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119 Cards in this Set

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Hoe wordt de knock out mice gemaakt?

A DNA of a dirupted gene is introduced in ESC. Select the cells only with homologous recombination. Use therefore two selectable marker genes. Then the heterogenous knock out mice cells are inserted into a female mouse > chimera mouse. Mating of two heterogenous mices >>> knockout mice.
WAt doet SRP en warop bindt deze?
SRP binds to signal sequence, large ribosomal subunit.

SRP ( p54 ) aan SRPR ( alfa subunit)
Which proteins are the only one required for translocation ??
SRPR,sec61 translocon
Wat is stop transfer anchor sequence?
What type of membrane proteins have that?
STA: both stops the passage of the pp chain through the translocon + serves as membrane anchor. Type I and III
How do type IVa and IV proteins look like?
a) NH3 in cytosol (+++ residues) (even = STA, odd = SA)
b) NH3 in ER ( ???)
What and where cleaves peptides which are then transferred to glycosilphosphatidil inositol?
GPI transamidase and transfers the carboxyl group to GPI anchor.
Which aa residues are substrates for glycosiltransferase?
Asn-X-Thr, Asn-X-Ser
What kind of glycan-tree have proteins which leave ER ??
Man8 (GlcNac)2
What and by which enzyme is Man8GlcNac trimmed in cis-golgi?
endoglycosidase H (hoop ik) to Man5GlcNac2
Which enzyme trimms mannose in transgolgi?
Endoglycosidase D
What do clathrin coated vesicles? Which APs are involved?
transport from PM of TGN to endosomes>lysosomes. AP2 in PM, AP1 in TGN.
Which sequence bind COP II vesicle sec24 subunit?
WHich sequence binds to COP I alfa and beta subunits?
Welke glycosil-bomen midificaties vinden plaats in cis,med,trans golgi?
Which sequnces are incorporated in clathrine vesicles that bud from TGN?
Try-XX-F(willekeurige hydrofobe aa)
What is apo-/ferrotransferrin?
WHat does hrs?
Facilitates the loading of the monoubiqutinated proteins in the buds, directed into the interior of the endosome. It also recruits ESCRT ( endosomal sorting complex required for transport) proteins.
Which proteins there are and what is their function , like SNARE and NSF?
WHat is TSG101?
ubiquitine binding protein.
What is the function of Gag?
pinching off of the complete HIV particles.
What do the cortex,adherence belt?
cortex - provide support and organization

adherence belt - associated with adherence junction to provide the strenghts of the epithellium
Where is beta actine enriched?
enriched in the cortex and the leading edge of the cells.
What does alfa actin ?
is associated with contractile structures
What does gamma actin ?
in stress fibers.
What does the tropomodulin?
Binds to the (-) end of the filament , inhibits assembly and dissassembly.
What does gelsolin?
Inserts itself between the subunits of the helix. it then remains bound to the + end, generating more - ends.
Where arp2/3 binds?
WASP and preformed actin filament.
How do formin work?
It has FH1,2 domains, RBD domain. RBD binds on Rho-GTP so the FH1,2 domains are exposed. FH1 domain recieves G-actin-monomeres and loads it on FH2 domain where the whole actine filament is located.
How do WASP work?
Similar to formin, but WASp binds op Cdc42-GTP with its RBD domain.
What does the dystrophyn?
Links the cortical actin network of muscle cells to a complex of membrane proteins that link the extracellular matrix.
In which direction do myosin motor ptoteins move?
+ direction
What does myosin VI?
has motility toward - end. Involved by endocytosis.
What does myosin V?
Binds specific organelles to be transported.
What happens in the presence/absence of calcium in connection to tromyosin and troponin?
In the absence of Ca2+ , TM blocks myosin interaction with F actin and the muscle is relaxed. binding of Ca2+ ions on TN triggers movement of TM to a new side on the filament > exposing the myosin binding sites on actin.
What are the functions of these small GTP binding molecules?
cdc42: filopodia
Rac: lamellipodia
Rho: stress fibers.
What are the polarity of ends in the microtubules ?
+ end - polymerization
- end - depolymerization
When and how do the cell microtubules are assembled?
in interphase, from centrosome (MTOC)
WHat does y-TURC?
acts like template to add a-b tubulin to new microtubulli.
Where are centrosomes,centrioles,microtubules consist of?
microtubule: 1 protofilament , 13 repeating ab-dimers;

