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163 Cards in this Set

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What is the most common infectious reason for missing school or work, what is
URI, Upper Respiratory Infection
90% of URI’s are caused by Bacteria or Virus
List Upper Airway Disorders
Rhinitis, Viral Rhinitis, Phayngitis, Tonsillitis, Adenoiditis, Peritonsillar Abscess, Laryngitis
What is inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose
Edema of the glottis is common with which of the following Laryngitis, Urticaria or Scarlet Fever
Scarlet Fever & Urticaria
Another name for a nosebleed is
True or False a laryngeal obstruction with edema can be life threatening
What this the age range and the gender most likely to get CA of Larynx
Men 60-70
Most Larynx CA arise from surface epithelium so ________ cell
What are the risk factors that cause Larynx CA
Smoking, or Smokeless Tobacco, Alcohol, Asbestos, Chemicals, Dust from Iron, Steel, Coal
The following are signs and symptoms for what type of cancer, Hoarseness >2 weeks, harsh raspy voice, persistent cough, lump in the neck, dyspnea, dysphagia
Cancer of the Larynx
How is Larynx CA Dx
CT, MRI, Laryngoscopy, HX, Tissue Sample
Tx for Larynx Ca is Radiation or Chemotherapy
List 5 types of Larynx CA Surgical Options
Vocal Cord Stripping, Cordectomy, Laser Surgery, Partial Laryngectomy, Total Laryngectomy
This TX for Larynx Ca is used w dysplagia, hyperdetratosis & leukoplakia, it removes the mucosa edge from the vocal cords
Vocal Cord Stripping
Tx that involves an Excision of the vocal cords usually by a transoral LASER
This TX for Larynx Ca involves micro surgery considered to be TX of choice as improved outcomes and with fewer side effects
Laser Sugery used for early tumors w/o lg vascular involvement
This type of Tx is recommended when only one vocal cord is involved, what is
Partial Laryngectomy
With a Total Laryngectomy the PT will have a permanent tracheostomy True or False
With a Total Laryngectomy the PT will have a permanent loss of voice True or False
There are two methods for speech one the voice is lost after a total Laryngectomy, Esophageal speech and Electric Larynx, True or False
False there are 3 Also Tracheoesphageal puncture which is the easiest
List Nursing Management and Care for Larynx CA
Airway management, Post Op Care, Education, Emotional Support
Collapse or airless condition of the alveoli caused by hypoventilation, obstruction to the airways or compression..what is
How to Prevent Atelectasis
Freq Positioning, Early Mobilization, Deep Breathing IS, Secretion Mngt
List the Hallmark signs of Atelectasis
Tachypnea, Dyspnea, MILD/MOD Hypoxia
What is the most common sign of neutropenia
What is the name given to the condition when Neutrophil counts are less than 2000mm3
Chronic Leukemia has a majority of Blast or Mature RBC
What is the most common non-lymphocytic leukemia, What is
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Describe the onset of Acute Leukemia
Abrupt onset development cell is halted at blast phase
Describe the onset of Chronic Leukemia
Symptoms evolve over months/yrs majority of the Leukocytes are Mature
List possible Nasal Obstructions
Nasal Septum, Hypertrophy of Turbinate bone or nasal polyps
Epistaxis originates were
Anterior portion of the nose
If a PT has a Epistaxis what is NSG intervention applied
Apply Direct Pressure, Situ Up right tilt head forward to avoid, swallowing or aspiration
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
True or False OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) are at a higher risk for HTN & MI
Lisa OSA Risk Factors
Obesity, Male Gender, Post Menopausal
Vanceril is a topical corticosteroid for what
S/S of Laryngitis
Hoarseness, Aphonia ( complete loss of voice) Sever Cough
Laryngitis is Bacterial or Viral Infection
Inflammation of the Larynx is
Quinsy or Sore Throat is also known as
Peritonsillar Absecss
Tonsillectomy Post Op Care & PT Positioning
#1 Risk Factor is Hemorrhage, Prone Position head turned to side for drainage, Ice Collar, basin, kleenex
Strep Throat is also known as
Acute Pharyngitis
Another name for Rhinosinusitis is
True or False Antimicrobial should be used to treat the common cold
False, it’s a virus
Viral Rhinitis Medication Mngt
Warm Salt Water Gargles, Nonsteriod Anti-Inflam, NSAIDS, Antihistamines, Mucinex
S/S of Viral Rhinitis
low grade fever, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sneezing, tearing watery eyes, scratchy sore throat, malaise, chills, HA, muscle ache, *** Herpes Simplex - Cold Sore
What is the most common cause of the non-allergic Rhinitis is
The Common Cold
The common cold is most common when
Late Fall & Winter or Sept, Jan & April
90% of URI disorders are viral or bacterial
URI’s are the most common reason individuals give for missing
Work & School
List Common URI’s
True or False a consent for BLOOD & PLTS is necessary
True or False both blood and plasma must be started with in 30min of arrival of product
True or False Both Blood and Plasma require the double check by a licensed individual
Irradiated Blood take out what
The low dose Radiation removes the leukocytes
What is the antidotes for Warfin
Vitamin K
What is the Antidote for Heprin
Protamin Sulfate, usually if you stop infusion heprin has such a short half life problem will resolve. What 30 min.
