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24 Cards in this Set

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What makes up a phospholipid

two fatty acids and a glycerol

Which way do polar heads face


what term describes polar heads because they love water


What term describes non polar heads because they fear water


what binds the cell membrane together


what is embedded in the membrane that allows larger molecules to get through

protein channel

what type of diffusion uses a protein channel

facillitated diffusion

what can pass through the membrane without facilitation

co2 h20 02

what molecules use a protein channel

molecules that are too big

term that describes inability to pass through


what term describes ability to pass through


what term describes some things pass through but others don't

semi permiable

what three terms describe passive transport

high to low, with gradiant, no energy

examples of passive transport

diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion

difference between osmosis and diffusion

osmosis is just the diffusion of water

difference between diffusion and facilitated diffusion

facilitated diffusion uses a helper

what 4 factors affect rate of diffusion

surface area, temperature, concentration, type of molecule

what type of transport is opposite of passive


3 things that describe active transport

energy, low to high, against gradient

3 examples of active transport

endocytosis, exocytosis, sodium potassium pump

what prefix means to bring in


why would a cell want to use energy for endocytosis and exocytosis

because they need to get materials in and out of the cell

what happens to a cells ability to maintain homeostasis as it gets bigger

it goes down

what structure represents the volume
