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30 Cards in this Set

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The second law passed by the 112th congress would like ____________.
Three manners in which legislation can originate___________, __________ and ___________.
Recommendation of President, Introduced by members, and Introduced by committee
Example of the flow of a bill.
HAC/SAC, subcommittees Hearings, Bill/Report, Floor (gets amendments), Conference, Floor, President Signs, Becomes law
The main job of the conference committees is to ______________.
Resolve Differences between the House and the Senate Bill
The third chamber is another name for the _____________ due to the _________ they hold.
Conference Committee, power
The Conference Committees can not include new items that were not in either the House or Senate Bills. TRUE or FALSE
A bills final step is called ____________ when it is sent to the President for ____________.
Enrolled, signature
USC has ___ titles - ______ is Armed Forces and _____ is Money and Finance.
51, 10 USC, 31 USC
During Conference the Senate gets ____ vote and the House gets ____ vote, but they can have ___________.
1, 1, as many members as they want
The president has ____ days after a bill is presented to him to act. (_______ are excluded)
10, Sundays
The __________________ action results from the president signing the bill and therefore it becoming law.
Approval and Signature
If president does not desire to approve a bill, but is unwilling to veto it, he may return it and _____________.
Does not sign but allows bill to become law
In this action the congress is adjourned and the president does not sign the bill within 10 days.
Pocket Veto
If president returns bill to house without signing it along with a letter of objections it is this action.
Four steps in the Federal Budget Process.
Budget Formation, Congressional Action, Budget Execution and Review and Audit (continuous)
The Federal budget is the __________ budget
The Budget is due to congress by the _____________.
First Monday in February
The Budget Formulation process is governed by ____________.
OMB Circular A-11
The formulation stage begins as early as _____ months prior to the fiscal year.
OMB Circular A-11
The formulation stage begins as early as _____ months proper to the fiscal year.
The Six steps to Budget Formulation are ...
OMB issues guidance, Organization develops draft, Agency submits budget estimate to OMB, OMB reviews, President takes action, president sends to congress
The DoD uses the _______________________ to formulate its budget
Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution process (PPBE)
When agencies submit their budget to OSD and OSD and OMB sit down to reconcile this is called ____________.
Fall Review
Results of OMB review provided to agencies in a letter is called _______________.
OMB Pass back
_________ of the Budget is Mandatory spending while ________ is ___________ spending
64%, 36% is discretionary
Social Security, Food Stamps, VA are all ____________ spending, while appropriations are ___________ spending
Mandatory, Discretionary
There are _______ annual appropriations which makes up approximately _________ (fraction) of the budget.
12, 1/3
Congressional action phase is made up of _____________, _____________ and _______________.
Budget Resolution Process, Authorization Process, and Appropriation Process
Appropriation gives ___________________________.
Budget Authority
BY ____________ subcommittees owe their views on ____________________________.
March 15, Budget Outlays, Budget Authority, Public Debt, Surplus or Deficit, and Federal Revenue