Multiple Myeloma is a malignancy of B or T Mature Lymphocytes
The RN is getting ready to administer Blood what things should she do
Type & Cross Match, Confirm Physician Order, Written Consent, Explain Procedure, IV Access Lg Bore >20 g , Base Line VS BP,P,T,R. Double verify.
When a blood screen is done it is looking for what
HIV, Hep B & C, Human T Cell, Syphill, CMV, Genomi Nucleic Acids of viruses
Name types of Blood Donation
Directed (family or Friend), Standard Donate, Autologus (Me), Intraoperative (I am given back my own blood during operation)
What is FFP
Frozen Plasma, it good for 1yr, Immediately frozen to preserve clotting factor.
This blood is 40% HCT, more volume it is
Whole Blood only keeps 42 days
This blood is 70% HCT w/o volume it is
Packed Red Blood Cells only keeps 42 days
Platelets are keep for 5 days True or False
What is DIC
bleeding and clotting at the same time
What is the TX action for DIC
to stop the cause of the DIC trauma, sepsis, CA, Shock, Toxins
True or False there is a cure for Multiple Myeloma
False NO CURE, Supportive Care with Chemo
Who is most likely to acquire Multiple Myeloma
Males with bone pain
The type of leukemia attacks when the individual is 20 year of age or late 50’s. It impacts a single node, what is
List S/S of Hodgkin’s
Night Sweats, Fever, Unprompted Wt Loss
This Leukemia is wide spread to multi sites in lymph tissue and non-lymph tissue, usually in adults >67
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
List B Symptoms
Fever, Night Sweats, Wt Loss
A positive Biopsy with Reed –Sternberg cells indicate what type of leukemia
True or False Hodgkin’s is highly curable
Adriamycin, Blenoxane, Velban, DTIC
TX for Hodgkin Lymphoma
True or False AML is generally related to previous cancer tx (secondary) with a poorer prognosis
Gleevec is a: Drug Used for Choric Myeloid Leukemia
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor
When taking Gleevec what RN education needs to be provided regarding diet & medications
No antacids or grapefruit juice it limits drug absorption.
Name the locations of lymph tissue in the human body
spleen, liver, Bone Marrow, GI tract, Lymph Tissue
True or False Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is uncommon after age 15
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia involves the Philadelphia Chrom 22 mutation on the Chrom 9 with changes the protein production True or False
Tumor Lysis Syndrome is a complication of what type of leukemia
Acute Myeloid / Induction Chemo Therapy
Explain Consolidation Therapy related to Chemo
2 Wks Appts or Monthly Appts , Leukemia is in remission lose dose.
True or False all candidates over 65> are considered for Bone Marrow Transplants
If a pt is > or equal to 72, has node enlargement, and hepatosplenomegally this patient might have what type of leukemia
Chronic Lymphocytic
List two types of Lymphoma
Hodgkin’s & Non-Hodgkin’s
What does the D-Dimer test for
Increased D-Dimer indicates what regarding PTT & PT Thromine Time
The are longer or extended
Clinical Manifestations with Coag Disorders
Petechia, Spontaneous bleeding gums or nose, Thrombocytopenia, Prolonged bleeding time, Hemorrhage sub q tissue, Ecchymosis
replaces fibrinogen Factor V & VII
Fresh Frozen Plasma
True or False Platelets are stored at room temperature while gently agitated
Most transfusion reactions are due to donor
What three things can be done to reduce leukocyte exposure
Filtering at collection, Filtering when infusing, Irradiating (low dose radiation)
When starting a PRBC Transfusion what key things should the RN look for R/T blood
Discoloration, Gas bubbles, Cloudiness
Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury
TRALI occurs bilateral infiltrates with edema when no cardiac function issues , it’s a reaction to donor plasma what is the plan of care
Supportive Care
List how to prevent Atelectasis
Frequent Repositioning, Early Mobilization, Deep Breathing or IS, Secretion Management
True or False Atelectasis can be Acute or Chronic
Total Laryngectomy consist of removing
Hyoidbone, Epiglottis cricoids cart, 2-3 rings of trachea, tounge pharyngeal wall.
With a Total Laryngectomy what is the most favored voice solution
Tracheaphageal Puncture & Device
What is the #1 Surgery for Larynx CA
Laser (fewer S/E)
Cordectomy is
excision of vocal cords usual transoral laser
Removal of mucosa edge of the vocal cord is known as
Vocal Cord Stripping
Manifestation of Larynx CA
Hoarness >2 wks , Harsh Raspy Lower Pitch Voice, Cough, Sore Throat, Lump in Neck
Who is more likely to contract Cancer of the Larynx Men or Women
Men 4-5x more likely
Treatment for OSA
Wt Loss, CPAP, BIPAP, No Alcohol
TX for Pulmonary Edema
Diuretics, Support Heart, Medications, Fluid Resources, Oxygen, Respiratory Support, Mech Ventilation.
