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40 Cards in this Set

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Cations are held on the CEC by ___________ charges on clay and organic matter


Mineral solubility changes most with soil ____________


if a soil has an EC of 0.6 siemens per meter and contains 20 percent sodium on the CEC, it is a ___________ soil.


Which of the soil textures has the highest porosity and lowest bulk density?


Which of textural classes has the largest potential available water?

silt loam

soil microorganisms cause __________ in soil structure when crop residues are added to soil.


When organic materials decompose, most of the Carbon ends up as____________


In order to increase soil organic matter levels, _____________ must be markedly reduced or eliminated.


A horizon illuviated clay is the __________ horizon.

B horizon

The area of a rectangular field that is 1250 feet long and 700 feet wide is _________ acres.

1250 x 700 = 875,000/ 43,560 = 20

Name a kind of wind erosion that causes dust storms.


What factor does not effect wind erosion?

Slope length

Maintaining surface residue on a soil will __________ surface soil warming in the spring.


Subsurface compaction from tillage usually starts____________

slightly below the depth of tillage

_____________ decreases odor and NH3 losses from biosolids.


Organic solutes tend to move more slowly in soils and soil ____________ content increases.

organic matter

In integrated pest management, the economic injury level is the level at which the ____________ of treatment equals the _____________ of treatment

cost, economic benefits

Which agent causes a disease to occur in a pest reducing the pest population


Which pathogen only survives in living tissue?


____________ is a major way insects feed


What is the most important limiting factor for a weed competing with a crop when the crop outgrows the weed


Soil for a nematode analysis should be __________ before shipping

kept cool

Which pathognes cause discolored mosaics on plants


Maximum plant available water is _________ minus ___________.

Field capacity, permanent wilting point

___________ are raised soil areas used to improve drainage.


Tile drain spacing is smallest for a __________ soil

clay loam

A ______________ is speciffically designed to improve ground water quality before ground water can move to a stream.

tree planting

What characteristics are used to identify grass wee seedlings

presence or absence of ligules

Cropping history of a field can be used to identify pest ___________-


A limitation of GM crops is ____________

lack of marketability in some countries

Timing of what three things applications can be used to control pests?

Planting, harvest, and fertilizing

Biologic control agents that work best are_________.

not indigenous to the crop area

_____________ pesticides exert their pesticidal action where they are placed on a plant.


Herbicides are usually most effective on ___________

Fast growing plants

Which insecticides target insect eggs?


______________ fungicides are designed to kill specific pests.

Narrow Spectrum

Which site characteristic increases the potential for soil and water pollution by a pesticide.

High erosion

If a pesticide is moderately toxic, the label will have the signal word ____________


Worker Protection Standards do not specifically require ________________

inoculation for disease exposure

Acute pesticide poisoning is how poisonous a pesticide is to humans after _____________ exposure.
