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44 Cards in this Set

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Cells and Life Processes

(Chapter 10)

By Grayson Patrick Backman

Cram.com (Chapter 10)

What is a cell?

The basic unit of structure and function in living things.

The basic ????? Of ????? and ????? In living things.

What is Tissue?

A group of similar cells that work together and preform a similar function.

A group of TISSUES that work together and preform a similar function OF BLOWING NOSES.

What is the cell theory?

A wildly accepted explanation of the relationship between cells and living things.

It is accepted world wide...

What is a word for a living thing with many cells?


A living thing with MULTI-ple cells

What are the benefits of being Multicellular?

LARGER SIZE: Larger organisms are prey for fewer predators. Larger predators can eat a variety of prey.

LONGER LIFE: The lifespan of a multicellular organism isn't limited to the lifespan of a single cell.

SPECIALIZATION: Each type of cell has a particular job. Specialization makes the organism more efficient. Just as the specialized cells differ in function, they also differ in structure. Each type of cell has a distinct shape.

One benefit of the three would be either ( [A] Longer life) or

( [B] Shorter life )

What are the smallest parts/units of many compounds?


The answer isn't Atoms but instead is...

Name four types of molecules that are needed for the survival of living things. Explain.

Carbohydrates mainly provide cells with energy.

Lipids have many functions such as forming structures in cells and storing energy.

Proteins form body structures and speed up chemical reactions in living things.

Water helps living things preform these chemical reactions and is essential for life.

The initals are C.L.P.W in any order

What is the maintenance of internal stable condition that is necessary for life functions?


Its not Photosynthesis but instead it is...

For a microscope to be useful, it must have a combination of what two things?

Magnification and Resolution

Magnet and Quality

What is a word for a living thing with only one cell?


One cell, like a UNI-cycle has one wheel...

What is the smallest unit of an element called?


It's Its not Molecules but its...

In what process do collisions push molecules away from one another?


To DEFUSE a bomb that can't be turned off, you need to PULL THE SMALL BOMB PEICES APART so the bomb can't function.

In what process does a cell split into two other almost identical cells?


The cells are being DIVIDED by two or in other words they are in the process called...

The process in which cells capture the energy in sunlight and convert it to energy stored in food is called what?


Not Homeostasis but instead it is...

A group of organs that work together and preform one or more major functions is an...

Organ System

The answer is an Organ ?????

What are the levels of organization in an organ from Smallest to Largest?

Atoms, elements, molecules, compounds, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms.

The initials are... A,E,M,C,C,T,O,OS,O

What are Prokaryotes?

Organisms that do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

Bacteria is the most common type of Prokaryotes which are...

What are organelles?

The structures that compose each cell.

(i.e nucleus, cell membrane, vacuole, etc.)

What is the rigid layer that surrounds the cells of plants and some other organisms?

A Cell Wall

This helps protect and support the cell...

What would happen if a cell had no cell membrane?

There would be harmful materials entering that cell.

What if the gate had no security guard?

What is a large oval structure that acts as a cells control center and directs all of the cells activitys?

The Nucleus


What is the function of a cell membrane?

It Controlls which substances pass in and out of a cell.

It is like a cell's miniature gate...

What are Eukaryotes?

Multicellular organisms that don't have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

Not Prokaryotes but instead...

What is the nucleolus?

Where ribosomes are made.

Not a nucleus, but an...

What is the Cytoplasm?

Something that fills the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

The word Cytoplasm is said Cyto Plasm if you put a SPACE IMBETWEEN...

What do the initials ER stand for?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

WE- WO- WE- WO! It's the amberlance!! XD

What is the job of Mitochondria?

Carrying out cellular respiration and releasing energy the cell can use to live and function.

This helps cells live and function...

What is the

Endoplasmic Reticulum? [ER]

An organelle with a network of membranes that produces many substances.

Its always attached to the nucleus...

What is the Golgi Apparatus?

Something that receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the ER,packages them, and distributes them to other parts of the cell or to the outside of the cell.

It's the mailman, Mr. Golgi!

What is The Vacuole?

Something that stores water, food, or other materials needed by the cells.

Ms. Vacuous works at a bank...

What are Ribosomes?

Small, grain- shaped organelles that produce proteins.

They are created by the Nucleolus...

What is the process where cells capture the suns energy and converts it to energy stored inside food?


Just took a picture of myself, and a picture is also known as a...

What is the term for sacklike organelles filled with substances that break down different peices of food that are too big.


It would be good to have a cleaning product like that, because it is basically a automated recycling bin. Its a good cleaning product, don't try LY ing SO- SOME more about it!

What do sacks do?

Sacks carry things.

Santa's sack is said to be able to carry more gifts then the estimated world population without being too full.

What is a Vesicle?

A small sack that surrounds materials to be moved into or out of a cell.

It is some sort of sack...

What do Centrioles do?

They help organize the movement of chromosomes during cell division.

They look like thin macaroni noodles that are stuck together!

What are the main stages of the cell cycle?

Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis in THAT ORDER!!!

The cell cycle consists of three main stages. These stages are...

What happens during the first main stage of the cell cycle?

A cell grows, makes a copy of its DNA through a process called replication, and prepares to divide into two cells.

The first stage is called Interphase and it is when...

What happens during the second main stage of the cell cycle?

The cell's nucleus divides into two new nuclel and one set of DNA is distributed into each daughter cell.

The second stage is called

Mitosis and it is when...

What happens during the third main stage of the cell cycle?

The cytoplasm divides and are then distributed into the two new cells. When this is complete, the daughter cell has the same amount of chromosomes as the parent cell.

The third stage is called Cytokinesis and it is when...

What are the four different steps or phrases involved in Mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase in THAT ORDER!!!

Think of P.M.A.T.

Cells and Life Processes (Chapter 10)

By Grayson Patrick Backman

Cram.com (Chapter 10)

Two or more elements elements combined gives you what?

A compound.