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82 Cards in this Set

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the smallest structural unit of an organism
the protoplasm outside the cell nucleus
directs activities of the cell and carries genetic information from generation to generation
the parts of the cell, means little organs;
cells can be seen through the ______ microscope, but an ________ microscope is needed to see the fine structure of the cell
light & electron
outer boundary of the cell (also known as the cell membrane)
plasma membrane
what does the cell membrane control?
the passage of materials into and out of the cell
something capable of being permeated(passed through)is _______
the movment of materials across the cell boundry, into or out of the cell
the living substance of the cell
What needs to be removed from the cell unit in order to study the cell processes?
The process by which tissue is spun at exteme speeds of rotation, causing the cell membrane is split and the organellies to seperate based on their gravitational pull.
After organelles are seperated in an ultracentrafuge,the fluid that tops the zone of heavier particles is called what?
what 4 things control transport?
the gobular protiens, the phospholipids, the pores of the membrane and the electrochemical nature of the protoplasm
what is the purpose of the fluid mosaic model?
to help biologists explain how some molecules move into and out of cells while others cannot penetrate the cell membrane
what are the 2 major types of transport
passive transport & active transport
this type of transport does not require the cell's chemical energy to move molecules, it depends on the heat energy in the cell
passive transport
This type of transport requires the use of chemical energy that is stored in APT molecules in the cell
active transport
the process by which molecules move from and area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration
diffusion is a type of _______ transport
what are 2 types of diffusion?
osmosis & plasmolysis
A form of diffusion, __________ is the movment of water across a semipermeable membrane
A form of diffusion, __________ is the shrinking of cytoplasm due to the movement of water out of the cell
___________ is a form of active transport, by which fluid molecules are engulfed (taken it) by cells through the formation of vesicles in the membrane (also known as cell drinking)
A form of active transport, _______ is the process by which solid particles are ingested by cells.
what phagocytosis and pinocytosis are known as together
The process by which molecules are forced out of cells, being carried by vascules or vesicles to the cell surface.
An important mechanism in active transport that pushes soduim ions out of the cell and forces potassium ions into the cell
ion-exchange pump
the tubles (_________) and fibers (____________) of the cytoplasm
microtubles, microfilaments, cytoskeleton
Act as framework of the submicroscopic cytoskeleton and direct the flow of circulating materials within the cytoplasm and create pathways for the organelle movement. Made of the gobular protiens.
This part of the cytoskeleton functions in cell movement.
what the network of membranes that form channels, tubes and flattened sacs is called. Located in the cytoplasm and the 2 types are the ______ and the ______
endoplasmic reticulum, rough, smooth
the most numerous organelle in a cell are the _________. They synthesize _________. Some of them are attached to the membrane of the ________. Others lie free in the ______.
ribosomes,proteins, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm
the _________ __________ is located in the cytoplasm. They receive ________ (fluid filled pouches)and thier fluids from membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. The vesciles are rewrapped in membranes and transported to the ________ _______ where they leave the cell.
golgi body/golgi apparatus, vesicles, cell membrane
_________ hold chemicals that break down food molecules, old cell parts, and harmful barcteria.
_____________ are membrane bound sacs that resemble lysosomes. They contain oxidizing enzymes that ________ toxins that are harmful to the cell.
peroxisomes, neutralize
_________are membrane bound sacs in the cytoplasm that resemble peroxsisomes. They contain enzymes that convert fatty acids to _____________.
glyoxysomes, carbohydrates
besides the nucleus the ______________ is the largest organelle in the cell. the _______ or internal membranes increase surface area and provide additional areas for work and storing
mitochandrion & cristae
The largest organelle is the ________, it's composed of the ________, the_________ and the ________ ________. It is the location of the synthesis and storing of the _____
nucleus, nucleoli, nucleoplasm & nuclear membrane, RNA
cells that do not have an organized nucleus
cells that have a double membrane-bound nucleus
the double membrane of the nucleus fuses at certain openings called __________
embedded in the nucleoplasm are one or two of these small spherical bodies, that is the site of the synthesis and the storage of the nucleic acid, _______
nucleolus(singular)/nucleoli (plural), RNA
Lysosomes are surrounded by a ___________ ____________ membrane that keeps their strong digestive chemicals, contained inside.
lipid bilayer
the outer boundry of the plant cell that surrounds the plasma membrane
cell wall
complex starch molecule that makes up the cell wall
Is the cell wall found in both plant and animal cells?
space in the cytoplasm filled with water and dissolved substances
found in the vacuoles of some cells and contains the pigment
cell sap
What does pigment do for the plant?
gives it color
What do animal cells lack, that prohibits them from making their own food?
In the nucleus of the nondividing cell, is a tangle of fine threads. In the granular stage, these threads are known as __________. These threads come together, shorten and thicken, forming __________ that can be seen in the dividing cell.
chromatin, chromosomes
Protoplasm inside the cell nucleus is called _____________
the dense ground substance that cushions the thylakoids
Organelles that are always found in pairs at right angles to each other, right outside the nucleus. They are made up of ____________
centrioles, microtubles
________ and _____ are fine threads of if cytoplasm extending from the surfaces of some cells, they are involoved in the locamotion of ______ species but also functions of other types of cells. _________ are short and numerous. ______ are comparatively longer and fewer in number
flagella & cilia, protist, cilia, flagella
Gluey carbohydrates that bind together cellulose molecules and hold them in place.
____________ synthesize the carbohydrate molecules that compose the cell wall. They are then secreted through the ________ ________ and form a rigid boundary around the cell.
cytoplasm, cell membrane
Name 3 things the cell wall does for the cell
support, protect from drying and inhibit bacteria invasion
Storage areas in animal cells.
They move materials from the _______ ________ to the ________ _______ to the _________ __________.
vesicles,endoplasmic reticulm, Golgi body, cell membrane
Membrane-bound organelles found only in plant cells, usually spherical bodies that float freely in the cytoplasm, holding pigment molecules or starch.
Name 2 types of storage plastid
chromoplasts and leucoplasts
_____________ belong to a group of structures which have the general name, plastids. They contain the green pigment chlorophyll.
The substance that gives plants their green color. It is a special molecule that has the ability to trap ______ and convert it into a form of _____ that plants can use in carrying out photosynthesis
Chlorophyll, sunlight, energy,
the chemical steps of the food making process in plants
Flattened membrane sacs found inside the chloroplast. They are the structures that contain the chlorophyll, and inside these sacs, photosysthesis takes place.
The body of a living organism is built of units called
What does the cell theory state?
1.Cells are the basic unit of life 2.Plants and animals are made up of cells 3.Cells arise from preexisting cells
Cells vary in ________ & _________.
size and shape
What is a cell's shape releated to?
their specialized function
Cell use food molecules for ______, __________, _________ and _________.
energy, repair tissue, growth & reproduction
Cells carry out the 8 ________
life function
Each living thing begins life as a _________ cell.
___________ remain unicellular
What happens when a protist cell grows to a certian size?
It divides into 2 cells
What happens when the original cell of a multicellular organism grows to a certain size?
It divides
What makes the division of a multicellular organism different from the division of a unicellular organism?
the multicellular cells hold together forming tissue
New cells can only form from what?
preexising cells
When a cell divides, how many new cells does it produce?
How are the new cells like the producing cell?
they are identical
Why do multicellular organisms produce other organisms like themselves?
because cells carry hereditary information from one generation to the next
Where is the hereditary information of a cell coded? Where is it found?
in the DNA, in the cell necleus