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32 Cards in this Set

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Signal transduction

Information converted from one form to another

Signaling cell, signal molecule, target cell, receptor protein

Components of cell signaling (4)


Endocrine hormone originating from adrenal gland that increases heart rate, blood pressure and metabolism


Endocrine hormone originating from pancreas that stimulates glucose synthesis, glycogen and lips breakdown


Endocrine hormone originating from pancreas that stimulates glucose synthesis, glycogen and lips breakdown


Endocrine hormone that originates from pancreas and stimulates glucose uptake, protein and lipid synthesis


Endocrine signals are transmitted through ____


Endocrine signals are transmitted through ____

Extra cellular medium

Paracrine signals are transmitted through _____

Autocrine signaling

Form of paracrine communication in which signaling and target cell are same

Autocrine signaling

Form of paracrine communication in which signaling and target cell are same

Epidermal growth factor

Paracrine mediator that originates from various cells and stimulates epidermal cell proliferation

Autocrine signaling

Form of paracrine communication in which signaling and target cell are same

Epidermal growth factor

Paracrine mediator that originates from various cells and stimulates epidermal cell proliferation

Nitric oxide

Paracrine mediator that originates from nerves and endothelial cells as a dissolved gas that functions as a vasodilator and regulates nerve activity


Neuronal signals are transmitted through ____ over long disyances


Neuronal signals are transmitted through ____ over long disyances


Neurotransmitter that originates from nerve terminals and excites muscles


Neuronal signals are transmitted through ____ over long disyances


Neurotransmitter that originates from nerve terminals and excites muscles

Embryonic devlopment

Contact dependent signaling most important during ______


Neuronal signals are transmitted through ____ over long disyances

Metabotropic receptors

Receptors that use second messengers and are indirectly linked with ion transporters, ex: muscat unix teceptors


Neurotransmitter that originates from nerve terminals and excites muscles

Embryonic devlopment

Contact dependent signaling most important during ______

Nicotinic receptors

Acetylcholine activates _____ to induce skeletal muscle contration

Muscarinic receptors

Acetylcholine activates _____ to induce cardiac muscle relaxation

Non genomic actions

Exhibited by extra cellular signal molecules that act quickly and alter protein functuon

Genomic actions

Exhibited by extra cellular signals that act slowly and alter protein synthesis

Cell surface receptors

Hydrophilic signal molecules act on cell through _____

Intracellular receptors

Hydrophobic signal molecules act on cell through _____

Ionotropic receptors

Receptors that directly function as ion transporters, do not use second messengers, ex: nicotine content receptors