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75 Cards in this Set

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Three circulations

Pulmonary, systemic, lymphatic

Chambers of the Heart (4)

Right atrium

Right ventricle

Left atrium

Left ventricle

Atria (left and right)

Thin-walled, receive blood from veins

Ventricles (left and right)

Thick-walled, forcefully pump blood out of the heart (contraction)


Blood flows bidirectionally

Valve disease- mitral stenosis, mitral insufficiency

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Conducting system

1. Network of specialized tissue that stimulates contraction

2. Modified cardiac myocytes

3. Heart can contracted without any innervation


1. Consists of multiple parallel myofibrils surrounded by mitochondria

2. T tubules, invaginations of cell membrane (sarcolemma), increase SA for ion transport

3. SR houses intracellular Ca2+ and abuts T tubules

4. Actin, myosin, tropomyosin, troponin

Gap junction (intercalated disks)

Protein-based tubes, allow ions to pass from one cell to another without having to pass through the plasma membrane, direct communication

Demosome, adherens junction (intercalated disks)

Hold cells together, allow passage of some substances between cells

Tight junctions (intercalated disks)

Mainly exist in epithelial cells

Major functions of intercalated disks

Connect individual cells into an organized tissue, provide substance/signal exchange between adjacent cells

Cardiac Conducting Tissue

Propagate the action potential (AP) through different parts of the heart, appropriate temporal and spatial distribution

Nodal Cells (SA, AV nodes)

Relatively small

Dense connective tissue

Few myofibrils

Rich in glycogen, mitochondria

Parking cell (fiber)

Larger cell

Little connective tissue

Tightly packed

No t tubules

Pacemaker cells (P)

Where the heartbeat originates


Heart rate too slow (<60 bpm, resting)

Fatigue, weakness, dizziness

Reduced automaticity of SA node, slow heart rate, pauses

Cardia impulse is prevented from activating the ventricles normally, blocked conduction


Heart rate too fast (>100 bpm, resting)

Shortness of breath, lightheadedness, chest pain

Increased automaticity of SA node, rapid heart rate

Developing spontaneous depolarization, early reactivation of Na or Ca channels

Re-entrant circuit of conductive system

Properties of Cell Membrane

1. Selectively permeable

2. Ion gradients- Na/K, Ca ATPase

3. Sensitive to changing physical conditions- temp, pH, voltage

4. Sensitive to extracellular signals- receptors

Principles of Membrane Potential

1. Permeable to K+, Cl-

2. Impermeable to Na+

3. Results from charge separation between inside/outside of cell due to semipermeability

4. Depends on ion concen. and permeabilities

5. Resting state, inside of cell is - relative to outside

Cell Membrane Channels

Voltage gate channels- open/close with specific changes in potential (membrane voltage, time), electrical

Ligand-gated channels- depend on activation of a chemical transmitter, chemical

Membrane Currents (flow of ions)

-Imbalance of Na+ concentrations across plasma membrane

-Inside of the cell is electrically negative relative to outside

Resting membrane potential (RMP)

The difference in potential across the membrane of a cardiomyocyte when its at rest (fully depolarized)

Threshold potential (TP)

The level of membrane potential at which sufficient depolarization has occurred to initiate an action potential; not fixed value, influenced by various factors


The cell membrane potential becomes less polarized, less negative


The cell membrane potential becomes polarized again, moves to a more negative membrane potential


The cell membrane potential become more polarization (negative) than the original resting membrane potential level

Action Potential (AP)

A short-lasting event, electrical membrane potential of a cardiomyocytes rapidly rises and slowly falls, consistent trajectory

Inward Currents (negative currents)

Postive charge (Na+, Ca2+) flowing into the cell, or negative charge flowing out of the cell

Outward Current (positive currents)

Positive charge (K+) flowing out of the cell, or negative charge (Cl-) flowing into the cell

Refractory period (RP)

The amount of time it takes for an excitable membrane to be ready for a second stimulus once it returns to its resting state following excitation

AP in excitable cells

-Excitable cells have AP

-Opening and closing of Na+, Ca2+, K+ channels

-AP occurs because of sequential increases in the permeability

-Time dependent, voltage dependent

-All or none

Type 1: fast response cells

Atrial myocardial cells

Ventricular myocardial cells

Purkinje fiber cells

Type II: slow response cells

SA node cells

AV node cells

Cardiac Action Potential (AP)

Different cells serve different functions, all are electrically active

Different tissues uniquely combine ionic currents to produce distinctive AP

Cardiac AP have distinctive phases

Phases of Fast Cardiac Cell Membrane AP

1. Resting potential

2. Depolarization of Na+ influx, rapid upstroke

3. Outward K+ current creates partial depolarization, results in decrease of Na+ conductance

4. Slow Ca2+ influx, low K+ flux, plateau of previous phase

5. Rapid repolarization, K+ efflux

Phases of Slow Cardiac Cell Membrane AP

1. Resting membrane polarization is less in fast response cells, lower K+ permeability

2. No plateau phase

3. Slower upstroke is Ca2+ dependent (rather than Na+ dependent)

T type Ca2+ channels

Open at a more negative voltage (-60 to -50 mV)

Rapid inactivation, normally not found in fast responding atrial cells

L type Ca2+ channels

Open at a higher voltage (-40 mV)

Slow inactivation

Refractory Period (RP)

The period of time after AP during which another AP cannot be initiated

250-300 ms (ventricles)

150 ms (atrium)

Effective/Absolute refractory period (ERP/ARP)

Begins when NA+ channels are inactivated during AP, lasts until Na+ channels return to resting state

