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124 Cards in this Set

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What is the product of the enzyme Pyruvate Dehydrogenase?


Plasma Membrane

Outer boundary of the cell that separates it from the world

How thick is the plasma membrane?

5-10 nm

All membranes have ______ layers of lipids


Cell Membrane

Semi-permeable barrier that contains the cell cytoplasm

Controls movement of substances in and out of the cell

Cell Wall

Mostly mechanical role

Provides support (strength & rigidity) to cell

Some "filtering" capacity

All cells have a cell ________, not all cells have a cell ________

Membrane, wall

Membrane Functions- Compartmentalization

Membranes form continuous sheets that enclose intracellular compartments

Membrane Functions


Scaffold for biochemical activities

Selectively permeable barrier

Transporting solutes

Responding to external signals

Intracellular interaction

Energy transduction

Membrane Functions- Scaffold for Biological Activities

Membranes provide a framework that organizes enzymes for effective interaction

ex. Photosynthesis takes place at the

membrane of the thylakoid

Membrane Functions- Selectively Permeable Barrier

Membranes allow regulated exchange of substances between compartments

Also channels that allow selective molecules

Membrane Functions- Transporting Solutes

Membrane proteins facilitate the movement of substances between compartments

Membrane Functions- Responding to External Signals

Membrane receptors transduce signals from outside the cell in response to specific ligands

Membrane Functions- Intracellular Interaction

Membranes mediate recognition and interaction between adjacent cells

ex. Plasmodesmata

Membrane Functions- Energy Transduction

Membranes transduce photosynthetic energy, convert chemical energy to ATP, and store energy

ex. ETC and membrane of mitochondria

The Fluid Mosaic Model

Core lipid bilayer exists in a fluid state, capable of movement

Membrane proteins form a mosaic of particles penetrating the lipids

The lipid and protein components of the membrane are bound together by __________ bonds

Non-covalent (electrostatic)

Cellular membranes contain __________, __________, and __________

Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates

3 Main Types of Membrane Lipids




Membrane lipids are __________



Diacylglycerides with small functional head groups linked to the glycerol backbone by phosphodiester bonds

Fatty Acids

Long unbranched hydrocarbon chains

14-20 carbons

Carboxyl group at one end


Fatty acids have a hydrophobic __________ and a hydrophilic __________

Hydrocarbon chain, carboxyl group

Saturated Fatty Acids

No double bonds

Unsaturated Fatty Acids

One or more double bonds

An unsaturated fatty acid has a __________ melting point than a saturated fatty acid


Most phosphoglycerides have one __________ and one __________ fatty acid

Saturated, unsaturated


Ceramides formed by the attachment of sphingosine to fatty acids

Major roles in protecting cell surface against harmful environmental factors

Signal transduction and cell-cell recognition


Smaller and less amphipathic lipid only found in animals

Cholesterol makes up __________ of animal membrane lipids


In Cholesterol, the __________ group is oriented toward membrane surface


Membrane role of cholesterol

Regulates fluidity of the membrane

Prevents regular packing of saturated fatty acyl chains

"Wedge effects"

Enhances mechanical rigidity of the membrane while preserving the fluidity

Dynamic Properties of Plasma Membranes





Short, branched carbohydrates for interactions with other cells and structures outside the cell


Larger carbohydrate chains that function in cell-cell recognition sites


Addition of a sugar to either a protein or lipid (Post-translational modifications)

3 Classes of Membrane Proteins

Integral Proteins

Peripheral Proteins

Lipid-Anchored Proteins

Integral Proteins

Penetrate and pass through lipid bilayer


Integral proteins make up _____________ of all encoded proteins


Channel proteins have __________ cores that form aqueous channels in the membrane-spanning region


Peripheral proteins

Attached to the membrane by weak bonds and are easily solubized

Located entirely outside of bilayer on either side

Peripheral proteins are associated with membrane surface by __________ bonds


Lipid-Anchored Proteins

Anchored to lipid membrane

GPI Linked Proteins


Type of Lipid-Anchored protein

Can be released by inositol-specific phospholipases

Lipid rafts

Provide a favorable environment for cell-surface receptors and GPI-anchored proteins

__________ and ___________ tend to pack together to form highly ordered lipid rafts

Cholesterol and sphingolipids

Why would is it so hard for lipids to pass through the other leaflet (flip-flop)?

Must pass through internal hydrophobic sheet of the membrane

Thermodynamically unfavorable

May take hours or days

Protein movements are __________ than predicted by protein size and membrane viscosity


Membranes are not readily permeable to __________ molecules and larger __________ molecules

Polar, non-polar


Spontaneous movement of material from a region of high concentration to low concentration

Diffusion of nonelectrolytes depends on __________

Concentration gradient

Diffusion of electrolytes depends on the __________

Electrochemical gradient


Diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane

Plant cells develop __________ in hypotonic solutions


Plant cells develop __________ in hypertonic solutions



Specialized protein channels that allow passive movement of water

Why can't ions diffuse through the membrane?

Electrical charge of ions make them repulsive to the hydrophobic core of the bilayer

3 Kinds of ion channels




Large or hydrophilic substances require __________ diffusion


Facilitative Diffusion

Passive, specific, saturable, and regulated

Active Transport

Maintains the gradients for ions across the cell membrane

Couples the movement of substances against gradients to ATP hydrolysis

Sodium-Potassium Pump

K+ outside, Na+ inside

Inhibited by ouabain

Ratio of Na+:K+ is 3:2


Coupling active transport to existing ion gradients

Secondary Transport

Use of energy stored in an ionic gradient


ATP-Binding Cassette


Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR)

Transports Cl-


Collections of biochemical reactions that occur within a cell

Metbolic Pathways

Sequences of chemical reactions

Each rxn is catalyzed by a specific enzyme

Usually confined to specific locations

Catabolic pathways

Break down complex substrates into simpler end products

Provide raw materials and chemical energy for the cell

Anabolic Pathways

Synthesize complex end products from simpler substrates

Use ATP and NADPH from catabolic pathways

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

Oxidized molecule donates electrons to reduced molecule

Where does Glycolysis occur?


