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109 Cards in this Set

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A-B-C Data
"A" stands for antecedents to the behavior. "B" is for the behavior. "C" is for the consequences to the behavior.
Absence Seizues
There is a transient loss of consciousness. Person may cease physical movement, have loss of attention or stare vacantly. Seizures so brief that may not be recognized.
Acquired Brain Injury
An injury to the brain occurring after birth that is not hereditary, congenital or degenerative.
Active Treatment Interaction
Directed action, teaching, and a certain degree of risk taking.
Americas with Disability Act
Purpose is to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations.
Administrative Law
Created by administrative agencies, such as the Dept. of Health and Human Services by statute, Congress or the state legislature. Authorizes an agency to create laws known as rules or regulations.
Advance Directive
Term used for a living will.
An individual or organization chosen to serve on behalf of another individual. May be a formal legal arrangement or an informal arrangement.
Inability to sit or stand still; motor restlessness.
Slowness or loss of movement.
The "fight or flight" structure closely tied with emotional memories and reactions.
Lack of awareness of deficits.
Stop in oxygen getting to the brain.
Lack of oxygen.
Anti-anxiety medications.
Difficulty understanding speech and/or difficulty expressing thoughts.
Inability to conduct purposeful movement.
Like a spiderweb that bridges the brain's many wrinkles and folds.
General state of readiness of an individual to process sensory information and/or organize a response.
Inhalation of foods, liquids or vomitus into the lungs.
Impaired ability to coordinate movement.
Wasting of size or functional activity.
A long, slim "wire" in the neuron that transmits signals from one cell body to another via junctions known as synapses.
Basal Ganglia
Four nerve cell clusters of the basal ganglia or "nerve knots" help handle physical movements by relaying information from the cerebral cortex to the brainstem and cerebellium.
Brain Stem
Located at the top of the spinal column, the brain stem relays information in and out of the brain. The brainstem contains many of the centers for the senses of hearing, touch, taste, and balance. It does not affect sight or smell.
Brocca's Area
Located in the lower portion of the motor cortex in the left frontal-temporal lobe; controls muscles of the face and mouth and enables the production of speech.
Commission for the Accreditation Rehabilitation Facilities is a national accreditation agency with standards for rehabilitation programs.
Inflammation of the skin.
Located in the lower back section of the brain, the cerebellum is the "movement" part of the brain that coordinates, modulates, and stores all body movement.
Cerebral Cortex
Divided into two hemispheres dedicated to the highest levels of thinking, moving, and acting. The right and left hemispheres are further divided into four lobes - frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Special fluid that bathes the brain inside the skull.
Alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles.
Closed Head Injury
Skull is intact after an injury to the head.
Conscious process of knowing or being aware of thoughts or perceptions, including understanding and reasoning.
Cognitive Impairment
Difficulty with perception, memory, attention and reasoning skills. Activities of daily living aer affected by cognitive changes.
Cogwheel Rigidity
Rigidity with little jerks when the muscles in the arms and legs are stretched by the examiner.
The Center on Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury is an online resource for detailed information and support on outcome measures for persons with brain injuries.
Common Law
Law that is developed from court decisions.
Community Skills
Abilities that enable someone to live and function safely in the community.
Competency or Capacity
A legal term that basically reflects a mental ability to understand the nature and effect of one's act.
Complex Partial Seizures
Consciousness is impaired. May be a warning or aura seizures usually last one to three minutes.
Basic tenet in health care respecting confidential nature of patient information.
Constitutional Law
Law based in the United States Constitution, as well as the constitution of the state where an individual lives.
Abnormal, usually permanent condition of a joint characterized by flexion and fixation due to wasting away and abnormal shortening of muscle fibers and loss of skin elasticity.
Corpus Callosum
Complex band of nerve fibers that exchanges information between the two hemispheres.
"Thinking" part of the brain.
Organ where transmitted sound waves vibrate thousands of tiny sensitive hairs.
Effect when the back of the head is stuck and the front of the brain is injured by the brain bouncing back and forth.
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Blood clot in one of the deep veins of the body.
Networks of short "wires" in the neuron that branch out from a cell body and synapse with the ends of axons from other neurons.