centriole - 9 sets of triplet mt

centrosoom - one pair of centrioles.
Whre do the unpealing of microtubules can occur?
When beta-GDP is not stabilized by beta-GTP
What do colchine, taxol?
colchine - binds tubuline dimers

taxol - binds to MTs and stabilizes them against depolymerization.
WHat is +Tip?
MAP protein, which is when not phosphorylated, binds to + end of microtubules and stabilizes MTs.
What are the differences between kinesin 13 and op18/stathmin?
1) binds and curves the ends of MT into GDP-beta tubulin formation
2) enhances hydrolizys of GTP
What does kinesin 1 ?
transport of vesicles toward + end.
Kinesin 5?
Pulls on antiparallel MTs
THe only one that moves toward - end.
What does dynein and which protein is involved to help dynein?
- end transport
- requires dynactin
- Arp related domain of dynactin is responsible of binding cargo, p150glued - dynein binding and MT binding
Which 3 types of MTs are there in the mitotic spindle?
1. Astral microtubules: orients spindle poles with axis of cell division,
2. Kinetochore MTs: transport of crhomosomes to the poles.
3. Polar MTs: pushing dublicating chromosomes apart during prophase, maintaining the structure of spindle, pushing spindle poles apart in anaphase B.
What does kinesin 4?
a + end directed motor, interacts with the polar microtubules to pull the chromosomes toward the centre of spindle ( congression) prometafase.
What does kinesin 7 ?
Holds on the growing MTs during congression.
What do the kinesin 5 and dynein during anaphase B ??
Kinesin 5 associates with + end and pull the microtubules apart.

dynein - localized and anchored on the cell cortex , pulls on astral MTs and thus helps to separate the spindle poles.
What is integrin and what components of ECM do it bind?
integrin is an adhesion receptor. It binds proteoglycans, collagen , fibronectin, laminin)
What is basal lamina/ basolateral surface?
bl- underlying basal surface ECM
bs -when basal and lateral surfaces are similar in composition.
What are the adherense junctions?
cadherins, attached to actin filaments.
What are the desmosomes ?
Are the integrins, which are attached to IF . Responsible for cell-matrix adhesions.
What are the desmosomes ?
Are the desmosomal cadherins which are attached to the IF. ( cell-cell adhesions).
Which molecules form the basement membrane?
The basal lamina and collagen-anchroing fibrils. Sheet forming type IV collagen is a major component of the basal lamina.
What is and does perlecan?
Is a proteoglycan , cross-links components of the basal lamina and cell surface receptors. Perlecan has many globular repeats.
What is basement membrane?
Basal lamina and the immidiately adjacent collagen network form a structure called the basement membrane.
What is the major fibrous protein in the ECM of the connective tissues?
fibrillar collagen
Describe type I collagen. Which type collagen coassemble with this type collagen
Long fibers, great tension, great stretching. ( bones ) Type V and type XI collagen coassemble into fibers with type I collagen, regulating the structures and properties of the fibers.
Describe type II collagen:
more meshlike.
Where are the GAGs attached?
to glycoproteins. GAG- glycosaminoglycans.
Wat is het verschil tussen HECT en RING families van E3 ligases?
HECT is substaat en ubiquitine bindend eiwit.

