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46 Cards in this Set

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extrafusal muscle fibre
alpha motor neuron
run extrafusal muscle fibres
interfusal muscle fibre
run in parallel, act as stretch receptors
gamma motor neuron
run interfusal muscle fibers
endplate potential
run by ach, always causes muscle to fire, much larger than typical postsynaptic potential
lateral group
independent limb movements, hands and fingers, corticospinal, corticobulbar, and rubrospinal tracts
ventromedial group
vestibulospinal tract, tectospinal tract, reticulospinal tract, ventral corticosipinal tract, gross movements of muscles of trunk and postural sheez
motor endplate
the postsynaptic membrane of a neuromuscular junction
endplate potential
the postsynaptic potential that occurs in the motor endplate in response to release of aCh by the terminal button
golgi tendon organ
the receptor organ at the junction of the tendon and muscle that is sensitive to stretch
monosynaptic stretch reflex
a reflex in which a muscle contracts in response to its being quickly stretched; involves a sensory neuron and a motor neuron, with one synapse between them
decerebrate rigidity
simultaneous contraction of agonistic nd antagonistic muscles, caused by decerebration or damage to the reticular formation
clasp-knife reflex
a reflex that occurs when force is applied to flex or extend the limb of an animal showing decerebrate rigidity; resistance is replaced by sudden relaxation
supplementary motor area(SMS)
a region of motor association cortex of the dorsal and dorsomedial frontal lobe, rostral to the primary motor cortex
premotor cortex
a region of motor association cortex of the lateral frontal lobe, rostral to the primary motor cortex
lateral group
the corticospinal tract, the corticobulbar tract, and the rubrospinal tract
corticospinal tract
system of axons that originates in the motor cortex and terminates in the ventral gray matter of spinal cord
pyramidal tract
the portion of the corticospinal tract on the ventral border of the medulla
lateral corticospinal tract
the system of axons that originates in the motor cortex and terminates in the contralaeral ventral gray matter of the spinal cord; controls movements of the distal limbs
ventral corticospinal tract
the system of aons that originates in the motor cortex and terminates in the ipsalateral vetral gray matter of the spinal cord; controls movements of the upper legs and trunk
corticobulbar tract
a bundle of axons from the motor cortex to the 5th, 7th,9-12th cranial nerves; controls movements of the face, neck, tongue, and parts of the extraocular eye muscles
rubrospinal tract
the system of axons that travels from the red nucleus to the spnal cord; controls independent limb movements
corticorubral tract
the system of axons that travels from the motor cortex to the red nucleus
vestibulospinal tract
a bundle of axons that travels from the vestibular nuclei to the gray matter of the spinal cord; controls postural movements in response to information from the vestibular system
tectospinal tract
a bundle of axons that travels from the tectum to the spinal cord; coordinates head and trunk movements with eye movements
reticulospinal tract
a bundle of axons that travels from the reticular formation to the gray matter of the spinal cord; controls the muscles responsible for postural movements
mirror neurons
neurons located in the ventral premotor cortex and inferior parietal lobule that respond when the individual makes a particular movement or sees another individual making that movement
parietal reach region
a region in the medial posterior parietal cortex that plays a critical role in control of pointing or reaching with the hands
difficulty in carrying out purposeful movements in the absence of paralysis or muscular weaknes
constructional apraxia
difficulty in drawing pictures or diagrams or in making geometrical constructions of elements such as building blocks or sticks; caused by damage to the right parietal lobe
caudate nucleus
a telencephalic nucleus, one of the input nuclei of basal ganglia; involved with control of voluntary movement
a telencephalic nucleus, one o the input nuclei of basal ganglia; involved w/ control of voluntary movement
a telencephalic nucleus; one of the input nuclei of the basal ganglia; involved with control of voluntary movement
globus pallidus
a telencephalic nucleus; the primary output nucleus of the basal ganglia; involved with control of voluntary movement
ventral anterior nucleus (thalamus)
a thalamic nucleus that recieves projections from the basal ganglia and sends projections to the motor cortex
ventrolateral nucleus (thalamus)
a thalamic nucleus nucleus that receives projections from the basal ganglia and sends projections to the motor cortex
direct pathway(basal ganglia)
the pathway that includes the caudate nucleus and putamen, the internal division of the globus pallidus, and the ventral anterior/ventrolateral thalamic nuclei; has an excitatory effect on movement
indirect pathway(basal ganglia)
the pathway hat includes the caudate nucleus and putamen, the external division of the globus pallidus, the subthalamic nucleus, the internal division of the global pallidus, and the ventral anterior/ventrolateral thalamic nuclei; has an inhibitory effect on movement
Huntington's disease
a fatal inherited disorder tht causes degeneration of the caudate nucleus and putamen; characterized by uncontrollable jerking movements, writhing movements and dementia
floculonodular lobe
a region of the cerebellum; involved in control of postural reflexes
the portion of the cerebellum located at the midline; receives somatosensory information and helps to control the vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts through its connections with the fastigal nucleus
fastigial nucleus
a deep cerebellar nucleus; involved in the control of movement b the reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts
interposed nuclei
a set of deep cerebellar nuclei; involved in the control of the rubrospinal system
pontine nucleus
a large nucleus in the pons that serves as an important source of input to the cerebellum
dentate nucleus
a deep cerebellar nucleus; invovled in the contol of rapid, skilled movements by the corticospinal and rubrospinal systems
mesencephalic locomotor region
a region of the reticular formation of the midbrain whose stimulation causes alternating movements of the limbs normally seen during locomotion