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31 Cards in this Set

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eukaryotic cell cycle ⭐️pic


-G1/S/G2 = interphase

-no active division

-chromosomes are replicated in preparation for mitosis

-chromosomes appear as extended filaments and cannot be seen with a light microscope

1. G1 phase: gap 1, growth, prepares for DNA replication

2. S phase: DNA is replicated, chromosomes = two sister chromatids

3. G2 phase: gap 2, prepares for cell division

4. M phase: final cell cycle phase (1/2-2 hours)

-G0 = resting phase, cells that are eventually going to die


-cell division where single cells reproduce themselves

-daughter cells identical to each other and the parent cell

-all cells = diploid (2 copies of each chromosome)

-four phases:

1. prophase

2. metaphase

3. anaphase

4. telophase

-IPMAT: interphase prophase metaphase anaphase telophase

mitosis prophase (pic)

-less than 1/2 of mitosis is spent in prophase

1. centrioles migrate to form poles

-poles = axis for chromosomal segregation

-chromatin fibers begin to condense ➡️ "hallmark feature of prophase"

-threadlike chromosome become visible

-double structure with 2 chromatids held together by centromere

2. spindle fibers begin to form

-pull chromatids apart to opposite poles

mitosis prometaphase (pic)

-nuclear membrane disappears

-spindle fibers make contact with chromosomes

-chromosome move to the equatorial plane "metaphase plate", led by centromere

mitosis metaphase (pic)

-chromosomes are fully condensed

-alignment on the metaphase plate

-centromere is along the plate with chromosome arms extended toward the poles

-sister chromatids remain intact but are ready for migration to opposite poles in anaphase

-occurs via the spindle fibers attached to the kinetochore

kinetochore (pic)

-protein structure associated with the centromere

anaphase (pic)

-shortest phase of mitosis

-sister chromatids disjoin and migrate to opposite ends of the cell

-spindle fibers pull the chromatids apart at the centromere

-each chromatid is now called "daughter chromosome"

-at end of anaphase each pole has identical set of chromosomes (2n)

telophase (pic)

-final stage of mitosis

-complete set of chromosomes at each end

-cytokinesis: division of cytoplasm into two cells (plants = cell wall develops where metaphase plate was, animals = plasma membrane is constricted/pinched into 2 cells)

-chromosomes uncoil into chromatin

-PM reforms

-2 identical daughter cells with identical copies of the genetic material

mitosis vs meiosis (pic)

-mitosis: daughter cells with same amount of genetic material as paternal - one duplication, one division (diploid ➡️ diploid)

-meiosis: daughter cells with half the genetic material as paternal - one duplication, two divisions (diploid ➡️ haploid)

meiosis overview

-two successive nuclear divisions (meiosis I + meiosis II)

-produces 4 cells: each with only one member of each pair of pre-meiotic cell chromosomes

-"meioum" = "to reduce" (Greek)

-homologous chromosomes pair during meiosis to allow for reduction all division - "key feature"

-interphase is prior to meiosis just like mitosis (DNA/chromosomes replicate)

-stages of meiosis

1. meiosis I: first meiotic division, reductional division

-prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I

2. meiosis II: second meiotic division, equational division

-prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II

meiosis I prophase I (pics)

-several days

1. leptotene

2. zygotene

3. pachytene

4. diplotene

5. diakinesis

-main feature of meiosis

-important to understanding how meiosis ⬆️genetic diversity

meiosis I prophase I leptotene

-chromosomes long/threadlike structures

-DNA was duplicated during prior interphase

-chromosomes condense and become visible

meiosis I prophase I zygotene (FIND A PIC)

-homologous chromosomes pair (synapsis)

-synapsis is facilitated by the synaptomenal complex: ribbon that forms between the paired chromosomes

-paired homologous = "bivalents"

-four chromosomes = "tetrad" - where can see sister chromatids

meiosis I prophase I pachytene (pic)

-synapsis is complete (all paired)

-sister chromatids are visible

-each homologous pair has 4 chromatids

-crossing over occurs (not obvious until next phase): physical exchange of genetic material between chromatids of homologous chromosomes (NOT SISTER CHROMATIDS)

-chromosomes become a mosaic of the maternal and paternal homologs

-⬆️genetic diversity

-chiasma: point of crossing over

-genetic recombination

meiosis I prophase I diplotene

-chromosomes get shorter/thicker

-homologous chromosomes begin to separate

-each chromosome pair had at least one or more chiasma

-chiasma = result of breakage and rejoining between nonsister chromatids = point of crossover