RING is adapter eiwit voor assembly van E2-E3 complex.
Waarop bindt calnexin en calreticulin respectievelijk?
calnexin bindt aan dilysine (KK) sequentie, calreticulin aan de luminale KDEL sequentie.
Waarvoor is vacuolaire ATPase complex is noodzakelijk in lysosomen?
voor dissociatie van M6P bevattende lysosomale pro-enzymen van de M6P.
Wat is de oorzaak van F actine treadmilling?
ATPase activiteit van actine
Hoe is dynein betrokken bij de congressie?
Kinetochoor gebonden dynein beweegt langs kinetochoor MTs in de richting van spoelfiguur pool.
Welke region van kinesin is verantwoordelijk voor de cargo?
De tail regio met lichte ketens van kinesin.
Wat doet kinesin 7?
Verbindt kinetochoor MTs met kinetochoor/chromosomen tijdens verlenging van kinetochoor MTs aan +zijde.
Wat doet de dynein tijdens de anaphase?
Perifeer verankerde dynien beweegt langs astrale MTs richting de centrosoom , zodat spoelfiguurpolen uit elkaar worden getrokken.
Hoe worden a-b tubulin posttranslationeel gemodificeerd?
Posttranslatonele modificatie van a-b tubulinnes reguleert binding van oa MT motor eiwitten assembly and severing eiwitten.
Which functions have beta-1 integrins?
they bind collagen and multiadhesive proteins in ECM

They also bind Ig-CAMs on the cell membrane during cell-cell adhesion.
Which functions have beta-2 integrins?
They also bind Ig-CAMs on the cell membrane during cell-cell adhesion.
What are the glycosaminoglycans?
Glycosaminoglycanen zijn O,N linked ketens van repeterende disachariden.
What do alfa/beta katenin ?
Zijn de adapter eiwitten die E cadherines verbinden met circumferential belt in gepolariseerde cellen.
Which proteins are in the ECM?
Proteoglycans, laminins, collagen, fibronectine.
Wat stimuleert de ATPase activiteit van Bip Atpase en wat stimuleert utiwisseling van ADP-ATP?
Erdj1-5 en BAP respectievelijk
Wat doen E3 ligase enzymen?
zorgen voor de specifieke interactie met de substraat eiwitten.
What is the function of deubiquinating enzymes?
1)precursor processing
2)rescue from degradation
5)removal of non degradative ubiquitin signal
Welke twee manieren zijn voor de herkenning van cargo eiwitten door COPII sec24 subunit?
direct: binden aan asp-x-glu,LL sequence in sec24 subunit.

indirect: binden of cargos to ERGIC-53
Op welke manieren herkennen COPI vesicles de cargos?
direct: inner coat subunits KKXX sequence

indirect: KDEL receptor
Waaruit bestaat en wat doet de core particle?
Deze bestaat uit 4 ringen van 7 proteases. Deze ringen hebben gated pore, waardoor eiwitten naar binnen gelust worden en afgebroken.
Waarvoor zorgt de activator complex(regulatory particle) van proteosoom en waaruit bestaat deze?
dat de poor open gaat. AC(RP) bestaat uit Base ( AAA ATPase - ontvouwen van eiwit, Lead - ( eiwitten die substraat herkennen ( substraat = polyubiqutineerde eiwitten), DUBS)
Welke verschillende receptoren zijn er in de regulatory particle van de proteosoom?
deze ubiquitine receptoren zijn: RPN10 , RPN13
Wat is een andere manier om geubiqitineerde eiwit door reg. particle te detecteren dan door een ubiquitine receptor?
een adaptor eiwit. Deze herkent ubiquitine domain en tegelijkertijd adaptor receptor in 19S reg.subunit.
Wat doen Uba-Ubl shuttle eiwitten?
targetten slecht gevouwen eiwitten naar de proteosoom core.
Hoe zijn de high mannose, complexe, hybride N-glycanen eruit?
High mannose: geen GlcNac op beide core mannose residue
Complexe: wel GlcNac op beide core mannose residuen.

