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55 Cards in this Set

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1. A localized lesion charac. By necrotic, liquefied center, polymorphonecular leukocytes and microorganisms is called
2. A circumscribed mass of light yellow crumbly to pasty material assoc. microscopically with a histiocytic reactino is characteristic of
3. A myocardial infarct is a good example of
4. A well-demarcated lesion with increased cytoplasmic eosinophilia, karyolysis and intact tissue architecture is a characteristic of
5. All of the following are examples of reversible cell injury: fatty liver of an alchoholic, swelling of renal tubular cells in lead poisoning, and accumulation of amyloid in the liver. What is not?
coagulation in infarcted myocardium
6. Superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, xanthine oxidase, and ceruloplasmin all have anti oxidant action What does NOT?
xanthine oxidase
7. Anoxia can lead to each of the following changes in a cell: nuclear pknosis, fatty change, amyloid deposition, and cytoplasmic eosinophilia. NOT
amyloid deposition
is best described as granular, friable mass of material with no cell outlines
is characterized morphologically by amorphous appearence
is most characteristic of tuberculosis
is usually associated with tuberculosis
12. Cell swelling in acute tubular necrosis of the kidney is caused by intracellular accumulation of
13. Cells which are least affected by generalized energy deprivation such as occurs in starvation are
fat cells
14. Cloudy swelling, hydropic degeneration and vacuolar degeneration are all examples of
morphologic expression of reversible cell injury
is best described as eosinophilic cytoplasm with cell outlines preserved.
is the characteristic result of renal infarction
17. Coagulation necrosis may be caused by
by both ischemia without vascular obstruction or toxic chemicals.
18. Coagulation necrosis usually results from
19. Digestion of tissue with soap formation and calcification is characteristic of
enzymatic fat necrosis
20. Dry gangrene is best described microscopically by
21. coagulation, enzymatic fat and liquefacation necrosis can be identified on basis of gross appearance. What can't?
22. Enzymatic fat necrosis is assoicated with each of the following:trauma to subcut. Adipose tissue, acute pancreatic necrosis, breakdown of tg esters, inflammatory reaction. NOT
trauma to subcutaneous adipose tissue
23. Enzymatic fat necrosis occurs in the
24. Examples of necrotic lesions which heal by fibrous scarring: myocardial infarct, abscess in lung, kidney infarct, caseous nodules in lymph node. NOT
tubular necrosis in the kidney.
is seen in blood vessels due to accumulation of Igs and complements.
Fibrinoid necrosis
26. Free radical injury has been implicated in patients with oxygen toxicity, carbon tetracholride poisoning, reperfusion following ischemia, irridation injury. Not
mercuric chloride poisoning
27. Gas gangrene is a form of necrosis assoc. with mycotic infections
clostridial infections
28. Gummas are associated with
tertiary syphilis
29. Homogenous eosinophilic protein inclusions in the ER of plasma cells are called
Russel bodies
30. Lipid peroxidation with generation of free radicals has been implicated in the cellular change due to: aging, carbon tetrachloride and ionizing radiation. Not
necrosis charactistically occurs in both brain infarct and kidney abscess.
is characteristic of abscesses in the liver
usually occurs with infarction of the brain
34. Necrosis in brain infarcts is characterized by
coagulation necrosis in the early phase
35. Occlusion of the right coronary artery near its origin would most likely result in infarction of
anterior septum
most characteristically causes coagulation necrosis
obstruction of blood flow
37. The action of putrefactive bacteria on necrotic tissue results in
38. The earliest visible cellular change in a cell injured by hypoxia is
cellular edema
39. The major free radical generated by Fenton and Haber-Weiss reaction is:
hydroxyl radical
40. The pattern of necrosis assoc. with staph infection with the formatin of furuncles is
41. The pattern of necrosis assoc. with the cell-mediated immune response is
42. The pattern of cell death that is characterized by conversion of a single cell to a shrunken acidophilic body usually with loss of the nucleus and lack of an inflammatory response is termed
43. Type of necrosis assoc. with a well developed infarct of the brain is
Type of necrosis char. in burn injury
45. Type of necrosis resulting from saprophytic invasion of tissue dying from ischemia is called
46. Vascular obstruction is a cause of ___ not____
coagulation necrosis NOT caseous necrosis
47. Vascular occlusion is the most common cause of
coagulation necrosis and dry gangrene.
48. What is the outcome of a 1cm caseous lesion after treatment
scarring and calcification
49. What type of necrosis results from programmed destruction of cells during embryogenesis?
_____are reversible. Pknosis, rupture of cell membrane, karyolysis, karyorrhexis are NOT.
cytoplasmic vacuoles
51. Which of the following deposits are removed during the preparation of paraffin embedded tissure sections?
52. Which of the following is indicative of reversible cell injury?
Dispersion of ribosomes from RER. Karyorrhexis, Rupture of lysosomes and autolysis, high swell of mitochondria and large flocculent densities in the mitochondria are NOT
53. Which of the followig is the earliest nuclear change seen by light microscopy in dying cells
54. Which tissure is most susceptible to liquefaction necrosis following ischemic injury?
55. Which type of necrosis is most typically associated with pyogenic infection?