-crossover become visible ⭐️⭐️⭐️

meiosis I prophase I diakinesis

-fully condensed chromosomes

-homologous chromosomes repel each other, held together by chiasma

-nuclear membrane breaks down

-spindle fiber formation is initiated

meiosis I prophase I overview


-leptotene: condense + visible

-zygotene: synapsis

-pachytene: crossover

-diplotene: chiasma crossover = visible

-diakinesis: fully condensed, homologs repelling each other, only held together at chiasma

meiosis I metaphase I


-tetrads move and align on equatorial plane

-centromeres of bivalents homologs are positioned toward opposite poles

meiosis I anaphase I

-homologous chromosomes are drawn to opposite poles

-homologs disjoin (disjunction occurs)

-centromeres do not divide so each chromosome is still 2 sister chromatids

-random separation of chromosomes

-Mendelian independent assortment

meiosis I telophase I

-chromosomes are at the poles

-haploid set at each pole

-one homolog from each bivalent at each pole

-cytoplasm divides


-period between meiosis I and II

-nuclear membrane forms around each set

-chromosomes uncoil/decondense and each one still consists of two sister chromatids

-(formation of two daughter cells may or may not occur as in mitosis)

meiosis I overview (2 pics)

-metaphase I: some are mosaics, result of crossing over

meiosis II overview

-resembles normal mitosis (separation of sister chromatids)

-only one member of a chromosome pair in the nucleus

-the chromosome number remains the same in each cell before and after the second division (equational division)

-no DNA replication occurs before meiosis II

meiosis II phases (pic)

1. prophase II: chromosomes condense, nuclear envelope breaks down, begin moving toward equatorial plate, spindle fibers reform

2. metaphase II: chromosomes align on equatorial plate

3. anaphase II: centromeres (kinetochores) separate, chromatids disjoin (move to opposite poles), each chromatids is a distinct chromosome

4. telophase II: chromosomes reach the poles, nuclear membranes form around each set of chromosomes, cytokinesis occurs (cytoplasm divides)

➡️four daughter cells

➡️each contains a single (haploid) set of chromosomes that become gametes

animal oogenesis (pic)

-formation of mature egg cells (oocytes = meiocytes)

-in a female 3 of the haploid cells made in meiosis contain little cytoplasm and degrade

-one cell contains majority of cytoplasm (majority of cytoplasm goes into that cell at each division) and becomes egg (ovum)

-polar body at each step, usually just dissolve, don't divide and move forward

-females are born with all of the eggs (oocytes) they will ever possess

-first division begins in the embryonic ovary: stops in prophase I (suspended in diplotene), resumes prior to ovulation

-second division: completed after fertilization

-one diploid germ cell ➡️ one product

animal spermatogenesis (pic)

-spermatogenesis: formation of mature sperm cells

-all four haploid cells produced during meiosis become functional sperm cells

-among the smallest cells in an organisms

-consist of a head and tail: head had enzymes to break down the egg's plasma membrane so sperm can enter, tail has mitochondria to provide energy to move sperm

-fertilization: occurs with the union of egg and sperm

plant spores

-spores: haploid cells produced in meiosis, divides mitotically to produce a gametophyte

-gametophyte: fully developed multicellular haploid organism

megasporogenesis (pic)

-megasporogenesis: development of embryo sac in plants

-megaspores: 4 haploid cells produced in meiosis, only one megaphone is carried forward/three degrade

-⭐️in both male and female flowers?

-mature female gametophyte (embryo sac): nucleus of the surviving megaspores divides mitotically 3 times but does not cytokinese (8 nuclei at end)

-3 antipodal cells, 2 polar nuclei, 2 synergids, egg

plant microsporogenesis

-microsporogenesis: pollen grain development

-4 haploid cells produced in meiosis are called micro spores (each can become a functional pollen grain)

-a microspore nucleus will divide mitotically to form 2 nuclei within the original spore wall

1. tube nucleus: makes pollen tube

2. generative nucleus: divides again producing 2 sperm nuclei

➡️ entire structure (TN + GN) = pollen grain

plant fertilization

-embryo sac with a pollen grain

-one sperm nucleus unites with the egg to produce zygote (embryo)

-the other sperm nucleus unites with the 2 polar nuclei and becomes the endosperm

➡️ double fertilization

-embryo = diploid (egg n + sperm n = 2n)

-endosperm = triploid (polar nucleus n + polar nucleus n + sperm n = 3n)

plant gamete formation/fertilization cycle overview (pic)

