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84 Cards in this Set

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What is genetic information?
Internal information of cell which is passed on from parental cell to daughter cell. It represents information concerning the structure and function of the cell, including the function of the cell in the framework of an organism.
Requirement of genetic information?
- Must be lasting and stable enough
- Must be capable of changing during evolution
- Must be able to reproduce and be easily available for realization (expression)
- Carrier of genetic information
- In cells the genophore is DNA
- In some viruses it may be RNA
Structure of DNA:
A polymer of nucleotides. Usually contain two polynucleotide chains forming a double helix.
Nitrogen containing base+ sugar pentose+ phosphate
Nitrogen- containing base+ pentose sugar
Bases in DNA:
A adenine, G guanine (purines)
C cytosine, T thymine (purimidines)
Binding of polynucleotides:
Phosphodiester bond between the OH group on the 3` carbon of one deoxyribose and the 5` carbons phosphate on another deoxyribose
What does complementary and antiparalell mean?
- Complementary means that a base from one chain always binds specifically with a base from the other chain
- Antiparalell means that one strand goes in 5` end to 3`prime end and the other one 3`end to 5`end
How is DNA present within the cell?
As chromosomes (big amount of comprised genetic information) or in the form of plasmids (small amount of comprised genetic information)
Prokaryotic chromosome:
- 1 chromosome
- Circular
- 10 to 6- 10 to 7 base pairs
- attached to the plasma membrane of the cell at one specific point
- contains proteins (some similar to histones of eukaryotes)
Eukaryotic chromosomes:
- Many chromosomes
- linear
- 10 to the 8 base pairs
- human genome: 5,25 * 10 to the 7th base pairs
- located in the nucleus of the cell
- contain histone proteins (basic proteins that contain many basic aminoacids, lysine and arginine)
- acidic proteins (non- histone proteins)
H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4
All these 5 types of histones are present on each chromosome and are all involved in the basic structure of eukaryotic chromosomes
Acidic proteins:
Heterogenous group of proteins all probably involved in the three dimensional structure of chromosomes
What is the basic structural unit of eukaryotic chromosomes
Structure of a nucleosome:
- The core is made up of octamer of histones: (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) *2.
- DNA is wound around the core
- 146 base pairs long DNA is wound around the core, and there is 60 free base pairs between two nucleosomes
- Thus there are about 200 base pairs/ nucleosome
- Individual histones are joined by histone H1
Structural levels of eukaryotic chromosomes: (6)
1. Double helix of DNA (the diameter of fiber is 2nm)
2. Nucleosomes with bound DNA (11nm)
3. Chromatin fiber (30nm)
4. Chromatin loops (300nm)
5. Condensed part of chromosome (chromatid) (700nm)
6. Entire metaphase chromosome (1400nm)
Why is metaphase chromosome 10 000 times shorter then chromosomes in extended form?
Because of condensation
Basic structure of metaphase chromosome:
2 chromatids, centromere and telomeres
What are plasmids?
Where are they usually found?
Plasmids are cytoplasmic genophores which do not carry genetic information indispensable for the function of the cell (vital genetic information is in chromosomes)
Usually found in prokaryotes.
Structure of prokaryotic plasmids:
Circular double stranded DNA, 1,5- 200* 10 to the third base pairs
Types of prokaryotic plasmids:
- F (fertile) plasmids: necessary for the conjugation of bacteria (the exchange of genetic information)
- R (resistance) plasmids: they produce resistance against antibiotics and chemotherapeutic
- Col plasmids: they provide the capability of producing proteins colicins which can kill other bacteria
What is genetic information?
A sequence of individual bases that encodes the sequence of amino- acids (the primary structure of cell proteins) It means that the sequence of bases in DNA determines the sequence of amino- acids in the relevant protein.
What is a genetic code?
A rule by which certain sequences of bases determines relevant amino- acids.
How many amino- acids are encoded in an organism?
What is a triplet?
A triplet is a sequence of 3 bases that determine one amino- acid.
The genetic code is based on triplets
How many combinations of triplets (codons) are there?
And how many of these triplets encode amino- acids?
There are 4 bases (4 to the third)= 64 combinations of triplets.
61 triplets encode amino-acids
What is the function of the remaining 3 triplets (codons) that do not encode amino- acids?
