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80 Cards in this Set

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what prohibits all three anti-abortion countermeasures (violence, property, harassment)
neither ____ nor ____ motivates the political criminal
greed, need
Reactions to Terrorism tends to be ____ for acts against the government and tends to be ___ for crimes by the government
harsh, mild
Criminal sentence that suspends or delays correctional term in prison or jail, so that instead of being incarcerated, offenders return to community in which they must: abide by certain conditions set by the court, be supervised by a probation officer
planned community release, and supervision of incarcerated offenders before the expiration date of their full sentence
Unintended consequences of incarceration for drugs
-increase of drug offenders in prison
-crack market recruit young replacements
-sellers in street market carry guns
-guns diffused to other youth
-young men always resolve disputes by fighting
What is the experimental audit that involved: two teams of 23 year olds male college students apply for real job openings in Milwaukee, WI, and who was in charge of it
“The Mark of a Criminal Record- Devah Pager
an offender’s return to crime
Prisoner Recidivism
risk of recidivism declines dramatically after __ year and __ year after release is crucial to success
3rd, 1st
prior criminal record is a ___ predictor of future criminality
-employers ___aware of this relationship and use it to screen
risk of recidivism ____ as people with criminal records stay arrest free
-employers ____ so aware of this relationship
strong, are
declines, are not
___ Amendment- protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure
___amendment- prohibits fed. government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment
provides a broad definition of citizenship, overruled Dred Scott decision
citizenship clause
prohibits state/local governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without certain steps being taken.
due process clause
in ___ v. ____ SCOTUS ruled that the DP constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of 8th Amendment
Furman argued that capital cases resulted in arbitrary and capricious sentencing
punishment is cruel and usual if…
-its too severe for the crime
-if its arbitrary
-if it offended society’s sense of justice
-if it was more effective than a less severe penalty
Furman v. Georgia
in ___ v. ____ -required the sentencing judge or jury to take into account specific aggravating and mitigating circumstances in deciding which convicted murders should be sentenced to death
Greggs v. Georgia
What are some pro arguments for the Death Penalty
moral arguments
-retribution calls for death penalty
utilitarian arguments (deterrence)
-ehrich: each execution between 1933-1969 prevented between 7-8 murders
Economic Arguments: death penalty should theoretically be less expensive than life imprisonment
What are some con arguments for the Death Penalty
Moral argument: Capital Punishment isn’t moral. State does not have right to take life
Utilitarian Argument (Deterrence): No convincing evidence that capital punishment deters
-many capital crimes cannot be deterred
economic argument: death penalty is more expensive than life sentence
other arguments: 1) mistakes are unavoidable/irreversible 2) death sentence imposed in unfair and discriminate way (ex: by race, jurisdiction, even politics)
In ____ v. _____ US S.C. racial discrimination, has to prove decision makers acted without a discriminatory purpose
McCleskey v. Kemp
The killing of four or more victims at one location on a single occasion.
Mass Murder
Killing at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders.
Spree Murder
kill in response to voices or visions
thrill seekers, murders for comforts/profits/pleasures
enjoy power and control over helpless victims and enjoy watching them beg and suffer for mercy
The victim’s contribution to his/her own harm by being the first to use or threaten violence .
Victim Precipitation
Criminally Violent offenders-
Violence as a Means to an End
situationally violent offenders
“Crimes of Passion”
pathologically violent offenders
Mentally Ill and Those with Brain Damage
You are most likely to be stabbed, shot, beaten, or abused in ______________________
your own home or in the home of one of your friends, relatives, or acquaintances.
common cause of on the job deaths
workplace violence
sexually inexperienced youths trying to dominate their victims
Naive Graspers
typical rapists, the date rapists
Meaning Stretchers
combines sexuality and aggression
Sadistic Rape
use women as sex objects
Sex Looters
A code of conduct requiring that males defend their sense of honor.
most prevalent crime in the US
most _______ burglaries take place during the day
most _______ burglaries take place during the night
residential, commercial
_______ found out that burglars followed a specific script in and out
Decker and Wright
juvenile gangs who engage in larceny, burglary, robbery, etc
Mercenary crime-
major goal is psychological gratification rather than profit
In-group oriented
what most think of to when speaking of organized crime
syndicate crime
3 features of syndicate crime
-continung group or organization that participates in illicit acitivity in any society by use of force, intimidatory or threats
-purpose is to provide illicit services for which there is a strong public demand through use of secrecy on part of the associates
-assurance of protection and immunity- political corruption or avoidance of prosecution
What are some classic patterns of organized crime?
-loan sharking, assault, blackmail, bribery, narcotics, labor racketeering
What are the four myths of street gangs?
1) they are highly organized
2) street gangs are all violent
3) street gangs control drug distribution in our cities
4) LA Gangs franchise drug distribution to the rest of the country
According to the ethnicity succession theory what does organized crime act as?
-an alternative means of upward mobility for ethnic minorities
What are the three steps to money laundering?
1. placement 2. layering 3. laundering
What is the common place for money laundering?
What are the 4 goals of punishment/correction?
1. retribution 2. incapacitation 3. rehabilitation 4. deterrence
What is a booster?
-Professional Shoplifter, deals with fences
Which professionals supplement legitimate incomes by stealing?
Shadow Professionals
What is the most common type of shoplifter?
-snitches (amateur shoplifter)
What is the most common type of vandalism?
-wanton vandalism “Senseless destruction”
Occasional offenders have ______ societal reaction and identify with _______ values and are _____ deterred
Mild/ middle-class/easily
Conventional offenders have _______ societal reaction and identify with _________ values and are ____ deterred
Strong/Lower-class/less easily
Who occasional deals stolen goods?
neighborhood fence
Who sells stolen goods with legitmate merchandise?
Outlet fence
Who is a major dealer of stolen goods?
Professional fence
Who is involved in entire theft, beginnign with the planning stage?
Master fence
Who are unique in willingness to use force?
Professional robbers
What theory believes that property crime peaks in a person’s teens and rapidly declines
Developmental/life course theories
What emphasizes material success without the provision of legitimate opportunity?
Anomie Theory
Individuals learn and become socialized to criminal activity according to……
Differential Opportunity Theory
What act was made to forbid monopolies and make price fixing a felony?
Sherman Antitrust Act
When labor officials and negotiators secretly make a deal to disadvantage workers whom the labor officials are supposed to represent called?
Sweetheart Contract
When one under charges friends and overcharges to pocket the difference called?
employee pilferage
Kickbacks, price fixing, commercial bribery, and corporate dumping are what types of crime?
corporate crime
Occupational and organizational offenders ____ view themselves as criminals
do not
what theory believes individuals are rational decision makers who seek pleasure and avoid pain?
rational choice theory
what theory argues that profit at all cost has come to dominate institutions in modern society?
institutional anomie theory
who are politically motivated criminals?
convictional criminals
human rights violations committed as the result of carrying out orders are not justifiable
nuremburg principle
This group satys in drug business in order to feed their habits
-Dope Friends
New jacks view illegal drug sales ___________
as their career
Who mature out of gangs?
Organized crime thrives in ________ and _________
Liberal Democracies and Corrupt dictatorships
What are crimes without victims and what are some examples?
public order criminal behavior. Prostitution, Alcohol and Drugs, Homosexuality
Who came up with Broken Windows Theory
Wilson and Kelling
Who are customers of prostitution
What are two types of homosexuals
Situational and Preferential
Most molesters know the _________________
the victim or victim’s family