Equation for Glycolysis

C6H12O6 + 2ATP + 2Pi + 2NAD+ >> 2 Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2NADH + 2H+ + 2H2O

Energy Investment Phases of Glycolysis

Hydrolysis of ATP in 2 of the first 3 reactions

Glycolysis Step 1

Glucose is phosphorylated to Glucose-6-Phosphate by using ATP

Enzyme- Hexokinase

Free Energy- -4.0

Glycolysis Step 3

Fructose-6-Phosphate is Phosphorylated to Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphate using ATP

Enzyme- Phosphofructokinase

Free Energy- -3.4

Which step of Glycolysis is considered the most important?


Glycolysis Step 6

NAD+ is reduced to NADH when Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate is oxidized to 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate

Enzyme- Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase

Free Energy- +1.5


Enzyme that oxidizes and reduces cofactors


Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

Receives 2 electrons and 1 proton

Glycolysis Step 7

ATP is formed when 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate is converted to 3-Phosphoglycerate

Enzyme- Phosphoglycerate Kinase

Substrate-level Phosphorylation

Occurs when ATP is formed by a Kinase enzyme

Glycolysis Step 10

3-Phosphoglycerate is converted to pyruvate, another Kinase phosphorylates ADP

Enzyme- Phosphoenolpyruvate

Free Energy- -7.5

Does Glycolysis require oxygen?

No- anaerobic pathway

Net ATP production of Glycolysis



Restores NAD+ from NADH

The supply of NADPH represents the cell's __________

Reducing power

How is NADPH formed from NAD+?

Phosphate transfer from ATP to NAD+ to form NADP+, then reduced to NADPH

NADPH donates electrons to build __________

Large biomolecules

__________ pathways use NADPH


__________ pathways use NAD+



NADPH is favored when energy is abundant

NADH is used to make ATP when energy is scarce

Covalent modification of enzymes regulated by __________


Feedback Inhibition

The product of the pathway allosterically inhibits one of the first enzymes of the pathway

__________ and __________ are the catabolic and anabolic pathways of glucose metabolism

Glycolysis, Glucogenesis


Inside mitochondria, series of invaginated memranous sheets

Once formed, Acetyl CoA enters the __________

Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) cycle

How is Acetyl CoA formed?

After Glycolysis, Pyruvate is actively transported across the inner membrane and decarboxylated to form Acetyl CoA

Acetyl CoA links __________ to __________

Glycolysis, TCA Cycle

TCA Cycle overview

Acetyl CoA condensed with 4-carbon Oxaloacetate to form a 6-carbon citrate, oxidized to Oxaloacetate over a series of steps

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in TCA Cycle

Steps 3, 4, and 8- NAD+ reduced to NADH + H+

Step 6- FAD reduced to FADH

Purpose of the TCA Cycle

Produces high energy carrier molecules to be used during oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP

Where does the TCA Cycle take place?

Matrix of the mitochondria

End Products of TCA Cycle

Oxaloacetate, 3NADH, 3H+, 2CO2, FADH2, ATP

Ligand-Gated Ion Channel

Has a binding site, goes through conformational change

Mechano-Gated Ion Channel

Physical stress causes change

In what stage of cellular respiration does the first oxidative phosphorylation occur?

Step 7 of Glycolysis

2 Steps of Oxidative Phosphorylation

1. Electron transport chain

2. Flow of protons drives ATP production

During Oxidative Phosphorylation, you can expect to receive about ______ ATPs per pair from NADH and ______ ATPs per pair FADH2

3, 2

5 Types of Electron Carriers in the ETC



Copper Atoms

Iron-Sulfur Proteins



Polypeptides with either FAD or FMN (prosthetic group)


Contain heme prosthetic groups w/ iron

Alternates between Fe2+ and Fe3+ by gain/loss of electron

3 Copper Atoms

Located w/in a single protein complex, donate/accept an electron

Iron-Sulfur Proteins

Contain iron linked to non-heme sulfur centers

Capable of accepting/donating one electron

Ubiquinone (Coenzyme A)

No Prosthetic group

Lipid soluble

Can accept/donate 2 electrons and protons

Mobile electron carrier

From Complexes I and II to Complex III

Fully reduced form of Ubiquinone


Carriers in the ETC are organized from __________ to __________ agent

Strongly reducing, oxidizing

The last electron acceptor in the ETC is


Complex I: NADH Dehydrogenase Complex

Catalyzes transfer of electron pair from NADH to Ubiquinone

Complex II: Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex

Transfers e- to Ubiquinone

Contains FAD

Not accompanied by proton transfer

Complex III: Cytochrome bc1

Accepts e- from Ubiquinol and passes to Cytochrome C

Cytochrome C

Peripheral protein associated with the surface facing the intermembrane space

Mobile carrier between complexes III and IV

Complex IV: Cytochrome Oxidase

Adds 4e- to O2 to form 2 molecules of H2O


Membrane-bound vesicles that contain oxidative enzymes

Oxidize very long chain fatty acids, and synthesize plasmalogens