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40 Cards in this Set

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3 layers of cardiovascular system
(innermost to outermost layer)
1. Tunica intima - endocardium
2. Tunica Media - Myocardium
3. Tunica Adventitia - Epicardium
Where is atherosclerosis initiated?
Epithelium of Tunica intima?
Simple squamous
Where is the subendothelial layer and what does it contain?
beneath endothelium
contains SM cells
Orientation of endothelium and its elements?
same axis as blood flow
7 functions of endothelium
selective permeability
non-thrombogenic barrier
modulate blood flow and vascular resistance
regulate cell growth
regulate immune response
maintain ECM
lipoprotein metabolism
What is the most prominent layer in arteries?
Tunica media
Tunica media
concentric layers of SM
elastic membranes
reticular fiber (type III collagen)
Arrangement of elements in Tunica Media
circularly arranged
what separates TM from TI?
internal elastic lamina
Where is ECM in media synthesized?
Smooth muscle (SM) cells
Elastic lamella trend in arteries
Elastic lamella predominates in Aorta
moving away from aorta more SM is found in TM
What is the most prominent layer in veins?
Tunica Adventitia (TA)
Type of collagen in TA CT sheath?
Type 1 collagen
how do large BV's get nutrients?
Vasa vasorum
what component of TA regulates SM in the Tunica media?
nervi vascularis
What are Nervi vascularis
vasomotor nerves
network in the TA
innervates SM of tunica media
arrangement of Tunica Adventitia?
Longitudinally arranged
just like Tunica Intima
what is the homologous structure of the TI in the heart?
Endocardium - innermost layer
the endocardium contains _____ containing purkinje fibers
What is the subendocardium composed of?
Loose CT
elastic and collagen fibers
SM cells
Veins, nerves, purkinje fibers and lymphatic vessels are in the subendocardium? T/F
only some small veins, nerves, and purkinje fibers
what are purkinje fibers?
specialized cardiac muscle cell
Characteristics of Purkinje fibers
larger than ordinary cardiac cell
fewer myofibril (stain lighter)
central (often binucleate) nucleus
prominent glycogen accumulation surrounding nucleus
an ischemic attack involving purkinje fibers would result in what?
inability for heart to rhythmically contract
Describe briefly the electronic conduction of the heart
beat is initated at SA node (pacemaker)
AV node picks up beat and sends it along the fibrous skeleton to the AV bundle (Bundle of his)
Bundle divides into R and L bundle branches then to subendothelial branches (Purkinje fibers)
describe the muscle contraction of the heart
contraction intitiated in atria
forces blood into ventricles
contraction in ventricles begining at apex forces blood through aorta and pulmonary trunk
What important feature is located in the subendocardial layer?
Purkinje fibers
Are purkinje fibers specialized for contraction?
Specialized for conduction of electrical impulse
what is myocardium anchored by?
Fibrous Cardiac skeleton
what is the dense fibrous cardiac skeleton
dense CT
Four fibrous rings (surround valve orifices)
two fibrous trigones connecting rings
membranous part of interventricular and interatrial septa
what is the principal component of the heart?
what does it mean that heart muscle is postmitotic?
focal death of myocardial fibers by ischemia cannot be replaced
Scar tissue formation replaces muscle
can you see intercalated disks in myocardium?
What is the epithelium of epicardium?
Simple squamous
Epicardium composition
loose CT
adipose tissue
contains arteris, veins and nerves
What is the embryological origin of epicardium?
allows for smooth movement within pericardial sac
what occurs with L ventricular hypertrophy?
enlarging of cardiac cells
less distensible
increased systemic resistance
the two types of arteries?
Large elastic
control of blood flow to capillary networks is done by what?
SM in arterioles