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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of microscopy? How are they different?

1) Light and electron microscopy

2) Differs by source of illumination

What is magnification? Resolution? What is resolution dependent on?

1) Magnification= ratio of size of object viewed in microscope: real size

2) Resolution= minimum distance required for 2 points to be distinguished under microscope

3) Depends on wavelength of light/electron (shorter=better)

List the different types of LIGHT MICROSCOPY:

1) Bright field microscopy

2) Dark field microscopy

3) Phase-contrast microscopy

4) Nomarski

5) Fluorescence microscopy

6) Confocal laser scanning microscopy

What is Bright Field Microscopy?

Type of light microscopy, light passes directly through specimen, staining with dye may be used to contrast internal structures (may KILL the cell!)

What is Dark Field Microscopy?

Type of light microscopy, light illuminates specimen at an angle, light that is scattered by specimen reaches viewing lens and produces bright image of cell against dark background

What is Phase-Contrast Microscopy?

Type of light microscopy, different densities within the specimen cause refraction in light. This refraction of light causes contrast revealing "invisible" structures

What is Nomarski microscopy?

Type of light microscopy, same as phase contrast but with special lenses creating a 3D image

What is Fluorescence microscopy?

Type of light microscopy, specific structures or molecules are stained with fluorescent dyes, structure or molecules fluoresce when viewed with UV light

What is Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy?

Type of light microscopy, sharpest 3D image of light microscopy. Laser scan fluorescent stained specimens, computer used to view individual plans throughout the cell

List the types of Electron Microscopy:

1) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

2) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

What is TEM?

"Transmission Electron Microscope", type of electron microscopy. Beam of electron focused on thin section of specimen, electrons that pass through form an image, structures scattering electrons appear dark. Staining can be used to hightlight certain structures/molecules

What is SEM?

"Scanning Electron Microscope", type of electron microscopy. Electron scanned across whole specimen, electron excited on the specimen's surface are converted into 3D image.