S/S of Pulmonary Edema
Air Hunger, Pink Secretions, Central Cyanosis, Crackles in Base, Hemorrhage
PE prevention
Heprin, Warfin or Coumadin
Is Pneumoconioses treatable
Describe Staging of a Tumor
Size of Tumor, Location, Lymph involvement, Any Metastasis
NCLC Staging Scale I to IV
I is Curable, IV Metastasis
Most common sites for Lung CA Metastasis
# 1 Lymph nodes, #2 Bone, # 3 Lung, #4 Adrenal Gland/Liver
Give Example of A Low Velocity Penetrating Chest Trauma
Give Example of High velocity penetrating chest trauma
Impaired gas exchange from destruction of walls of over distended alveoli is
Dose Emphysema result in Acidosis or Alkalosis
Does Pulmonary VSR increase or Decrease with Emphysema
Increases and results in CHF.
Panlobualr Emphysema is
panacinar across all areas
COPD risk factors
#1 Smoking Pipe /Cigar, #2 Second Hand Smoke
Goal Management of COPD
Assess & Monitor, Reduce Risk, Manage Stable COPFD, Manage Exacerbation
List the 5 A’s related to a PT that smokes
Ask, Advice, Assess, Assist, Arrange
What does acronym NAVEL stand for
Narcan, Atropin, Vasopressin, Epi, Lidocain
ABG PH 7.37, PaCO2 38, Hco3 24
ABG PH 7.28, PACO2 51, HCO3 25
Respiratory Acidosis
ABG PH 7.23 PACO2 35, HCO3 14
Metabolic Acidosis
ABG PH 7.49 PACO2, HCO3 37
Metabolic Alkalosis
ABG PH 7.35, PACO2 59, HCO3 33
Respiratory Acidosis
ABG PH 7.52 PACO2 31, HCO3 24
Respiratory Alkalosis
ABG PH 7.30 PACO2 7.30, HCO3 16
Metabolic Acidosis
Give 1st Step in Adult Cardiac Arrest
START CPR, Give O2, Attach Monitor/Defibrillatory
What percent of burns are preventable
75% to 90%
Burns can come from the following sources
Flame, Heat, Sun, Chemical, Electricity
What do Children and Older Adults have in common related to burns
Thinner Skin, Deeper Burn at shorter duration
What is key about the Zone of Coagulation related to Burns
Vessel constricted no blood flow
When a PT suffer’s Burn decreased urine output can occur, is renal damage perminate?
Describe a 1st Degree Burn - Superficial
Epidermis Only, Pink to Red, Painful, No bilsters, Healing 3-5 days no scaring
Tx of a 1st Degree Burn – Superficial
Fluids, NSAIDS, Mnt Fever, Cool Shower or Bath, Moisturization Aloe, Avoid re-exposure
Decribe 2nd Degree burns –Partial Thickness
Epidermis and part of dermis, Heal w/o surgical intervention, Blisters, Wet & Weepy, Very Painful, Blanches (Prolonged Cap Refill)
Tx of 2nd Degree Burns Partial thickness
Topicals, Vaseline, Antibiotic Ointement, SSD, Soaks, Dressing Sustained Silver
Describe 3rd Degree Burn –Full Thickness
Epidermis, Dermis, SubQ, Surgical Intervention, Insensate, No blanching, capillary refill, Charred, bright red, marbles, leathery tan, waxy or pearly white, Tight No elastic
List 5 P’s for burn
Pallor, Pain, Pulselessness, Progressive, Parathesia, Paralysis
Management of Circumferential Burn
Remove constrictive garments jewelry, Elevate burned extremities, Escharotomy
What is key to know when performing Escharotomy
Cut on both sides for equal expansion
Name three types of Inhalation Injury
Carbon Monoxide, Upper Airway (thermal), Lower Airway (Smoke or Chemical)
S/S of Inhalation Injury
Burns on Face & Neck, Singed Nasal or Facial Hair, Hoarseness, Sore throat, SOA, Hypoxia
What factor is key with a patient burned by Tar
Cool it down 1st.
To stop the burning do what
take off clothes, diapers, jewelry, metal, brush off chemicals,
What does AMPLET stand for related to burn assessment
Allergies, Medications, Past Med HX, Last Meal & Drink, Events & Environment, Tetanus
True or False a Pt that was burn by a high voltage electrical injury will require more fluids
List Important Lab Values when working with a Burn Patient
ABG’s, CBC, Electrolytes, Glucose, Cre, Bun
Comfortable bath water temp for infant
A Thermal Burn is
Flame, Contact, Scald or Steam or Tar
A Chemical Burn is
Acid, Alkali, Organic Compound
A Electrical Burn is
High Voltage, Low Voltage, Lighting
This type of burn is Pain FREE is it a 2nd Degree Partial Thickness or 3rd Degree Full-Thickness
No Pain associated with this burn 3rd Degree Full-Thickness
True or False a PT with a sever burn is given nothing to drink or eat by mouth to prevent aspiration of vomitus. Generally N/V will occur due to paralytic ileus R/T to stress of injury
List three burn phases
Emergent (resuscitative), Acute (intermediate), Rehabilitation
The Expect Outcome for ALL is
Complete Remission