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170 Cards in this Set

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How are voltage gated K+ channels triggered?
they are triggered to open with depolarization but they open much more slowly than voltage gated Na+ channels. They do not open until Na channels are closed and point of potential inside the cell=+30mv
What are the characteristics of action potentials?
1. Changes in membrane potential caused by time dependent opening and closing of voltage gated channels.
2. always excitatory
3. do not summate
4. all or none response
5. do not travel decrementally
refractory period
a period of reduced excitability during and immediately after an action potential
absolute refractory period
coincides with time period when Na+ channels are either already open and will not be affected by a second stimulus or when inactivation gates are closed and cannot be opened. encompasses all of depolarization and most of repolarization
relative refractory period
occurs immediately after the absolute refractory period when it is impossible to generate an action potential. it is due to increased permeability of K+. Na gates are closed but can be opened
when a cell membrane is depolarized...
Na+ channels are open allowing + charge into cell
the further away from the stimulus, the less depolarization
because of absolute refractory period...
action potential will only travel in one direction.
a phospholipid substance that forms an insulating sheath around many nerve cells
it serves to increase rate of conduction of action potential
nodes of ranvier
spaces between myelin which increases the speed of propagation
salutatory conduction
when action potentials jump from node to node which increases the speed of propagation
how are conduction velocities increased in myelinated and unmyelinated nerves?
when the diameter of the nerve is larger because it is less resistant to flow of current
the junction between the neuron and target cell
presynaptic neuron
neuron that conducts an action potential toward the synapse
postsynaptic neuron
neuron that conducts its action potential away from the synapse
synaptic cleft
space between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons
axon terminal
end of the axon involved with the synapse
synaptic vesicles
vesicles within the axon terminals which store neurotransmitters
voltage gated Ca++ channels
axon terminals have an abundance of these
voltage gated channels open allowing Ca++ into the cell which causes the synaptic vesicles to fuse with docking proteins of the inner surface of the cell membrane
how are neurotransmitters released?
by exocytosis from the synaptic vesicles
how is the neurotransmitter cleared from the synaptic cleft?
diffuses away
broken down by specific enzymes
active re-uptake by the presynaptic neuron
what are excitatory synapses?
any stimulus taht makes a neuron more likely to fire
generate excitatory post synaptic potential
EPSP moves a cell membrane potential closer to threshold
Na moves in and depolarizes the cell
closure of K channels also result in EPSP
may be slow or fast channels at work
what are inhibitory synapses?
any stimulus that makes a cell less likely to fire an action potential
inhibitory post synaptic potential IPSP
IPSP moves membrane potential further from threshold by opening K or Cl channels
efferent neuron
transmit information away from the CNS out to the effectors
cell body located in the CNS
afferent neuron
functions to bring sensory information back to the CNS
typically psuedo unipolar
cell body located outside of CNS and central axons project into the CNS
located almost entirely in the CNS
interconnect neurons with to CNS to integrate sensory information and motor output
account for 99% of neurons in the body
a collection of cell bodies outside of the CNS
what does the efferent division consist of?
somatic nervous system (voluntary)
autonomic- sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric
what does the afferent division consist of?
somatic senses
special senses
visceral senses (sensations from internal organs or blood vessels)
glial cells
most numerous cells
provide physical and biochemical support for neurons
make up differs from central and peripheral nervous systems
schwann cells
create myelin for peripheral nerves
one schwann cell to one nerve
one nerve typically has many schwann cells
secrete neurotrophic factors which help maintain neurons and guide them during repair and development
create myelin for neurons in the CNS
differ from schwann cells in that 1 oligodendrocyte creates myelin for several nerves
induce changes in CNS capillaries to form blood-brain barrier
secrete neurotrophic factors which help direct developing neurons
modulate synaptic activity by secreting factors and/or by removing substances from synaptic clefts
help maintain electrolyte composition of extracellular fluid
able to perform phagocytosis
ependymal cells
create selectively permeable barrier which lines the ventricular sysem of the brain
cilia on the ependymal cells may have potential to serve as neural stem cells
connective tissue layers encasing the brain and spinal cord
dura mater
outermost layer closest to the bone
thick, dense inelastic
consistency of parchment paper
middle filmy layer
lies beneath the arachnoid and contains cerebrospinal fluid
attached to underlying pia mater by strands that resemble a cob web
arteries and veins are within the subarachnoid space
pia mater
closely adheres to the surface of the brain
resembles tissue paper
what is the down side to the blood-brain barrier?
in the case of an infection to the brain, antibiotics cannot get to the infected area easily
cerebrospinal fluid
watery fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord produced by the choroid plexus
surrounds the CNS and fills cavities within CNS (ventricles)
what are the functions of cerebrospinal fluid?
