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32 Cards in this Set

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Define careers

An occupation that you are involved in for a significant period of your life

Define values

A person's principles or standards of behaviour (what's important to them). Ex. Dependability

Define intrests

Something that a person is involved in or curious about. Ex. Art

Define skills

A particular ability to do something well that is earned with practice. Ex. Writing

Define aptitudes

A natural ability to do something. Ex. Math

Define attitudes

A settled way of thinking or feeling typically reflected in one's behaviour. Ex. Affectionate

What are the four catagories of careers?

1. Communication and the arts. 2. Engineering, industrial, and scientific technology. 3. Health, human, and public services. 4. Buisness and marketing.

Name the 8 multiple intellegences

Bodily-kinesthetic, musical, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual-spatial, mathmatical-logical, and naturalist

Name 2 skills and 1 career for bodily-kinesthetic

Learn through interaction with one's environment, like to move/be physical. Athlete or carpenter.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for musical

Learn musically (organizing through song, patterns, and musical expression. Music teacher, songwriter.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for verbal-linguistic

Learn through spoken and written words (reading, listening, speaking, writing). Lawyer and author.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for visual-spatial

Learn visually and organize ideas spatiallu. Think in images and pictures. Interior designer or artist.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for mathmatical-logical

Learn through reasoning and problem solving, prefer to use numbers/stats. Mathematician and accountant.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for naturalist

Learn through classification, categories, and hierarchies. Able to pick up on subtle differences. National park worker, zoologist.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for interpersonal

Learn through interactions with others. Working collaboratively and cooperatively. Teacher, comedian.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for intrapersonal

Learn through feelings, values, and attitudes. Understands others. Psychologist, guidence counseller.

List and provide characteristics for the 3 perceptual preferences/learning styles

Auditory learner (spell words aloud, easily distracted by sound, talk aloud to solve problems), visual learner (learn best by reading/seeing, imagien things they're reading, plan and write lists), kinesthetic learner (learn best by action/doing, fidget, gesture when speaking, wrinkle clothes easily)

Name 2 skills and 1 career for right brains

Nonverbal communication and intuitive though. Music teacher or graphic designer.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for left brains

Logical and reality-based. Scientist and accountant.

Define objective views

The way others see you, detached and removed from your first hand knowledge.

Define subjective views

How you view yourself, influenced by past experiences/place in family/emotions and interests

Define internal influences

What you have been taught to do/not do by family

Define external influences

Includes family, friends, cultural/religious groups, and society's norms. Peer group can have strong influence at this age.

What does the S in SMART stand for and why is it necessary

Specific (helps focus efforts and define what needs to be done)

What does the M in SMART stand for and why is it necessary

Measurable (helps manage goals and allows progress to be tracked)

What does the A in SMART stand for and why is it necessary

Attainable (follows bend not break mentality, allows for chunking, not discouraging or too easy)

What does the R in SMART stand for and why is it necessary

Relevent (helps determine if the goal is worthwhile or applicable; make you care more if you acheive it)

What does the T in SMART stand for and why is it necessary

Time bound (sets a time frame which creates urgency and commitment)

Name 2 skills and 1 career for gold personalities

Organizes and plans ahead, follows rules. Teacher and financial planner.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for blue personalities

Friendly, have interpersonal skills. Journalist and teacher.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for green personalities

Analytical and independent. Chemist and programmer.

Name 2 skills and 1 career for orange personalities

Playful/fun loving, competitive. Athlete, politician.