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74 Cards in this Set

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what do the cognitive behavior therapies combine?
cognitive and behavioral principles and methods in a short term treatment approach. they have generated more research than any other model
all cognitive therapies share these attributes 6
collaborative relationship between client and therapist, premise that psychological distress is largely a function of disturbances in the cognitive processes, focus on changing cognitions to produce desired affect, a present centered time-limited approach, active and directive stance by the therapist and an educational treatment focusing on specific and structured progblems
basic assumptions of rebt (rational emotive behavior therapy) are
that people contribute to their own psychological problems as well as to specific symptoms b ythe rigid and extreme beliefs they hold.
rebt basic hypothesis is that
our emotions stem mainly from our beliefs, whih influence the interpretations we make of the reations we have to life situations
rebt differs in that it does not place
much value on free association, dream work, clients past history, expressing or exploring feelings and deal with transference
rebt is based on the assumption that human beings are born with
a potentional for both rational, thinking and irrational thinking.
rebt encurage s people to
accept themselves and that they will maek mistakes
rebt is based on the premise that we learn
irrational beliefs from others in childhood then recreate these beliefs throughout our lifetime
three basic musts or irrational beliefs that we internalize that inevitably lead us to self defeat
i must do well, and win the approval or others or i am no good. other people must treat me fairly if they dontthey are no good and deserve to be punished. i must get what i want and when i want it.
abc framework
a is the existanec of a fact, or an activating event. c is the emotional and behavioral consequences or reaction of individual and and b is the belief that creates C. A activating event-> belief-> emotional an dbehavioral consequence.
what is d?
disputing. it is the applications of methods to help the client challenge their irrational beliefs. three components are (detecting, debating and discriminating) q
cognitive restructuring
is a central techniuq of cbt that teaches people how to improve thesmelves by replacing irrational beliefs with rational beliefs
what is e?
effective philosophy a new and effective belief system consists of replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthyh ones
what is f?
a new set of feelings. instead of feeling anxious or depressed we feel healthily sorry and disappointed in teh situation
two of the main goals of rebt are
to assist clients in the process of ahievingunconditional self acceptence and unconditional other acceptence and see how those are interrelated.
first step of a therapist role is to
show the clients how they have incorporated many irrational ?shoulds oughts and musts
second step?
demonstrate how clients are keeping their emotional disturbances active by continuing to think illogically and unrealistically
helping clients modify their thinking and irrational beliefs
challenge clients to develop a rational philosophy of life so that in the fugure they can avoid becoming the victim of other irrational beliefs
it is carefully designed and agreed upon and is aimed at getting cleints to carry our positive actions that induce emotional and attitudinal change.
is a warm relationship; between cleint and patient required?
what is the problem with too much warmth?
it can be counterproductive and foster a sense of dependence for approval from the therapist
what are some cognitive techniques available to therapists?
dispute irrational beliefs, doing cognitive homework, bibliotherapy, changing ones language, psychoeduccational methods
what does changing ones language mean
clients learn that "musts" "oughts" "shoulds" can be replaced with preferences. instead of saying it would be absolutely awful if, they would learn to say it would be inconvienient if...
what is psychoeducational methods?
therapists educate cleints about the nature of their problems and how gtreatment is likely to proceed
what are some emotive therapy techniques of rebt? 4
rational emotive imagery, using humor, roleplaying, shame attacking exercises,
what is rational emotive imagery
clients are asked to vividly imagine one of the worst things that might happent o them. they ar ethen trained to replace those disruptive emotions with healthy ones.
what is role playing?
clients can rehearse certain behaviors to bring out what they feel in a situation. the focus is one working through the underlying irrational beliefs that are related to unpleasant feelings
what is shame attacking exercises
exercises that help people reduce shame and anxiety over behaving in certain ways. they are focused on increasing self acceptance and mature responsibility
is rebt suitable for more than individuals
yes for families, groups and couples. it was also ddeveloped to be a shorter form of therapy
cognitive therapy percieves psychological problems as stemming from
commonplace processes such as faulty thinking, making incorrect inferences on the basis of inadequate or incorrect info, and failing to distingish between fantasy and reality
what are theoretical assumptions of cognitive therapy?