shock absorber
provides route for nutrients/messengers to CNS
removal of waste
arachnoid villi
specialized areas in the arachnoid layer that absorbs cerebrospinal fluid
condition in which the flow of cerebrospinal fluidis obstructed causing an accumulation that may be harmful
blood-brain barrier
created by tight junctions between capillary endothelial cells
restricts movement of hydrophilic substances into the CNS
lipophilic molecules can diffuse directly to CNS through plasma membranes
glucose and the CNS
only source of ATP=metabolism of glucose
brain stores glycogen
in order to ensure adequate resources for glucose, blood flow to the brain must be maintained
stroke (cerebrovascular accident)
results from inadequate supply of blood to the brain which results in neural damage
cerebral cortex (cerebrum)
contains grey and white matter
ridges (gyri) and grooves (sulci)
acts as an integrating center for sensing environment, emotions, intiating movement
carries out the highes level of neural processing
corpus callosum
connects two 2 hemispheres of the cerebrum
frontal lobe
primary motor cortex
parietal lobe
primary somatosensory cortex
occipital lobe
visual cortex
temporal lobe
auditory cortex
"little man"
central sulcus
separates the frontal and parietal lobe
primary motor cortex
located anterior to central sulcus
primary somatosensory cortex
located posterior to central sulcus
somesthetic sensations
sensations from the surface of the body such as touch, pain, temperature, vibration etc.
awareness of ones body position
limbic system
part of the cerebrum
consists of loose association of cortical regions and subcortical nuclei that function together in learning and emotions
basal ganglia
consists of subcortical nuclei
plays a role in modifying movement
inhibits muscle tone
suppresses useless patterns of movement
maintains posture
dopamine is important in this region
what would happen if the limbic system was affected in any way?
difficulty with learning and sensing emotions
loss of motivation
parkinson's disease
associated with a deficiency of dopamine
3 abnormalities- increased muscle tone, resting tremors, and slowness in initiating movements.
cluster of nuclei receiving all sensory information from the body (except smell)
relay and integrating center
helps direct attention to important sensory imput and filter less important stimuli
link between endocrine and nervous system
regulates homeostasis
regulates hunger and thirst
motor coordination and balance
receives information from everywhere and processes
influences rate, range, force and direction of movement
procedural memories
what would happen with damage to cerebellum?
put finger in front of patients face and have them touch it then their nose- they wouldn't be able to do that easily
consists of medulla, pons and midbrain
origin of most cranial nerves
contains reticular formation
received information from spinal cord
location of major integrating centers
reticular formation
reticular activating system which consists of a network of nuclei important for arousal, sleep-wake cycles
grey matter
containing cell bodies and interneurons
occupies the center of the spinal cord
dorsal horn of spinal cord
some sensory (afferent) fibers come into CNS and synapse here
sensory fibers have cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia
ventral horn of spinal cord
cell bodies of efferent neurons originate here
lateral horn of spinal cord
location of cell bodies for autonomic neurons
white matter
contains myelinated axons
axons are highly organized into bundles (tracts)
ascending tracts of white matter
carry information to the brain
descending tracts of white matter
tracts that carry information away from the brain to the spinal cord
a pathway that stays on the side of its origin
a pathway that crosses to the opposite side of its origin
spinal nerves
just outside of the spinal cord information is seperated out into afferent (sensory) and efferent (motor)
where is afferent information transmitted?
fibers located in the dorsal root
where are efferent information transmitted?
fibers contained in the ventral root
a reflex is an automatic, patterned response to a sensory stimulus
i.e.- patellar tendon reflex
what are the five components of a reflex arc?
sensory receptor--> afferent neuron--> integrating center--> efferent neuron--> effector
withdrawal reflex
responsible for withdrawing from a painful stimulus
detect painful stimuli, send information via afferent pathway to the spinal cord
efferent signals are sent out causing contraction of the muscles effecting withdrawal at the same time inhibitory signals are sent to the antagonistic muscles
crossed-extensor reflex
enhancement of withdrawal reflex
occurs as withdrawal reflex but entails a simultaneous response from the opposite leg in order to maintain balance
i.e. when stepping on a tack the other leg with have its extensor muscles activated to support the body as the other leg is withdrawn
pupillary light reflex
shining light into the eye refelexively causes the pupil to constrict
what are the 4 components of voluntary muscle control?