They function as stop codons
What is the initiation codon?
How many triplets can one amino- acid be encoded from?
1-6 triplets (codons), because 61 triplets encode only 20 amino- acids
How many codons encode:
1. Methionine
2. Tryptophan
3. Leucine
4. Serine
5. Arginine
1. Methionine: 1 codon
2. Tryptophan: 1 codon
3: Leucine: 6 codons
4: Serine: 6 codons
5: Arginine: 6 codons
What does it mean that "Genetic code is redundant"?
That one amino- acid can be coded by several triplets
What does it mean that the genetic code is "universal"?
It means that all organisms use the same triplet (codon) for the same amino- acid
What is the "reading frame"?
One of three possibilities a how a sequence of triplets can be read
A gene is a segment of DNA (or RNA) which encodes a single polypetide chain (protein) or a single RNA chain (rRNA, tRNA)
What is a gene locus?
A stable site within the sequence of the relevant chromosome. A specific site where the gene is located on the chromosome
Structural genes:
Encode proteins
Genes for RNA:
They encode RNA which is not a template for translation (rRNA & tRNA)
DNA regulatory region:
They do not encode proteins as well as RNA, but they carry information for binding specific molecules regulating gene expression
Prokaryotic gene contains:
it contains uninterrupted DNA sequence that encodes corresponding polypeptide chain
Eukaryotic gene:
it contains coding DNA sequences (exons), which are interrupted by non- coding sequences (introns)
Human gene comprises about 3* 10 to the 4th base pairs
Non- gene DNA, how large part of DNA are genes that are expressed?
In mammalian cells, genes which are expressed represents only 7-10% of the entire DNA
Regulatory regions:
are involved in regulation of expression
Repetitive sequences function?
they are involved in the regulation of expression
Mobile elements (transposons):
they do not show a stable position within DNA sequence
Genes which lost their function due to accumulation of mutations
Genome is the complete set of DNA (set of all genophores) of the cell (organism)
Genome of prokaryotic cell consists of:
chromosome + possible plasmids
Genome of eukaryotic cell consists of?
- Nuclear chromosome
- Mitochondrial chromosome
- Chloroplast chromosome (in plants)
- Possibly plasmids (only in some cases)
How many genes do the human genome contain? (haploid set)
30 000 genes
What is DNA replication?
DNA replication is doubling of DNA. Two identical double helixes of DNA are derived from one original double helix of DNA. It means that entire genetic information is saved in two double helixes of DNA
What does it mean that DNA replication has a semiconservative character?
It means that a new strand is synthesized on the basis of complementary pairing according to each of both original strands of the double helix. The original strand functions as a template.
a specific sequence of DNA (rich in A-T base pairs) where replication starts after unwinding the double helix. It happens after binding of initiator proteins.
Replication fork:
From replication origin replication continues in both directions. It results in TWO replication forks (the shape of letter Y) which are moving apart.
Speed of prokaryotic chromosome replication fork:
1000 bp/s (base pairs/ second)
Speed of eukaryotic chromosome replication fork:
100 bp/s
What is the function of DNA polymerase?
Catalyze the formation of phosphodiester bonds between two nucleotides (between the 3`end of the deoxyribose on one nucleotide and the 5`end of the deoxyribose of another nucleotide via relevant phosphate)
Process of adding of base pairs:
1. Nucleotide is added to the new growing DNA strand and binds complementary by its base to the relevant nucleotide of the template
2. Then the nucleotide forms phosphodiester bonds with the previous nucleotide of the growing strand
In what form do the nucleotides enter the polymerization reaction?
As nucleoside triphosphate s. (ATP, CTP, GTP, TTP)
Where do we get the energy for this reaction?
From the freeing of pyrophosphate (PPi)
Limitation of DNA polymerase?
1. It can synthesize new DNA strand in only 5`- 3`direction. That means according to the template in 3`- 5`.
2. It is unable to start synthesis of new DNA strand. It can only extend existing of nucleic acid.
Types of DNA polymerase in eukaryotic cells:
- DNA polymerase α
- DNA polymerase δ
and other types (DNA polymerase β, DNA polymerase γ).
