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27 Cards in this Set

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cells are divided into what two groups

sex cells (sperm and ova [egg])

somatic cells (all other cells)

two subdivisions of the cell cycle



which phase of cell cycle is the cell not dividing? what happens instead


DNA is replicated

how long does mitosis take?

8-12 hours (rest is all in interphase)

3 steps during prophase of mitosis

1. chromatin becomes supercoiled to form chromosomes

2. spindle fibers extend from centrioles to centromere

3. nuclear membrane and nucleolus are dismantled (not destroyed bc it comes back/reforms)

chromatin are made up of...

1/2 DNA

1/2 proteins

double stranded DNA


how many chromatids make up one chromosome


a chromosome is two chromatids joined by a _______


one of the duplicated DNA strands is called a...


in metaphase of mitosis, _____ line up along center of cell, called the _____


equatorial/metaphase plate

2 steps during anaphase

1. two chromatids split apart at centromere

2. each chromatid (A SINGLE STRAND OF DNA) is pulled to opposite ends of the cell by the spindle fibers

3 steps of telophase

1. chromosomes uncoil (back to chromatin)

2. nuclear envelope and nucleolus reform

3. cleavage furrow develops

cytokinesis is...

the division of the cytoplasm (usually occurs)

meiosis is cell division where ____ are formed

gametes (sex cells [sperm cells and egg cells (ova)])

mitosis produces ___(#) cells containing ___(#) chromosomes, which is...

2 cells

46 chromosomes

23 pairs of single-strands of DNA

meiosis produces ___(#) cells with ____ single strands of DNA

only 23 single strands of DNA (not 23 pairs like mitosis)

meiosis start of w/ ____ chromosomes

23 pairs of chromosomes

during interphase of meiosis, the DNA is _____ and the cell now contains ______ chromosomes


23 pairs of double-stranded chromosomes (92 single strands)

are the two meiotic divisions consecutive?



a group of 4 chromatids (2 chromosomes)

in telophase I, _____ are separated

the tetrads (homologous chromosomes)

in meiosis how many cells are produced and how many single strands of DNA do they have

23 single strands

meiosis starts out with ___ pairs of chromosomes

23 pairs

in meiosis, one set of chromosomes comes from _____ and other set from _____



what is most important thing that happens in interphase

DNA gets duplicated

after being duplicated n interphase, the cell before the start of meiosis now contains ___ pairs of ___ chromosomes

23 pairs of double-stranded chromosomes