1. an intention to move- cerebral cortex
2. program of motor commands- primary motor cortex, pre motor area and supplemental motor area
3. execution of motor commands-pyramidal tract, extrapyramidal tract, and motor neurons
4. continuous feedback to CNS to adjust
motor neurons
aka- somatic motor neurons
provide efferent signals causing muscles to contract
only excitatory
lower motor neurons
can be excited or inhibited by input from afferent neurons as well as from input from higher centers descending via tracts to motor nuclei
what are the two tracts that descend to exert an effect on motor control?
pyramidal tracts (coritcospinal tracts)
extrapyramidal tracts
pyramidal tracts
important in controlling discrete movements of the distal portion of extremities
fine movement
extrapyramidal tracts
important in controlling large groups of muscles important for posture
upper motor neurons
nuclei of the brainstem projects into the spinal cord via these tracts which are involved with involuntary control of posture and balance
its receptors=cholinergic receptors
what are the two types of cholinergic receptors?
nicotinic cholinergic receptors
interact with nicotine
responses=fast onset, short duration and excitatory
opens channels allowing Na and K to flow
more Na enters the cell
muscarinic cholinergic receptors
metabotropic- G protein coupled receptors
responses activated by second messengers
excitatory or inhibitory
what enzyme breaks down acetylcholine?
receptors= adrenergic
adrenergic receptors
metabotropic- G protein coupled receptors
what enzyme breaks down norepinephrine?
monoamine oxidase
what are the two classes of adrenergic receptors?
alpha (1 and 2)
beta (1 and 2)
somatic division
only innervates skeletal (voluntary) muscle
neurons= somatic motor neurons or lower motor neurons
somatic motor neurons
cell bodies located in ventral horn of spinal cord
exit spinal cord via ventral root and travel entire distance
innervates muscle cells
stimulation results in activation of all the muscle fibers in motor unit
neuromuscular junction
the synapse involving a somatic motor neuron and a muscle fiber
what is the neurotransmitter at all somatic neuromuscular junctions?
motor end plate= on the muscle fiber side of the junction, the specialized area of the cell membrane containing ACH receptors
what type of ACH receptors are at neruomuscular juncitons?
nicotinic cholinergic
discuss signal transmission at the neuromuscular junction
always excitatory
end plate potential
the graded potential at the neuromuscular junction that develops in response to ACH binding to its nicotinic cholinergic receptor
always strong enough to elicit action potential
always excitatory
sympathetic pathways
cell bodies originate in the lateral horn of the spinal cord
fibers originate in the thoracic and lumbar regions
fibers exit ventral root
what are the 3 general anatomic arrangements for sympathetic fibers?
1. short preganglionic fibers exit ventral root and mix with spinal nerve (most common)
2. long preganglionic fibers travel to and synapse on cells within the adrenal medulla of adrenal gland
3. preganglionic fibers exit the ventral root, exit white ramus but do not synapse in sympathetic ganglia but synapse in collateral ganglia
parasympathetic pathways
cell bodies of preganglionic neurons are in the brainstem or sacral spinal cord
parasympathetic cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in the brainstem
cell bodies are in cranial nerve nuclei III, VII, IX, X
X cranial nerve (vagus nerve) provides parasympathetic input to heart, lungs, stomach, liver, small intestine
parasympathetic cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in the sacral spinal cord
cell bodies in lateral horn
parasympathetic pregaglionic fibers do not run in spinal nerves they run in their own distinct nerves
what is the neurotransmitter released from preganglionic fibers at sympathetic ganglia?
what are the receptors on postganglionic cells at sympathetic ganglia?
nicotinic cholinergic
what neurotransmitter is released from postganglionic sympathetic fibers?
except the sympathetic fibers innervating sweat glands release ACH
post ganglionic cells in adrenal medulla secrete promarily epinephrine
what neurotransmitter is released from preganglionic fibers at parasympathetic ganglia?
what are the receptors on postganglionic cells of the parasympathetic system?
nicotinic cholinergic
what neurotransmitter do postganglionic parasympathetic fibers release?
what are the 3 general anatomic arrangements for sympathetic fibers?
1. short preganglionic fibers exit ventral root and mix with spinal nerve (most common)
2. long preganglionic fibers travel to and synapse on cells within the adrenal medulla of adrenal gland
3. preganglionic fibers exit the ventral root, exit white ramus but do not synapse in sympathetic ganglia but synapse in collateral ganglia
parasympathetic pathways
cell bodies of preganglionic neurons are in the brainstem or sacral spinal cord
parasympathetic cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in the brainstem
cell bodies are in cranial nerve nuclei III, VII, IX, X
X cranial nerve (vagus nerve) provides parasympathetic input to heart, lungs, stomach, liver, small intestine
parasympathetic cell bodies of preganglionic neurons in the sacral spinal cord
cell bodies in lateral horn
parasympathetic pregaglionic fibers do not run in spinal nerves they run in their own distinct nerves
what is the neurotransmitter released from preganglionic fibers at sympathetic ganglia?
what are the receptors on postganglionic cells at sympathetic ganglia?
