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41 Cards in this Set

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What are the basic stages of the cell cycle?

Interphase (G1, S, G2 phase)

Mitosis (prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokinesis)

What are the basic stages of meiosis I and II?

PMAT I, PMAT II and cytokinesis

What are the stages within in Meiosis I, Prophase I (5)?






What are the two major events in the cell cycle?

1. Interphase - long; cell incr size and content; replication of genetic material

2. Mitosis - short; cell divides nucleus and cytoplasm to give rise to two daughter cells.

What kind of cells enter the G0 phase?

G0 phase - resting/outside phase

*Cells that are highly differentiated

*Permanent or temporary

What happens in cell cycle, G1 phase (6)

Period of cell growth and synthesis of macromolecules necessary for DNA duplication


*Regulatory proteins for DNA duplication

*Enzymes for DNA duplication

*Restoration of cell volume

*Nucleoli reestablished

*Centriole duplication

What happens in cell cycle, S phase

DNA duplication occurs

*nucleoproteins (including histones) imported into nucleus

*Chromatin (DNA + histones) formed

*DNA synthesis!

*DNA content becomes 4n

*Chromosome stays at 2n

What happens in cell cycle, G2 phase (4)

Cell undergoes preparation for mitosis

*RNA and proteins for cell division synthesized

*Energy for mitosis is stored

*Tubulin synthesized for microtubules

*DNA synthesized in analyzed for errors/corrected

3 Steps in mitosis induction pathways

1. Ligands bind to surface receptor proteins, activating signal transduction pathways

2. Cascade of protein kinases activate intranuclear transcription factors

3. Proto-oncogenes that regular cell division become expressed

What groups of proteins regulate cell division?

Cyclins + cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)

What are the cyclin-CDK pairs in G1?


*Permit cell to enter S phase*

Cyclin D-CDK4

Cyclin D-CDK6

Cyclin E-CDK2

What are the cyclin-CDK pairs in S?


*Permits cell to progress to G2*

Cyclin A-CDK2

Cyclin A-CDK1

Cyclin B forms

What are the cyclin-CDK pairs in G2?


Cyclin B-CDK1

*Permits mitosis to begin*

What are the 3 checkpoints for cell cycle?

1. Adequate cell growth

2. Correct DNA synthesis

3. Proper chromosomal segregation

What is the division of:

--nuclear material




What happens in cell cycle, Prophase (4)?

*Chromosomes condense/become visible

*Sister chromatids joined at centromere

*Nucleolus disappear

*Centrosomes divide into two regions

What are centrosomes made of (2)?

*Pair of centrioles

*MTOC (microtubule organizing centers)

Each MTOC give rise to ___ ___ ___, which consist of two things...

Mitotic spindle apparatus

1. Astral rays - MTs; radiate from pole of spindle; assist in orienting MTOC at the pole of cell

2. Spindle fibers - MTs; attach to centromere; assist in directing chromosome migration

A new MTOC, the ___, forms at the centromere of each sister chromatid.

Spindle fibers bind to this for ___



What happens if centrioles are not present?

Astral rays and spindle fibers do not form properly

Mitosis fails

What happens in cell cycle, prometaphase?

*Begins when nuclear lamins phosphorylated

*Nuclear envelope disappears

*Chromosomes remain randomly arranged in cytosol

*Microtubules are attached where they need to be

Microtubules attached to kinetichores are ___ ___ __ and assist in:

Microtubules not attached are ___ ___ and assist in:

Mitotic spindle MTs - migration of chromosome; proper chromosome orientation and alignment with mitotic spindle

Polar MTs - maintain spacing between poles

What happens during cell cycle, metaphase (1)?

*Chromosomes condense and line up at the metphase plate

What happens during cell cycle, anaphase (2)?

*Sister chromatids are pulled apart towards opposite poles of mitotic spindle

*In late anaphase, cleavage furrow forms

Disappearance of ___ proteins allows for anaphase


During anaphase, the ___ site leads and ___ trail


Chromatid arms

Movement of chromatids towards poles due to ___ microtubules by depolymerization at ___ end.



What happens during cell cycle, telophase (5)?

*Chromosomal set at poles

*Nuclear lamin dephosph

*Nuclear envelope reappears

*Chromosome uncoil into hetero or euchromatin

*NORs (nucleolus organizing regions) form nucleoli on each five pairs of chromosomes

What happens during cell cycle, cytokinesis (4)?

*Cleavage furrow deepens until only midbody and remaining polar MTs connect two cells

*Contractile ring separate cells

*Depolymerizations of spindle MTs

*Remaining MTs disassemble

What is the contractile ring in cytokinesis made of (2)?

Actin and myosin filaments

What is the chromosome ploidy of a cell before and after mitosis?

2n --> 2n

What is the chromosome ploidy of a cell before and after Meiosis I and II?

What about DNA ploidy?

2n --> 1n --> 1n???

4n --> 2n--> 1n???

Recombination in meiosis ensures ____ and ____

Genetic variability

Gene pool diversity

Meiosis I - ____ division

Meiosis II - ____ division



Which one is longer: prophase I or II?


What happens during each of the five phases in Prophase I?

Leptotene - sister chromatids condense

Zygotene - homologous pairs line up; tetrads form via synaptonemal complex

Pachytene - condense and form chiasmata

Diplotene - condense more + sep a little-Diakinesis - nucleus/nucleolus disappear

In metaphase I, homologous pairs line up ___ to ensure reshuffling of maternal/paternal DNA

What else happens?

Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores

At the end of anaphase I, each chromosome still consists of ___

two chromatids

Meiosis I begins with/without DNA synthesis

Meiosis II begins with/without DNA syntesis



What are the phases of meiosis ii?


At the end of meiosis, the __#__ resulting daughter cells are genetically identical/distinct from ____ of chromosomes and ____



Chromosome reshuffling
