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84 Cards in this Set

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Which stem cells are pluripotent?
What does pluripotent mean?
Can still differentiate into endoderm, mesoderm or ectoderm.
What are adult stem cells?
What do cancer therapies fail to kill?
Cancer Stem Cells
Where are embryonic stem cells derived from?
Inner cell mass of the blastocyst pre-implantation
What are the two types of cell division?
Symmetric and Asymmetric
What is produced from asymmetric division?
An identical daughter cell and A progenitor cell.
Where does translation take place in eukaryotes?
Where does transcription take place in eukaryotes?
What reverse transcribes RNA to DNA?
What transmits a misfolded protein state?
What is a Northern Blot Analysis used for?
Identify differences in gene expression patterns
How many cells does the blastula have?
Which cells in the blastula are totipotent?
The inner cell mass
Cells migrate from the primitive streak in which directions?
Axially and Laterally
Cells from the primitive streak invade the hypoblast to form which layer of cells?
Endoderm and beginnings of primitive gut.
Cells remaining in the primitive streak form which layer?
What is the name for the close association of ectoderm and mesoderm?
What is the name for the close association of mesoderm and endoderm?
When primitive streak cells migrate out then undergo a transition of cells from what to what?
Epithelial to Mesenchyme
Segmentation occurs in which direction?
Rostral to Caudal
Segmentation occurs in which type of Mesoderm?
Kidney and Reproductive tracts are formed from which mesoderm?
The skull is formed from which mesoderm?
Somatopleure and Splanchnopleure are part of which mesoderm?
Embryonic Lateral
What is a Somitomere?
Somite that does not fully segment.
How many Somitomeres are there?
7 in the brain
Cell pruning occurs in embryonic development by which cellular process?
What are bones of the limb formed from?
Lateral Mesoderm
What is the dermis formed from?
Dermatome (of Somite)
What is the back and body wall muscles formed from?
Myotome (of somite)
What is the name for the area of close association with ectoderm and mesoderm in the head region?
Oral Plate
What is the name for close association of ectoderm and mesoderm in the Caudal Area?
Cloacal Plate
How is the amnion sheath produced?
Back folding of body folds
What is transient placenta?
Formed by yolk sac + trophectoderm + maternal uterine wall. Bide the time till true placenta is formed
What is the name for true placenta?
Chorio-allantoic Placenta
How is true placenta formed?
Allantois + Trophectoderm + Maternal uterine wall
What is the allantois?
Outbudding of the gut tube
What divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?
Septum transversum
Visceral Mesoderm is formed from which cells?
Parietal Mesoderm is formed from which cells?
Which body cavity is bilobed rostrally but a single cavity at the caudal end?
What develops first in a chick - head or Tail?
How many days does it take for the basic organ/body set up to be sorted.
40 days
How many motor cranial nerves are in the brain?
Which motor nerve innervates the pharynx?
IX (9)
Which motor cranial nerve innervates the neck?
XI (11)
What is special about cranial nerves 1,2 and 8?
They are pure sensory.
Name the 3 areas of the brain in the 3 vesicle embryo?
Forebrain, Mid Brain and HIndbrain
What sections does the forebrain become in the 5 vesicle embryo?
Telencephalon and Diencephalon
What does the Mid brain become in the 5 vesicle embryo?
What does the Hindbrain become in the 5 vesicle embryo?
Metencephalon and Myelencephalon
Which two growth factors determine the dorsal-ventral axis in the neural tube?
Sonic hedehog Shh and TGF beta
The dorsal neural tube is induced by what to become what?
TGF beta to become roof plate
The ventral neural tube is induced by what to become what
Shh to become floor plate.
Gradients of Shh and TGFbeta contol what?
Differentiation into inter-neurons and motorneurons
What lies internally to the branchial arches?
Pharyngeal pouches
How many branchial arches are there?
The posterior pituitary is formed from which area of the brain?
The Anterior pituitary is formed from what?
Rathke's Pouch - Outbudding of oral ectoderm
What signals the neural plate to invaginate and become neural tube?
What congenital abnormality may arise if the neural tube fails to form/close?
Spina bifida
What is Exencephaly?
Rostral neuropore fails to close leads to abnormal forebrain development
In which condition would you get a build up of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain?
Name the five destinations of neural crest cells.
2.Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurones
3.Autonomic Ganglia Neurones
4.Adrenal Medulla
5.Submucosal nerve plexus of gut
Name the three embyonic circulatory arcs.
1. Vitelline
2. Body Circulation
3. Allantoic Circulation
Which cells are involved in early haematopoeisis?
yolk sac splanchnopleure
How many aortic arches are there in a fish?
6 Right and Left
Which aortic arch persists into the mammalian aorta?
Left 4
Which aortic arches regress in the mammal>?
1 and 2
Which aortic arch never forms in the mammal?
Which aortic arch forms the left and right common carotids?
Left 3 and Right 3
Which aortic arch forms the pulmonary trunk including the ductus arteriosus
left 6
Which forms the right subclavian?
Right 4
What is the hole in between the atria that allows oxyenated blood to bypass the mixed blood?
Foramen ovale
Name the diverticula associated with the gut?
Pharyngeal pouches, Lung bud, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, caecum, mesonephric duct, bladder
What are the derivatives of the pharyngeal pouches?
1. tympanic membrane of the ear and bones of the middle ear
3 + 4 Parathyroid
What controls the gut tube differentiation of epithelia?
Homeobox genes
What is gut connective tissue formed from ?
Splanchnic Mesoderm
What are the 3 nephric systems?
Remaining mesonephros forms what in the male?
Seminiferous tubules
Remaining paramesonephrc duct in the female forms what?
Fallopian tubes
What induces the metanephros to form?
Uteric bud
Where does the glomerulus in the mesonephros come from?
Outbudding from the dorsal aorta