Located centimeters above the midbrain, the diencephalon is made of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and other structures. It is a master relay center for forwarding information, sensations, and movements.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries
Injuries caused by individual nerve cells stretching and breaking throughout the brain.
A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual.
Dura Mater
Outer hard matter of the brain, which is like a heavy plastic covering.
Length of time that a behavior occurs.
Duty to Warn
Obligation of health care provider under common law or statutory third parties to inform when there is a risk of violence, contagious disease or other risk.
Difficulty swallowing.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
An electrical study of the brain's activity.
Ability to identify with and understand another person's feelings or difficulties.
Escape and Avoidance
Behavior that gets someone out of an unpleasant situation, or removes the threat of one.
Ethical Standard
Standards of conduct rooted in the moral principles and values of society.
Executive Functioning
The ability to plan, initiate, direct, and monitor one's activities.
Use of a dependent individual's property illegally or without the consent of the individual.
Expressive Communication
Ability to express oneself to others through speech and language.
External Physical Force
Cause of TBI, including motor vehicle crash, sports/recreation injury, falls, or assault.
Weakening of behavior by absence of a positive consequence.
Use of gradual change from artificial to more natural cueing stimuli.
Number of times that a skill or behavior is observed to occur.
Frontal Lobes
Include everything in front of the central fissure. When injured or damaged, an individual's ability to synthesize signals from the environment, assign priorities, make decisions are severly compromised.
Gastrostomy Tube
Tube placed through a surgical opening into the stomach to administer liquid feedings.
Generalized Seizures
Sudden burst of abnormal, generalized discharge that usually affects both hemispheres.
Glial Cells
Non-communication cells that support and nourish the neurons.
Guardian of the Estate
Person who cares for the property of the ward.
A legally enforceable arrangement under which one person, the guardian, has the legal right and duty to care for another, the ward.
Health Issues
Any factor that affects a person's physical well-being.
Health Maintenance Organization
An organizational structure of managed care that oversees the individual's care.
Accumulation of blood or a collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the skin or in an organ.
Weakness of one side of the body.
Paralysis of one side of the body.
Heterotopic Ossification (HO)
Creation of abnormal growth of bone in soft tissues or around joints.
A paired-organ, one on each side of the brain sitting within the temporal lobes. Most commonly associated with memory functioning.
Household Management
Meal preparation, housekeeping, money management, and other activities related to managing where one lives.
Excess cerebrospinal fluid.
Hyperreflexive Bladder
Bladder in which the need to empty is triggered easily.
Elevated blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mm Hg.
Low blood pressure. Below 90/50.
Control center for hunger, thirst, sexual rhythms, endocrine levels, and temperature regulation.
Decreased amount of oxygen getting to the brain.
Individualized educaation plan for a student found eligible for special education.
In School Transition
Change in school: Moving from grade level to grade level, elementary to middle and then high school, and finally, graduation.
Incidental Teaching
Interactions between staff and individuals with brain injuries that occur outside the structured program.
Incorporation and welcome of the individual into the community, regardless of a disability.
Indemnity Policy
The insurer assumes the responsibility of paying medical benefits for services performed and covered under a policy in return for premium payments.
Indwelling Catheter
Foley catheter that remains in the baldder and drains urine continously.
Informed Concent
A patient's consent to health care based on a full disclosure of facts necessary to make an intelligent decision.
Initiation Problems
Difficulty engaging in activities unless prompted.
Based on the expectation that people fit in, be alike and reach for similar standards.
Integumentary System
Skin, hair, nails, sweat, sebaceous glands.
An interconnection or an interrelationship between two or more entities that suggests a partnership between entities that maximizes potential for both groups.
Interdependent Paradigm
Refers to a belnded framework where people are seen to have gifts and capacities to build support to engage community.
Internal Occurence
Cause of injury to the brain by stroke, infectious disease, tumor, or loss of oxygen.
Intracranial Pressure
Pressure inside the skull that builds as the brain swells.
Back lower portions of the hip bones.
Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health care Organizations, a national accreditation agency with standards for rehabilitation programs.
Voice box.
Length of time that it takes a person to initiate a behavior.
Legal Rights
Powers or privileges that an individual has under the law.
Leisure Skills
Ability to use free time in ways that are not harmful.