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55 Cards in this Set

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What is the cell membrane made up of?
Phospholipids and proteins
What is the part of the cell that everything must pass through in order to enter the cell?
Cell Membrane
Do all cells have a membrane?
What types of structures is the cell membrane composed of?
Transport, support and communication structures
What part of the cell is referred to as the "juice?"
The cytosol
What is the cytoplasm?
Everything between the cell membrane and the nuclear membrane
What is the cytoplasm composed of?
Liquid and solid parts
What is the control center of the cell?
The nucleus
What kind of information is stored in the nucleus?
Genetic information (DNA)
What surrounds the nucleus?
Endoplasmic reticulum
What is the Endoplasmic reticulum responsible for?
Production of fats and proteins
There are two types of walls in the endoplasmic reticulum-which kind is responsible for the production of lipids (fats)?
Within the endoplasmic reticulum, what is the rough wall in charge of production of?
After modifying fats and proteins by adding sugur, what does the endoplasmic reticulum do with them?
Pack them in lipid vesicles, buds off and ships them to their next destination
What are proteins made by?
What part of the cell is responsible for "packaging and shipping" incoming molecules?
Golgi apparatus
What part of the cell can be referred to as the "stomach"?
The lysosomes
What is the job of the lysosomes?
To digest food, pathogens and old organelles as needed
Are lysosomes found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?
Animal cells ONLY
Where does photosynthesis occur in plants?
In the chloroplasts
Are chloroplasts found in plant cells, animal cells, or both?
Plant cells ONLY
What are two other characteristics of chloroplasts?
-They have a double outer membrane
-They contain some DNA
Name the three parts of a cell that are only found in plants.
The chloroplasts, the vacuole, and the cell wall.
Where are wastes and toxins stored within plant cells?
The vacuole
What part of a plant cell is responsible for the turgidity of the plant? (turgidy- the firmness that supports the plant's strength)
The vacuole
True or False: The vacuole is the largest organelle found in plant cells?
What is the membrane that surrounds the vacuole called?
The tononplast
What is the cytoskeleton?
A network of protein fibers throughout the cell
What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?
Support and Movement
What are the three types of protein fibers found within the cytoskeleton?
Microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments
What are microfilaments responsible for?
What are intermediate filaments responsible for?
Holding everything in place-they can also be referred to as "fillers"
What are Microtubules responsible for?
They are the main support
What is the cell wall made of?
What is the function of the cell wall?
It is the support for the plant combined with water in the vacuole
In order for molecules to travel into the cell walls of a plant, do they need to pass through the cell membrane?
What other elements can be incorporated into the cell wall?
Toxins and wastes
Who discovered cells?
Robert Hooke
Who composed Cell theory?
Schleiden and Schwann
True or false: Cells are the smallest living things
Where do cells arise from?
Pre-existing cells
What is a bacterial cell called?
What are Eurokyotes?
Animal and plant cells.
True or false: Both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have a nucleus
False: Only eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
What kind of cells are simple in structure, mean they are composed of only one compartment?
Prokaryotic cells (bacterial cells)
What is one advantage of having multiple compartments, like eukaryotic cells do?
Incompatible/opposing reactions can be separated.
What is one unusual property of water?
It is less dense as a solid than as a liquid
Why does water expand as it solidifies?
Due to the hydrogen bonds
What does hydrogen bonding allow water to do?
-It allows water molecules to hold on to each other
-Also allows molecules to hold on to other surfaces
If a compound is hydrophilic, what is it capable of doing?
It is capable of dissolving in water
Name two things that are hydrophilic
Salt, Sugar
If a compound is hydrophobic, what is its limitation in relation to water?
It cannot dissolve in water
Name two compounds that are hydrophobic
Fats, OilsWha
What is a healthy pH level for cells?
True or false: If something has a low pH level, it is less acidic
False: The lower the pH level, the more acidic it will be