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25 Cards in this Set

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Receptors and intracellular messengers....
How many chemical messengers are there and name them.
6 total.
endocrine hormones
neuroendocrine hormones
Neurotransmitters are released from?
axon terminals into synaptic junctions
-they act locally
Endocrine hormones are secreted by?
glands or specialized cells into the blood.
-they affect target cells somewhere else in the body.
neuroendocrine hormones are secreted by?
- affect target cells in a diff location in the body
Paracrines are secreted by?
cells into ECF
affect neighboring cells of a different type
Autocrines are secreted by?
cells into ECF
-affect function of the same cell that produced them.
Cytokines are?
Function as?
peptides secreted by cells into ECF
-fxn as autocrines, paracrines, or endocrine hormones
Mechanism of hormone action-
First step?
hormone binds receptor site at target cell (membrane, cytoplasm, or nucleus
then it initiates?
a cascade reaction in the cell
Mechanisms of hormone action-
Cells must have a receptor specific to a hormone because?
are the # of receptors constantly changing?
if not that hormone will not have an effect on that specific cell
Hormone receptor complex forms-
activated receptors initiate hormonal effects via what methods?
1. Ion channel-linked receptors
2. G protein linked hormone receptors
3.Enzyme linked receptors
4. intracellular hormone receptors and activation of genes (slower process)
hormone binding site located?

Enzyme/catalytic site bound?
Second messenger mechanism-
Hormones bind receptors causing?
activation of second messenger.
2nd messngers are?
cAMP/ Ca2+, calmodulin
Adenylyl Cyclase-cAMP 2nd messenger system-
hormone bind receptor, receptor then couples with?
G protein
Activating protein stimulates?
Examples of outcomes in different cells are?
muscle contractions, secretions, altered cell permeability
Cell membrane phospholipid 2nd messenger system-
hormone binds receptor that activates_______ (located on inside of receptor.
phospholipase C
-g protein linked
-catalyzes breakdown of phospholipids in cell membrane.
phospholipase C creates 2 different 2nd messengers, what are they?
IP3- inositol triphosphate, mobilizes Ca2 from Er to mitochon
-DAG, diacylglycerol
precursor for prostaglandins
Calcium-calmodulin 2nd messenger system-
Ca2 enters via?
voltage gated chennels or hormone receptors
Ca2+ binds calmodulin. how many sites?
when 3-4 sites are bound calmodulin...
4 sites
-changes shape
Steroid hormones and genetic function-
Steroid hormone diffuses across the?
cell membrane
Binds specific receptor protein, combines receptor-hormone complex which is?
transported or diffuses in nucleus
hormone binds receptor on nucleus activating transcription factors
Combo binds specific portions of DNA and activates?

mRNA diffuses into cytoplasm and promotes?
transcription to form mRNA.

transcription of proteins at ribosomes