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15 Cards in this Set

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All people have dignity because they are loved by God and made in His image.

The life and dignity of the human person


call of people to fully participate in society , not to be marginalized.. against racism and sexism

Call to family, community, and participation


all humans have rights, however these rights are not unlimited.

Rights and responsibilities


any decision that choses to put the needs of the poor first

Preferential Option for the Poor


work is beneficial for the people. it's measured in the promotes of the human dignity of the the worker

The dignity of work and workers


a constant commitment to the common good



Protect the health of the people and the planet

care for God's creation

a letter written by the Pope to all of the Bishops of the world and to all of the people of goodwill


What is the UN in your own words

a group who was founded to take actions on issues concerning human rights, peace, and security

what are catholic social teachings?

the teachings of the church and the call to carry on the work of Jesus in the world

Pope Leo XIII

"Rerum Novarum"

"on the condition of labor"

(rights and duties of wokers)

Pope John XXII

"Pacem in Terris"

"Peace on Earth"

(end of war, racism, arms race)

Pope John VI

"A Call to Action"

(care of the environment)

Pope John Paul II

"Evangelium Vitae"

"the gospel of life"

(warning about becoming a culture of death by ignoring our spirituality and focusing only on our wants and needs)

Pope Francis

"Lumen Fidei"

"the light of faith"

(see the world as Jesus)