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23 Cards in this Set

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What are the prime functions of the cardiovascular & respiratory systems?
Cardiovascular: Transports O2 & nutrition to the cells.
Respiratory: Provides O2 to the bloodstream.
What is the basic respiration reaction?
sugar + oxygen --> energy + carbon dioxide + water
Broadly, what does the cardiovascular system consist of & how is it regulated?
Transport medium (blood), pump (heart), transport network (arteries, capillaries, veins). Regulated by feedback mechanisms.
What ensures a unidirectional blood flow?
How are organs perfused by the arterial tree?
The arterial tree branches so that all organs are perfused in PARALLEL
Describe key differences between arteries & veins.
Arteries have thicker, muscular walls that are relatively indistensible, decreasing diameter, & lead blood to the capillary network. Veins are the opposite.
Describe the BASIC cardiovascular system arrangement.
What are the only 2 ways to increase oxygen carrying capacity?
Increasing haemoglobin levels &/or increasing heart output.
Define systemic circulation.
The general circulation carrying deoxygenated blood from capillaries to R heart & oxygenated blood from L heart to capillaries in all organs of the body including the lungs EXCEPT the alveoli (where gaseous exchange takes place). Pump = left heart.
Define pulmonary circulation.
Carries deoxygenated blood from R side of heart to lungs & oxygenated blood from the alveoli in the lungs to the L side of heart. Pump = right heart.
What are the 4 heart valves & where are they located?
Tricuspid (between R atrium & ventricle)
Pulmonary (between R ventricle & pulmonary artery)
Mitral/Bicuspid (between L atrium & ventricle)
Aortic (between L ventricle & aorta)
Circulation of the blood DIAGRAM
Where does gaseous exchange take place?
Alveolar-capillary membrane
What forms the supporting framework & bellows to give tidal flow in of the respiratory system?
Supporting framework = thorax (spine, ribs, sternum)
Bellows to give tidal flow = muscles
How many lobes does each lung have?
Left lung - 2: superior & inferior
Right lung - 3: superior, middle, inferior
What 5 structures make up the airway?
mouth/nose/pharynx, larynx, trachea & bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
What makes up the intra-pulmonary airway?
Main bronchi enter lung & divide into lobar & inter-lobar bronchi, bronchioles, broncho-alveolar airways, alveoli
Name the respiratory muscles
Diaphragm, External intercostals, Internal intercostals, Accessory muscles (sterno-cleido-mastoid, trapezius, scalenes)
What happens when the respiratory muscles contract?
- thorax volume increases
- air drawn in
What surface anatomy would you use in CPR?
xiphisternum - where to carry out chest compressions
What can be found at the manubrio-sternal angle/'Angle of Louis'?
- second costal cartilage
- apex of R atrium
- bifurcation of trachea
- root of aorta & aortic arch
- superior/inferior mediastinum
T4 - 4th thoracic spinous process
Surface anatomy of lungs DIAGRAM
Surface anatomy of heart DIAGRAM