaments

They hold orgenelles in place and attach cells to one another


Hollow cylinders each made of nine sets of three microtubules surrounded by proteins called tublins which make up the percicentriod material

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Membrane system that extends from the outer nuclear membrane throughout the cytoplasm


Enzymes called oxidases that remove hydrogen atoms from various molecules such as amin and fatty acids


Break down faulty proteins into peptides

Mitochondrial matrix

Fluid compartment inside the inner membrane

Oxidative phosphorylation

Movement of electrons through the inner membrane of the mitochdria is the coupled making ATP

Nuclear envelope

Enclosed by double membrane

Nuclear pores

Controls movement in and out of nucleus


Made of DNA/ RNA and proteins it makes ribosomes


Non-dividing cell the genetic material is spread out in this form


Dividing cell into genetic material to create structures

Interstitial fluid

Fluid between cells within a tissue


Fluid within a blood vessel


Fluid within lymphatic vessel

Cerebrospinal fluid

Fluid surrondings the brain and spinal cord


Substance that is dissolved within a fluid


A fluid or gas which a solute dissolved in given volume solvent

Concentration gradient

The concentration of a substance between two areas


Process by which so lures move from an area of high concentration to low concentration

Transport proteins

Substance can dissolve in the lipids of the membrane it will pass directly through it

Channels or pores

Tunnels with an opening large enough to allow the substance to pass through


Substance that binds to the outside surface of the carrier

Facilitated diffusion

Diffusion across a membrane with the aid of a transport protein


Diffusion of water through a selective permeability membrane


The solute concentration outside the cell is the same as the inside of the cell

Hypertonic = less

The solute concentration outside the cell is less than the concentration inside the cell

Hypertonic= more

The solute concentration outside the cell is greater than the concentration inside the cell

Active transport

Is the process in which energy is used to move substances across a membrane against a concentration gradient


Use energy from splitting ATP to power the movement of substances


Move a substance against its concentration gradient by combining it with the movement of a second substance down its concentration gradient

Electrically coupled transporters

Move a substance against its concentration gradient by coupling to the movement of electrons across some membranes


Sax move about the cell interior with energy supplied by ATP and contractions of microfilaments would pull them along


Involves ingesting material by forming a vesicle from the plasma membrane sack of ingested material buds off inside the cell and usually fuses with lysosomes


Cell eats large particles such as bacteria viruses and dead cells plasma membrane forms projections called pseudopods the induce the material to form of a circle called phaopsome


The sell drinks by forming small vesicle around droplets of extra cooler fluid

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

When hormones bind to receptors on the plasma membrane


A chemical message by which one cell produces an effect in another cell


A specific molecule or cluster of molecules that recognize and bind a hormone or drug


Proteins or other secretary substances are made within the electromagnet reticulum and transported within vesicles to the Golgi complex


The instructions to build proteins are contained in DNA

Messenger RNA

Copy of DNA is made in the nucleus and is called transcription


Stop copying falls off of DNA and releases the mRNA

Transfer RNA

Brings the amino acids to the ribosomes


Divides into two identical cells


Two rounds of cell division to produce for cells


Sex cell such as an egg or a sperm

Cell cycle

Cell is continually charging from the time it forms until it divides

4 phases for mitosis






Referring to a cell or an organism that has two sets of chromosomes

1. Interphase

Cell prepares for division by making new proteins copying DNA

2. Prophase

Microtubules attach to the centromere of each chromosome in add to the centrioles of centrosomes

3. Metaphase

Chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell and form the metaphase plate

4. Anaphase

Mitotic spindle shortens and pulls the sister chromatids each chromosomes to opposite ends of cell

5. Telephase

Cytoplasm pinches in the middle and divides to form two separate but identical cells

6. Interphase for cells

Identical cells carry out normal functions and grow until the next division


Similar in structure function or sequence of genetic information


Referring to a cell or an organism that has only one set of chromosomes