The mechanism of DNA replication: (5)
1. After binding to the replication origin, enzyme helicase unwinds the double helix of DNA (with energy from ATP)
2. Single- strand binding protein molecules stabilize single strand of DNA.
3. The replication is started by enzyme primase, which produces a short strand of RNA referred to as primer.
4. Protein known as sliding clamp keeps DNA polymerase attached to the template strand and it allows DNA polymerase to slide along the template strand.
5. The synthesis of new strand in 5`- 3`direction on 3`- 5`template runs continuously (DNA polymerase δ): the leading strand.
The mechanism of DNA replication: (continued)
6. The synthesis of new strand in 3´- 5`direction on the 5`- 3`template runs discontinously(DNA polymerase α): the lagging strand. DNA polymerase "skips" here forward along the template and then it synthesizes backward in the proper 5`- 3`direction.
What is an Okazaki fragment?
+ the mechanism of DNA replication continued.
- The synthesis of new strand (lagging strand) is done piece after piece. These pieces are called "Okazaki fragments".
- Each fragment starts with its own primer.
7. Afterwards, RNA primers are removed and missing DNA is synthesized by relevant DNA polymerase.
8. Finally, individual fragments are joined by enzyme DNA ligase.
Ho many base pairs in eukaryotic and prokaryotic primers:
Eukaryotic cell primer: 10 bp
Prokaryotic cell primer: 5 bp
What is the function of a primer?
Primer provides DNA polymerase with 3`end. DNA polymerase continues the synthesis of new DNA strand according to the template.
Number of nucleotides in eukaryotic and prokaryotic Okazaki fragments:
Okazaki fragment of eukaryotic cell: about 200 nucleotides
Okazaki fragment of prokaryotic cell: about 1000 nucleotides
It solves the problem of synthesizing the lagging strand at the end of chromosome (telomere)
It adds noncoding repeats to the 3`end in the telomere region to avoid loss of genetic information during degradation of telomers.
DNA polymerase synthesize a new DNA strand in the 5`- 3`direction, but simultaneously it has proofreading activity in 3`- 5` direction on the new DNA strand.
Action of proofreading:
Before binding a new nucleotide, DNA polymerase verifies wether the previously bound nucleotide has the base complementary to the template. If yes, DNA polymerase continues to bind a new nucleotide. If no, DNA polymerase removes the wrong nucleotide and bind the correct nucleotide instead.
Why is it not possible for DNA polymerase to synthesize in 3`- 5`?
Because of the proof reading activity. Proofreading in 5`- 3`is not possible from a chemical point of view.
Mismatch repair:
Mechanism that corrects wrongly paired bases of newly synthesized DNA strand. Thus it corrects mistakes of the replication machinery.
How do the mismatch repair proteins recognize mismatch pairing by:
Due to deformation of DNA double helix.
How many errors do the replication machinery make?
How many of these errors do the mismatch repair machinery repair?
1 error/ 10 to the 7th nucleotides.
Mismatch repair mechanism repairs 99% of these mistakes.
What is the overall accuracy DNA reproduction within the cell and thus accuracy of genetic information transfer from one DNA molecule to another DNA molecule:
1 error in 10 to the 9th nucleotides
Mechanism of repair of accidentally damaged DNA: (3)
1. Recognition of damage on DNA strand and excision of the damaged DNA by specific nucleases.
2. Synthesis of removed DNA according to complementary strand by repair DNA polymerases
3. Rejoining newly synthesized DNA segment with repaired DNA strand by DNA ligase (ligation)
The stability of DNA, and thus the genetic information depends on:
Mechanisms of DNA repair.
5 classes of mammalian DNA polymerases:
alpha- synthesis of lagging strand
delta- synthesis of leading strand
beta- DNA repair
gamma- synthesis of mitochondrial DNA
Most frequent chemical reactions known to make DNA damage:
- Deamination
- Depurination
- UV radiation in sunlight promotes covalent linkage between two adjacent pyrimidine bases forming a pyrimidine dimer.
Consequence of depurination:
Deletion of nucleotide pair.
Consequence of deamination from cytosine to uracil:
Results in substitution of one base for another, because uracil preferentially base- pairs with adenine.
Consequence of pyrimidine dimer:
Stall of the DNA replication machinery.
When the cells replication and repair process fails and allow permanent damage in the DNA