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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the prominent structure in cells and stores genetic information in the form of DNA?
the nucleus
What specifies the protiens in a cell?
DNA, with RNA
What have many specific functions in cells, and help determine a cell's specificity?
If every cell in the body contains the same genes, how are they different?
each type of cell has certain genes (which are segments of DNA) turned on, while others are turned off.
When you look at the nucleus, even in an electron microscope, why don't you see DNA molecules?
You see dispersed "chromatin" (a combination of DNA molecules and proteins that make up the chromosomes
What is chromatin?
is a mass of genetic material composed of DNA and proteins that condense to form chromosomes
What are chromosomes?
condensed thread of DNA
What does each chromosome contain?
A DNA molecule and associated proteins.
Just before a cell divides, what does chromatin do?
undergoes coiling into rodlike structures called chromosomes
What is chromatin immersed in?
How is a nucleoplasm different than cytoplasm?
A difference in pH
What are nucleoli?
one or more dark regions of chromatin, where another type of RNA, called ribosomal RNA (rRNA), is produced, and where rRNA joins with proteins to form the subunits of ribosomes.
Where does rRNA join with proteins to form the subunits of ribosomes?
in the nucleoli which are one or more dark regions of the chromatin
What is rRNA?
ribosomal RNA joins with proteins to form the subunits of ribosomes.
What is the nucleus separated from the cytoplasm by, what is it called?
A double membrane known as the "nuclear envelope"
What is the nuclear envelope continuous with?
The Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a membranous system of saccules and channels
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
a membranous system of saccules and channels
What does the nuclear envelop have to permit the passage of ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus, while allowing proteins to enter into the nucleus?
Nuclear pores
What is the function of the nuclear pore and where are they?
permits the passage of ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus, while allowing proteins to enter into the nucleus...they are located on the nuclear envelope
What is a Barr body?
An inactivated female X chromosome because females have two X genes, one of them is inactivated
What is meant by the female mosaic?
Some of a woman's cells have inactivated the maternal X chromosome and other cells have inactivated the paternal X chromosome
Problems wiht the inactivation of the X chromosome in humans could be linked to the development of what?
cancer such as breast cancer
Woman who contain one defective copy of the gene BRCA1could have what?
a Greatly increased risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer
What gene is responsible for an increased risk in the development of breast and ovarian cancer?
Why does an increased cancer risk occur when involved with gene expression?
Because abnormal BRCA1 protein can neither inactivate the X chromosome, nor function as a tumor suppressor.
What are Ribosomes?
Organelles composed of proteins and rRNA ribosomal ribonucleic acids
What are organelles composed of proteins and rRNA?
Where does protein synthesis occur?
At the ribosomes (protein factories of the cell) at the rough ER
Where are ribosomes often attached?
endoplasmic reticulum; they also occur free within the cytoplasm, either singly, or in groups called "polyribosomes"
What are polyribosomes and where do they occur?
groups of ribosomes that occur free within the cytoplasm
What 2 places do the proteins produced by ribosomes attached to the ER eventually go?
secreted from the cell or become part of the plasma membrane
How did the proteins of the plasma membrane get there?
those produced by ribosomes attached to the ER entually became part of the plasma membrane.