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22 Cards in this Set

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What is a nuclear membrane?
Wall that surrounds the nucleus. Controls what moves into and out of the nucleus. Has tiny holes in it for materials to pass through
What is an organ system?
A group of organs working together.

Example - stomach and intestines are part of the organ system that digests your food.
What is photosynthesis?
Process where green plants use light energy to make food.

Plant cells use light energy to make glucose from carbon dioxide.
What is a tissue?
A group of similar cells working together to do the same job.

Example - muscle tissue have connecting cells
What is a cell?
The basic part that makes up everything that is living.

Your body has trillions of cells.
What is a cell wall?
The rigid part that surrounds the cells of plants.

The cell wall give the cell its shape.
What is diffusion?
Why substances move from a place that is full to a place that has more room.

Substances can go in and out of cells through diffusion.
What is mitosis?
Process where one cell divides into two cells that are the same.

The new cells have the same number of chromosomes as the cell they came from.
What is the nucleus?
The middle of an atom that has most of the atom's weight.

The control center of the cell.

Contains the genetic information of the cell.
What is an organ?
A group of tissues working together to do a job.

Example - Heart and lungs are organs of your body.
What is osmosis?
The diffusion of water through a membrane.

It keeps the water inside and outside of a cell even.
What is a vacuole?
The part of the cell that stores food and other substances.

A plant cell vacuole can be very big.
What is a cell membrane?
The part of the cell that goes around it and controls the movement of substances into and out of it.

It can shrink if placed in salt water.
What is cell theory?
Cells are the basic part of all living things.

It also tells us that new cells come from cells that are all ready formed.
What is cell respiration?
Where oxygen is used to give off energy by breaking down sugar.

It provides the energy for all cell activities.
What is a chloroplast?
A tiny green organelle that had chlorophyll in it.

The chlorophyll lets that plant to capture energy from the sun.
What is a chromosome?
A part in the nucleus of a cell that is shaped like a thread.

It carries the genes that determine what traits a baby will inherit from their parent or parents.

Most cells have 23 chromosomes.
What is cytoplasm?
The watery gel inside a cell.

Many different cell parts are found inside the cytoplasm.
What is fermentation?
The chemical way an organism breaks down sugar to make carbon dioxide and alcohol or lactic acid.

Yeast is used in chemistry to cause fermentation in sugary liquids.
What is a mitochondria?
A cell organelle where energy is given off from food.

The more mitochondria in a cell, the more energy it can release from food.
What is cell differentiation?
The way cells become different types.

Through cell differentiation plant and animal cells can form into tissues.
What is the nuclear membrane?
The part of the cell that surrounds the nucleus and controls what goes in and out of it.

It looks solid, but it has tiny holes so material can pass through it.