peoples internal communication is accesssible to introspection, clients beliefs have highly personal meanings and that these meanings can be discovered by the clients rather than being taught or inteprested by the therapist
what are automatic thoughts
personalized notions that are triggered by particular stimui that lead to emotional responses
what are cognitive distortions
they are systematic errors in reasoning that lead to faulty assumptions and misconceptions
what are the cognitive distortions?
arbitrary inferences, selective abstraction, overgeneralization, magnification and minimizationn, personaliazation, labeling and mislabeling and dichotomous thinking
what is arbitrary inferences?
making conclusions wihtout supporting and relevent evidence this includes "catastrophizing" or thinking of the absolute worse scenario and outcomes.
what is selective abstraction
it consists of forming conclusions bqased on an isolated detail of an event. as a counselor you might measure your worth by your errors and weaknesses, not by your successes
what is overgeneralization
process or holding extreme beliefs on the basis of single incident and applying them inappropriately to events and settings. if you have difficulty working with one child you may conclude you would suck at helping every child
what is magnification and minimization?
it consists of percieving a case or a situation in a greater or lesser light than it truly deserves.
what is personalization?
tendency for individuals to relate external events to themselves even when there is no basis for the connection. mad at yourself for a bad first counseling session you blame yourself
what is labeling and mislabelign
involves portraying ones identity on the basis of imperfections and mistakes made in the past and allowing them to define ones true identity
what is dichotomous thinking?
it involves categorizing experiences in ehtier or extremes
ellis works to persuade clients that certain beliefs as being irrational. beck believes that beliefs as being more innaccruate than irrational and wants the client to test them t or f
cognitive therapists emphasize the clients role in
self discovery
what do cognitive therapists aim to do
make their clients their own therapist
when are clients more apt to do their homework
when it is catered to thier needs
cognitive therapies has been designed for alll age groups t f
what is the cognitive triad
pattern that triggers depression made by beck
what is the first component of the triad
clients hold negative views of themselves
what is the second component of the traid
tendency to view the world in anegative manner
what is the 3rd component of the triad
clients views that are gloomy about the future
what is schema
core beliefs that beck trys to fix because they are distorted
what is cognitive behavior modification
focuses on the clients self verbalizations. self statements affect the client as much as statements mde by other people
mechnetebaum proposes that change
occurs through a sequence of mediationg processes involving the interactions of inner speech. cognitive structures and beahviors.
what is the 3 stage process of change
self observation, starting anew internal dialogue, and learning a new skill
what is self observation
clients learn how to observe their own behaviors.
what is starting a new internal dialogue mean
changing the way they talk to themsleves
what is learning new skills
helping clients interrupt the downward spiral of thinking, feeling and behaviong and teaching them more adaptive ways of coping using the resoures they bring to therapy
what is stress inoculation training
individ are given opportunities to deal with relatively mild stress stimuli in successful ways so they they gradually develop a tolerance or stronger stimuli
what is the three stage model for stress inoculation training
the conceptual educational phase, the skills acquisition and consolidation phase and the application and follow through phase
what is the conceptual educational phase
the primary focus is on creaiting a working realationshipp and theraepatic alliance with clients
what is the skills acquisition and consolidation phase
focus is on giving te clients a varety of behavioral and coping skills to apply to stressful situations.
what happens in the application and follow through phase
the focus is on carefully arranging for transfer and maintenance of change from the therapeautic situation to everyday life
what is relapse prevention
it consists of procedusres for dealing with the inevitable setbacks clients are likely to experience as they apply what they are learning to daily life is taught in this stage
what is contructivist narratice perspective
it focuses on the stories people tell about themselves and others regarding significant events in thier lives. it is less structured and more disoriented than standard cbt
what is cbt for culturally people
it tends to be culturally sensitive because it uses the individuals beliefs system or worldview as part of the method of self expoloration
rebt can be seen as a negative view of dependency
they recommend adapting language to a clients language, age, and educational level t f
rebt emphasizes
thinking, judging, deciding and doing
what do rebt thereapists employ
teaching, suggestion, persuasian, and homewrok assignments
rebt stresses action
what is the difference between beck and rebt
the process by which theraphy proceeds and the formulation and treatment for different disorders
what can clients have a problem with rebt
the forceful and confrontational therapy.
critisizms of cognitive therapy
beingtoo superficial, too much posiitive thinking, not enough importance on clients past, too technique oriented, working on fixing behaviors not addressing them and neglecting the role of feelings