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48 Cards in this Set

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stopping and starting at irregular intervals


extravagant wastefulness profuse generosity extreme abundance lavishness


occurring in the same period of time


inequality difference

sub saharan

the region of Africa under or south of the sahara desert

stateless society

African societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority associated with states


collective name of large group of sub saharan African languages and of the peoples speaking these languages


a religious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature and propriates them to help control and explain nature. the belief in that spirits are present in animals plants and other natural objects


a person who in believed to communicate with the spirit world and to help other people interact with their gods; witch doctor soothsayer


The Arabic term for eastern north Africa; the term used by Romans for Africa


The Arabic word of western North Africa; a region of Western north Africa consisting of the Mediterranean coastlands of what now is Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria


Converted to Islam were fiercely independent desert and mountain dwellers were the original inhabitants of North Africa they accepted Islam as their faith and many maintained their berber identities and loyalties there were two groups the Almoravids and the Almohads that united the Maghrib under Muslim rule


city located in present day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians ca. 800 b.c.e.. It became a major commercial center and naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by Rome in the third century B.C.E


a reformist movement among the Islamic Berbers of northern Africa later than the Almoravids penetrated into sub sahara Africa


The Coptic influence spread up the Nile into -----. Muslims attempted to penetrate ------ and met stiff resistance in the 9th century.


Kingdom located in Ethiopian highlands; replaced Meroe in first century CE; received strong influence from arabian peninsula; eventually converted to christianity; modern day Ethiopia

King Lalibela

Ethiopian who directed building project of 11 great churches sculpted from rock underground; promoted Christianity


Belt south of the Sahera where it transitions into south Africa. It means literally coastland in Arabic; an exchange region between the forests to the south and north Africa


The first west african kingdom based on the gold and salt trade first known kingdom in sub saharan West africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries c.e rose to power by taxing gold and salt exchanged within its borders


located between Enegal and Niger rivers created by Manlinke people who broke away from ghana in the 13th century; First leader Sundiata ; Mansa Musa great leader ruled for 25 years made epic hajj to Mecca; controlled gold and salt trade; built great mosques at Jenne; Timbuktu Islamic center of learning; 13th-15th centuries


successor state to Mali, dominated middle reaches of Niger vally, formed as independent kingdom under a Berber dynasty; capital at Gao; reached imperial status under Sunni Ali; 15th-16th centuries


The people who broke away from Ghana control and founded Mali in the 13th century


Malinke merchants; formed small partnerships to carry out trade throughout Mali empire; eventually spread throughout much of West Africa


The Lion Prince; a member of the Keita clan; created a unified state that became the Mali empire; dies about 1260


Profesional oral historians who served as keepers of traditions and advisors to kings within the Mali Empire


Title for ruler in West Africa

Mansa Musa

Greatest Mali king; brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312-1337; expanded borders; maintained peace and order, religious freedom and tolerance, Hajj to Mecca, built Timbuktu

Ibn Batuta

Arab Traveler who described African societies and cultures in his records


Great mosque made of mud built here, major center for iron working and trade; center for islamic learning and scholarship


Port city of Mali; located just off the flood plain on the Great bend in The Niger River; population of 50,000; contained a library and university

Sunni- Ali

Leader (1464-1492) of Songhai that drove out the Berbers and Built the largest empire in the West Africa; tactical commander and ruthless leader who seized trading cities of Timbuktu and Jenne

Muhammad the Great (Askia Muhammad)

extended the boundaries of Songhay empire; Islamic ruler of mid-16th century; one of the many askias that succeeded Sunni Ali


Peoples of northern Nigeria; formed states following the demise of Songhai empire that combined Muslim and pagan traditions


relating to a social system in which family decent and inheritance rights are traced through the mother


Islamic law; defined among other things the patrilineal nature of Islamic inheritance; the system of law that regulates family life, moral conduct and the business and community life of Muslims


Arabic term for the east African coast


city-state on east African coast; fishing limited trade from 800-1000; turned to agriculture, increased trade in pottery and stoneware; major trading center by 14th century


an arabic influenced Bantu language that is spoken widely in eastern and central Africa

Ile Ife

the holiest Yoruba city city; created terra cotta and bronze portrait heads that rank among the greatest achievements of African Art


Nigerian city-state form by the Edo people during the 14th century by Ewuare the great; famous for its bronze work


kingdom based on agriculture; formed on lower Kongo river; capital at Mbanza Kongo; ruled by hereditary monarchy


Kingdom of city states developed in Northern Nigeria c. 1200c.e.; Ile Ife featured artistic style probably related to earlier Nok culture; agricultural societies supported by peasantry and dominated by ruling family and aristocracy

Mwene mutapa

the King of Great Zimbabwe in the late 15th and 16th centuries when the kingdom experienced a period of rapid expansion

King Lalibela

Ethiopian king and monarch of Zagwe dynasty who directed a remarkable building project in which 11 great churches were sculpted from rock into the ground

Sudanic states

Kingdoms that developed during the height of Ghanas power in the region; based at Takrur on the Segnal river to the west and Gao on the Niger River to east; included Mali and Songhai


Centrally located- west central africa- consisted of a group of small kingdoms along the Zaire river; was a confederation of smaller states brought under the control of the king and divided into 8 provinces

Great Zimbabwe

City now in ruins, whose many stone structures were built between about 1250-1450 when it was a trading center and the capital of a large state


living;growing;or produced naturally in a particular place; native