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45 Cards in this Set

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Name the two broad categories that cells can be divided into.

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Who discovered the first "cell" by naming it so?

Robert Hooke

Define selectively permeable. What cell organelle is described as such?

Allows some things to pass through and some things not. Cell Membrane.

What does ER stand for?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

What is the cell theory?

Three statements that are true of all cells: cells are the basic unit of life, cells come from other cells, and all living things are comprised of cells.

What is the difference between rough ER and smooth ER?

The rough contains ribosomes.

Which protist is unicellular and heterotrophic?

Animal like.

Protein is made from what organelle?


Define organelle.

A structure found within a cell that performs a specific function.

Where is your genetic material located?

Inside the nucleus.

What was the first plant cell seen in?


A bacterial cell fits into what cell category?


The cell membrane looks simple, but is actually _________ layers thick.


What organelle digests worn out cells?


Name the organelles found in a plant cell that are not found in an animal cell.

Cell wall, chloroplast, central vacuole.

Where is the cytoplasm in the cell?

Between the nucleus and the cell membrane.

What is the relationship between the nucleus and the nucleolus?

The nucleolus is inside the nucleus and they both contain blue prints of the genetic code.

What is found inside the chloroplast that makes it green?


What organelle provides energy for the cell?


Name two organelles that transport something.

Endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus.

Name the organelles that an animal cell has that a plant cell does not.

Centrioles and lysosomes.

What organelle was visible on the first plant cell seen?

Cell wall.

Name two differences between the cell wall and the cell membrane.

The cell wall is on the exterior of the cell membrane, a bacteria has a cell wall, the cell wall is made of cellulose while the membrane is made of proteins and lipids.

Why is the cell membrane full of outlet spaces?

So things can move in and out.

Name the three shapes that bacteria can be.

Coccus, bacillus, and spirillum.

What is the function of the ribosome?

They make (synthesize) protein.

What type of substances need to be removed from a cell?

Waste, excess water, virus, excess food.

How are protozoans classified?

How they move.

What structures aid in the locomotion of the cell?

Cilia, flagella, cytoskeleton.

What was the first living cell?

Pond water animals.

Where do Archaebacteria live?

In harsh environments (volcanoes, salt lakes, depth of the ocean).

What is the function of the cytoskeleton?

To provide structure and movement.

Why are animal cells so much more variable in appearance than plant cells?

They perform different functions.

By viewing a cell, list 3 ways you can identify an animal cell from a plant cell.

The shape, the location of the nucleus, whether the pattern is scattered or blocked.

Name two differences between a prokaryote and a eukaryote.

A prokaryote has no nucleus or membrane bound organelles and a eukaryote has both.

What is the difference between rough and smooth ER?

The rough is attached to the nucleus and contains ribosomes.

Why did it take so long to discover the presence of cells?

Technology had to be available.

How are prokaryotic names different from eukaryotic names?

They are written in a Latin scientific name.

What is the term for a bacteria that is round in shape?


Give a specific name of a bacteria.

Example: Streptococcus Aureus (Make sure you write it correctly)

How are bacterial names different from regular cell names?

The way they are written see above.

What are 4 different ways that protozoa can move?

Cilia, flagella, changing shape, carried by another organism.

What two kingdoms do bacterial cells belong?

Archaebacteria, Eubacteria.

What are some beneficial things that bacteria do for us?

Found in food products like cheese, sour cream, and they live in our gut.

What protists are multicellular and autotrophic.

Plant like.