Hybride: GlcNac op een van beide core mannose residuren.
Welke signaal herkennen GGA en HRS?
Ze herkennen ubiquitine op cargo eiwitten , deze dient als endosomale sorteer signaal
Via welke vesicles/sorteersequentie worden eiwitten van TGN naar lysosomen getarget?
AP3,clathrine vesicles: GYXXF,KKXX
Hoe wordt uiteindelijk een functionele M6P signaal? (cis,trans-golgi).
1.transfer van GlcNac fosfaat naar een of meerdere mannose residuen in cis golgi.
2. VErwijdering terminale GlcNac m.b.v. fosfodiesterase in TGN: vorming functionele M6P receptor.
Hoe binden cholesterol bevattende particles aan de LDL receptor?
bij neutrale pH via apoB eiwit aan de LDL receptor.
Welke internalisatiesignaal bevat LDL-R, die door clathrine adapter eiwitten wordt herkend?
Welke eiwit zorgt voor de ubiquitinatie van EGFR?
Cbl E3 ligase adapter eiwit.
In welke coat-pits wordt clathrin gezet?
in de clathrine coat pits.
Wat doet gelsolin?
knipt bestaande F-act filamenten, beschermt daarna nieuwe + uiteinden , creert daarbij nieuwe - uiteinden en bevoordeert dus turnover , remodeling van act. filamenten.
Met behulp van welke small GTP bindende eiwit werkt formin?
Hoe wordt WASP geactiveerd om daarna Arp2/3 te activeren?
Wat doet myosin 1 ?
endocytosis, membraan verankering.
Wat doet myosine II?
bipolaire organizatie
wat doet myosine V?
Transport van vesicles
Waarme bindt myosin aan actine en de transport in welke richting bevoordeert myosin?
ATPase head domain, + richting.
Waarvoor dienen singlet MT?
voor transport van vesicles and organelles
Waarvoor dienen doublter MTs?
cilia, flagella
Waarvoor dienen triplet MTs?
MTOC, zoals centriolen, basal lamina.
Waar bevindt zich GTP cap in MTs?
aan de + zijde, met geexposeert beta tubuline.
Welke rol hebben N , C , M kinesins?
1. - + transport
2. + - transport
3. destabiliseren van MT uitendien
Beschijf de rol van kinesin domainen?
ATPase domain is MT bindnigsplaats, Tail domain is verantwoordelijk voor cargo interacties.
Beschiijf de MT dynamiek in profase ( chromosome capture en congressie).
Wat doet APC bij de anaphase start?
Zorgt voor degradatie van coherins die chromosomen rond de centromeer regio bij elkaar houden.
BEschrijf de MT dynamiek tijdens anaphase A?
+,- end dissasembly of kinetochrool MTs - K13.
BEschrijf de MT dynamiek tijdens anaphase B?
Bipolaire kinesin 5(+) end duwt polaire MTs uit elkaar > + ends dissasembly van polaire MTs. Dynein - spoel figuur separation.
Wat doet adhesie keratin I,II?
verbindt epitheel cellen met elkaar via desmosomen; en met basal lamina via hemidesmosomen.
Uit welke collagen worden pezen opgebouwd?
type I collagen + proteoglycans + type VI collagen
Uit welke stoffen wordt kraakbeen opgebouwd?
type II collagen fibril + type IX collagen.
Welke intergines zijn betrokken bij cel-cel adhesie?
type B2 integrins.
Wat zijn de glycosaminoglycanen?
zijn lange lineaire ser(o) gebonden ketens.
Wat is epitheliale mesenchimale transitie?
verlies van epitheliale karakterestieken en verkrijgen van motile mesenchimale karakterestieken.
Waarmee gaat EMT/MET gepaard?
1.)verlies/vorming cell matrix adhesies / cell-cell adh.

2) switch in expressie van IF
3)remodeling van actine cytoskelet
4)productie van ECM proteases (MMP)
5)verandering in cel motiliteit.