Ventricles ARP ~200-250 ms

Atrium ~100 ms

No response to any stimuli

Second AP cannot be initiated regardless of the strength of the stimuli


Relative refractory period (RRP)

Always immediately follows ARP

Second AP can be triggered

Some Na+ channels have returned to resting state, available for activation

50 ms

Strong stimuli require for premature bears formation

Upstroke is less steep, lower amplitude, slower velocity

Significance of Refractory Period

Protects heart from too rapid re-excitation

Protects the rhythmic excitation-relaxation recycling of the heart

RP of the excited myocardial cells is longer than time taken for spread of excitation over atria and ventricles

Wave of excitation originating from SA node can cover the heart only once at most, then dies out

Heart Pump

Electrical impulse-->Ca2+ signaling-->Contraction

Contractile Tissue

Maintain trans-sarcolemma ionic gradient balance

Translate biochemical signals

T Tubule

Conduction of exciting electrical impulses from cell membrane into depth of cell (contractile system)

Activate myofibrils

Distribution/removal of substances to and from interior of cell

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)

Contains ion channels, pump, receptors

Majority of intercellular Ca2+

Not continuous with sarcolemma membrane

Belongs to smooth, ER, exists in muscle cells

Contains large stores of Ca2+, sequesters and releases when muscle cell is stimulated

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Smooth ER

Rough ER

Protein modifications (folding, transporting)

Ryanodine Receptor (RyRs)

Skeletal, heart, brain

Intercellular Ca2+ channels

Inositol Trosphosphate Receptor (IP3R)

Abundant in brain, atrial and ventricular myocytes

Ca2+ channels on ER, release Ca2+ to cytoplasm when activated with IP3

Cardiac Cycle

Includes all events related to the flow of blood through one complete heartbeat

1. Filling

2. Isovolumic contraction

3. Ejection

4. Isovolumic relaxation

Systolic Phase (contraction)

Mitral/ tricuspid valve closure

Isovolumic contraction

Rapid, reduced injection

Aortic/pulmonic valve closure

1/3 of cycle


Diastolic Phase (relaxation)

Before mitral/ tricuspid valve open

Isovolumic relaxation

Rapid passive filling, reduced filling

2/3 of cycle


Cardic Output (CO)

Volume of blood pumped per minute by each ventricle of the heart

(L/min)= stroke volume (SV) x heart rate (HR)

Normal 4-8 L/min

Cardiac Index (CI)

CO divided by body surface area

CO/surface area

Normal 2.6-4.2 L/min/m^2

Useful to see how well the heart is functioing as a pump

Rest vs. Exercise

At rest, most blood goes to brain, kidney, GI, skeletal muscles

Exercising, almost all blood goes to skeletal muscles


Low resting heart rate, CO can decrease below ability of system to compensate by increasing SV


High resting heart rate, CO decreases because of inadequate time to complete filling of ventricles during diastole

Factors Affecting Heart Rate

Cardiac pacemaker cell activity

ANS activity



Body weight/size/conditioning

Endocrine, environ factors

Disease factors

Parasympathetic innervations

Restricted to atria

Exert a negative chronotropic effect (slowing of heart rate)

Hyperpolarizes cell

Sympathetic innervations

Exert a postive chronotropic effect on nodes

Because they reach the ventricles, produce a positive inotropic effect

Increasing firing rate , lowering threshold for AP

Stroke Volume (SV)

Volume ejected from the ventricle on each heart beat

SV= EDV- ESV (starting v- ending v)

Factors Affecting SV

Preload, venous return



Afterload, resistance

Starling Principle

CO must be responsive to changes in venous return

Measurements of CO

Invasive- Fick indicator, dilution techniques, blood flow probes

*easier to use, after, can be repeated often, more accurate

Non-invative- echocardiography, doppler, TEE, ICG

Ejection Factor (EF)

Assess heart as a pump


Amount of blood pumped out during systole compared with the amount of blood loaded into ventricle before systole

Variability of EF

Heart failure- lowers

Hypertension- lowers

Contractility- increases

SNS stimulation- increases


Non-invasive, readily available in hospital, can provide additional information

Dependent on endocardial visualization, less accurate if aortic regurgitation

Right ventricle

Tricuspid valve- entrance, papillary muscle attached, prevents regurgitation of blood into right atrium during systole

Pulmonary valve- exit, thicker and smaller, no papillary muscle attached, prevents regurgitation of blood during diastole

Left ventricle

Mitral valve- entrance, ntrance, papillary muscle attached, prevents regurgitation of blood into left atrium during systole

Aortic valve- exit, thicker and smaller, no papillary muscle attached, prevents regurgitation of blood during diastole

Normal/Abnormal Heart sounds

Made by vibrations, caused by closure of valves


Caused by high velocity and turbulent flow through a narrowed opening or changes in direction of blood flow

Congenital/acquired lesions

Systolic or diastolic phases

Have higher audio frequency than normal heart sounds, last long, build up/die away more gradually

Blood Pressure Measurement: pressure gauge/stethoscope

Cuff is inflated, stops arterial blood flow, no sound can be heard if stethoscope is place over brachial artery

Korotkoff sounds created by pulsatile blood flow through compressed artery

Blood flow is silent when artery is no longer compressed

Regulation of CO

Cardiac current- spread by cell-cell transmission of AP

Depolarization spreads across myocardium, increases pumping efficiency of heart

Biomedical Engineering

Artificial organs

Prostheses (fake hip)

Stem cells

Undifferentiated cells, capable of self-renewal, can differentiate into specialized cell types