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26 Cards in this Set

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Two triggers to germinate seeds of tropical pioneer species in the rainforest
1) Photoblastic Species- triggered by exposure to light in which E of red wavelength > far red
2) thermoblastic species- triggered by high temp or by alternating high and low temperature
Adaptions of Amazonian plants against herbivory
-longevity of fruit and flower
-chemical- lots of investment in secondary compounds
-rapid expansion b/c most herbivory in seedling stage
-poor nutritional quality
-leaf toughness
-delayed greening
-mutualism with ants and other insects
unisexual reproductive units of both sexes on same plant
unisexual reproductive units on different individuals "two houses"
Primary vs. Secondary Attractant
Primary attractant: what is diectly recieved by pollinating the plant (pllen, nectar, perfumes, protection and brood place, oils)

Secondary attractant: what attracts an insect to pollinate a plant (floral scent, visual attractive, temperature, sexual attraction)
Páramo Plant Adaptations
-leaves can be white to reflect light
-leaves have hair and wax to keep warm
-plants have parts that are dead higher in leaves to shade living part
-thicker leaves
Differences between Pollination timing in TRF vs. TF
TRF: seasonal, throughout the year with some peak periods
TF: cofined to late spring and summer
period in which flower is fully open and functional
Differences between pollination vectors in TRF vs. TF
TRF: very little wind pollination, mainly social insect (bees) pollinated and animal pollination
TF: majority is wind pollinated (gymnosperms and angiosperms), very little animal pollination
Inga plant
-Fabaceae family, subfamily Mimosoidae
-Inga is paripinada (unlike Mimosoidae which are bipinada) but it has glands
Explain the 4 hypothesis of Cock of the Rock lekking behavior
1)female selection- prefer to visit large male groups to size up options
2) kin selection- all participating males in lek are somewhat related, therefore if even a solitary male gets to mate than all benefit b/c genetic material is passed on
3) hot spot hypothesis- males congregate where females most often visit
4) hotshot hypothesis- subordinate males flock around dominate males to try to intercept females
Advantages of mixed flocks
-avoid predation
-optimal nutrition-improve food search
-habitat enlargement
-improved reproduction and genetic structure
Differences between guilds of bats (frugivores/granivores and carnivorous)
-good sense of smell, scream through noses for echolocation when carrying fruit

Carnivorous: pug nose, sneak on prey and make small incisions to drink blood
Differences between mixed bird flocks: frugivores vs. insectivores
-highly colored mid-sized birds, inhabitat canopy, no real territory
-no sentinel guide

Insectivores: cryptically colored small to mid-sized birds, understory
-not necessarily strong flyers
-directed by sentinel guide, predictable movements, smaller groups 40-100
Apterygota, exopterygoa, and endopterygota Insect Groups
Apterygota: no metamorphosis, wingless, nymphs closely resemble adults

Exopterygota: gradual and incomplete metamorphosis, wings develop outside the body (no pupil stage)

Endopterygota: complete metamorphisis, wings develop inside body in pupil stage-not visible until adult stage
species compete directly and prevent fitness
species indirectly compete and prevent fitness
members of the same species compete
two different species compete
divergent niches for the same resource, non-limiting
Three Main Oceanic Currents of Ecuador Coast and their properties
1) Humboldt- southern, cold current pulls moisture out of the air
2)El Niño (Panama)- northern, warm current, warm water gives off moisture
3)Cromwell- cold deepwater curent from west carries lots of nutrients that are forced up when it hits galaps
Why are Amazonian soils nutrient poor?
-high iron and clay content
-rate of nutrient cycling is very fast
-very small 0 organic layer because vegetation is constantly absorbing nutrients
Chronologically order Ecuador's exports
Textiles, cacao, bananas, petroleum
Effects of the banana boom of the 1950s and 60s
-migration from sierra to coast
-development, formed coastal middle class
-deforestation for cultivation
-political stability
Threats to Andean Speckled Bear Populations
-reduction and fragmentation of habitat
-popular medicine- fat for rheumatism, blood for healthy/female fertility
-poaching for fur
-lack of knowledge
Yasuní ITT initiative
-proposal to leave Amazon oil in the ground in exchange for international compensation of $100million (1/2 of value)
-if not received, Correa says will extract with minimal environmental impact
-Correa is more actively developing how to drill in Yasuní than promoting the initiative