nicotinic cholinergic
what neurotransmitter is released from postganglionic sympathetic fibers?
except the sympathetic fibers innervating sweat glands release ACH
post ganglionic cells in adrenal medulla secrete promarily epinephrine
what neurotransmitter is released from preganglionic fibers at parasympathetic ganglia?
what are the receptors on postganglionic cells of the parasympathetic system?
nicotinic cholinergic
what neurotransmitter do postganglionic parasympathetic fibers release?
what are the receptors for postganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
muscarinic cholinergic
what does the sensory nervous system include?
sensory receptor cells that receive information from the external or internal environment
afferent pathways that transmit this information to the CNS
parts of the brain that process the information from the sensory receptors
sensory information
information detected by sensory receptors
may or may not be conscious detection
when sensory information is brought to the level of consciousness
a person's understanding of the sensation
visceral receptors
sensory receptors that detect information from within the body
i.e. monitoring blood pressure
visceral afferents
afferent fibers which transmit information from these receptors
what are the general categories of the sensory system?
1. somatosensory- monitors sensations associated with the skin
2. special senses
3. visceral sensation
sensory receptors
specialized structures which detect a specific form of energy
may be specialized at the peripheral end of an afferent neuron
my be a separate cell that communicates with an afferent neuron via chemical synapse
a change detectable by the body
this change is in the form of energy which impinges upon and activates a sensory receptor
refers to the type of stimulus energy (temperature, light, pressure etc)
adequate stimulus
the type of energy to which a particular receptor responds in normal functioning
law of specific nerve energies
states that a given sensory receptor is specific for a particular modality
a specific receptor is most sensitive to a specific stimulus but it can respond to other stimuli if strong enough
sensory transductions
the process of converting energy of a sensory stimulus into changes of membrane potential
receptor potentials
the changes in membrane potential which are created by activation of a sensory receptor
graded potentials
triggered by sensory stimuli
slowly adapting receptors (tonic receptors)
these receptors show little adaption to constant stimulation
will signal CNS as long as stim present
this stimuli must be closely monitored
rapidly adapting receptors (phasic receptors)
these receptors adapt quickly and function best in detecting changes in stimulus intensity
fire when stimulus begins and ends
allow brain to ignore non threats
level of organization that is also seen in the fact that specific neural pathways which transmit information for a particular sensory modality follow this particular pathway
sensory unit
a single sensory neuron and all the receptors associated with it.
all of these receptors will be of the same type
receptive field
typically denotes an area of skin in which a stimulus can cause a response in an afferent neuron
this area corresponds to the area covered by receptors innervated by a single afferent neuron
sensory coding
the mechanism by which the nervous system identifies the type, strength, and location of a stimulus
coding for type
the type is coded for by the type of receptor that is stimulated
coding for intensity
is coded by the total number of action potentials sent to the integrating center
how can the number of action potentials vary?
altering the frequency of action potentials
population coding-stronger stimulus acitvates more receptors
coding for location
receptive field that is activated will give a general sense of location
processing information from overlapping fields
lateral inhibition-functions to increase acuity by increasing contrast in signals to CNS
the precision with which the location of a stimulus is perceived
two point discrimination
minimal distance at which two points can be felt
first order neuron
afferent neuron serving the sensory receptor
carry information to the CNS and synapse with second order neurons
second order neurons
cross over the midline at some point either at the spinal cord level or at the medulla synapse in thalamus with third order neurons
third order neurons
project into somatosensory region of the cerebral cortex
dorsal column pathway
transmits info from mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors to thalamus
first order neurons ascend the spinal cord vial dorsal columns
dorsal column nuclei
in the medulla where first and second order neurons synapse
medial lemniscus
second order nuerons cross over at the level of the medulla via this route
spinothalamic tract
transmits information from thermoreceptors and nocioreceptors to the thalamus (pain and temp)
first order synapse with second order in the dorsal horn
second order cross over and travel up spinothalamic tract to the thalamus where they synapse with the third order which project to somatosensory cortex
sign of tissue damage
teaches us to avoid things
what are the responses associated with perception of pain?
autonomic response
increase BP, HR sweating dialation of pupils
emotional response
fear, anxiety
reflexive withdrawal from pain
gate control theory
based on understanding that there are interneurons on the spinal cord level that can modulate the information as it is passed along the spinal cord
some respond to non painful stimuli
periaqueductal gray matter
site of origin of signals which eventually are transmitted to the spinal cord and block communication between nociceptive afferents and second order neurons
during illness hyperalgesia
wernicke's area
language comprehension
damage= wernicke's aphasia which is a difficulty in understanding language
aka receptive aphasia
posterior temporal and inferior parietal
broca's area
frontal lobe
language expression
broca's aphasia= difficulty in speaking
aka expressive aphasia