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47 Cards in this Set

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Cell wall
a rigid layer that lies outside a plant cell's plasma membrane that gives rigidity and protection
Primary cell walls
an organelle made directly on the surface of the plasma membrane that are strong and can't expand or grow (found in plants, bacteria, and fungus)
Secondary cell walls
a wall secreted by cells that have stopped growin between the plasma membrane and the primary cell wall
Plasma membrane
phospholipid bilayer that surrounds the cell and gives it its boundaries
the region of the cell within the membrane that includes the fluid, the cytoskeleton, and all the organelles except the nucleus
part of the cytoplasm including the nucleus and small particles, such as ribosomes, but not organelles (fluid)
a membrane-bound organelle containing a cell's DNA and responsible for most functions of a eukaryotic cell
an organism that laks a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles
organism made up of 1 or more cells that have a nucleus and organelles
a subcellular structure with well-defined, intracellular bodies that perform specific functions for that cell
group of similar cells and their products that carry out a specific function
groups of tissues that perform a particular job in an organism
Organ system
group of organs that accomplish related tasks
threadlike material that immature DNA takes the form of when the cell is not dividing
Phosophlipid bilayer
layer in the plasma membrane where phospholipds line up so their hears point outward toward water and their taills point inward away from water
Integral proteins
specific protein embeded within the lipd layer that go completely through the plasma membrane
Peripheral proteins
proteins that are only on one side of the membrane and not embedded in it
Fluid mosaic model
states that the phosophlipd bilayer behave like a fluid more than it behaves like a solid
dense area in the nucleus involved in the production of ribosomes
Nuclear membrane
doubke membrane surrounding the cuncleus made of two phospholipid bilayers that regulates what enters and exits
structures in the nucleus made of mature DNA and protein that chramatin is condensed into when a cell is about to divide
organells made of protein and RNA that direct protein synthesis in the cytoplasm
Golgi apparatus
in the cytoplasm, packs products of ER in vesicles and ships them
Small, spherically shaped sacs that surrounded by a single membrane and that are classified by their contents (called plastids in plants)
visicles that bud from the golgi apparatus and that contain degestive enzymes
similar to lysosomes, but containing different enzymes and not produced by the golgi apparatus
specialized peroxizomes that break down fats to provide energy for the developing plant embryo
produced by cells engulfinf material with plasma membrane and producing a pocket which buds off to become a vesicle
Central vacuole
large, fluid-filled organelle in plants that stores not only water, but also enzymes, metabolic wastes, and other materials
plastids that use energy to make carbohydrates from CO2 and H2O and holds photosynthetic pigments (used in photsynthesis)
a system of flattened, membranous sacs in chloroplasts that hold the photosynthetic pigments
the photosynthetic pigment in the thylakoid membrane
contain colorful pigments and may or may not take part in photsynthesis
organelles in plants surrounded by a double memrane and contain their own DNA and holds various things
tiny organelles that transfer energy from organic molecules to A.T.P.
Mitochondrial DNA
DNA reproduced only by the division of pre-existing cells
Endoplasmic Reticulum
series of tubules that run through the cytoplasm and connect the plasma membrane to the rest of the cell and are used for transportation
Rough ER
system of interconneted, flattened sacs covered with ribosomes that produce protein
Smooth ER
system o f tubes and sacs without ribosomes that build lipids and steroids and transports the products
consists of 2 short cylinders of microtubules at right angles to each other and situated in the cytoplasm near the nuclear envelope (found only in animals, produce spindles)
longer, less numerous hairlike structure with a membrane on their outer surface that move in a whip-like fashion to move the cell
short, hairlike structures present in large numbers on the outside of cells that are involved in moving the cell
A network of thin tubes and filaments that crisscrosses thte cytosol
hollow tubes made of a protein called tubulin (holds things in place and transports)
long threads of the beadlike protein actin that are linked end to end and wrapped around each other like 2 strands pf rope (contract for movement)
Intermediate filaments
rods that anchor the nucleus and some other organelles to their places in the cell
Differences between plants and animals
Plants produce cell walls, contain a central vavuole, and go through cell division at a different rate that animals. Animals have centrioles