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18 Cards in this Set

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Plasma membrane functions

-Encloses the cell, isolates its contents from the external environment

-regulates flow of substances in and out of the cell

-allows communication with other cells


-Responsible for isolating isolating the internal from the external environment

-Proteins regulate the exchange of materials as well as interactions with the environment

Fluid mosaic model

Protein molecules are arranged in the phospholipid like tiles in a mosaic

The structure of the membrane is maintained because

-Phospholipid consists of a polar hydrophilic containing a phosphate group

-It also contains a pair of non-polar hydrophobic fatty acid tails

Intrinsic proteins

Embedded inside the protein

Extrinsic proteins

Found attached outside the protein


Some membrane proteins have carbohydrates attached to them

Different types of membrane proteins:

Transport proteins: Intrinsic, transport molecules across cell membranes

Recognition proteins: glycoproteins enable cells of body's defence system to recognise foreign cells

Receptor proteins: have specific binding sites where hormones or other chemicals can bind triggering particular cellular responses

Catalytic proteins: Enzymes which control chemical reactions

Structural proteins: involved in maintaining the shape of the cell


-Makes the phospholipid bilayer more flexible by disturbing the close packing of phospholipids

-Cells in the body are continuously changing shape as an organism moves

-If plasma membranes weren't flexible they'd snap with every slight movement

Selectively permeable

Membrane can select some substances to pass through

How can materials cross membranes?

-Simple diffusion


-Facilitated diffusion

-Active transport

Simple diffusion

-A few substances can pass directly through the membrane, because the membrane can't act as a barrier since they're so small (oxygen and carbon dioxide)

- Diffusion is the movement of molecules from region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until they become equally distributed


The movement of water molecule from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution across a selectively permeable membrane



-Solution is the water diluted with the solute

Facilitated diffusion

- Diffusion is the movement of molecules from region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, across a membrane

-They do this with the help of intrinsic transport proteins

Transport proteins: channel proteins

Channel proteins: -form a permanent water-filled channel in the membrane which allows water-soluble substances such as ions to pass through

The channel has a fixed diameter specific for a particular type of protein

Most channels have gates that control the entry and exit of these molecules

Transport proteins: carrier proteins

- have binding sites for specific solutes

-When molecules bind to the protein, the protein changes shape so that the molecules can are carries across the membrane

Active transport

The movement of molecules from a region of low concentration to a region high concentration, wit the help of carrier protein and energy from ATP