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71 Cards in this Set

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SAN is located at the
junction of the right atrium & vena cava
SAN node is what kind of cardiac AP?
pacemaker= sponteous APs occur here
Impulses from the SAN spread to the right atria via
radial spread
To get the left atrium to depolarize, impulses are brought from the SAN node via
Bochmann's bundle.
Once Bochmann's bundle brings impulses to the left atrium, then what will take over?
radial spread -
What is the AVN?
gateway of electrical depolarization to the ventricles
How many internodal pathways go from the SAN to AVN
Is there radial spread in the internodal pathways?
not clear
What is the purpose of the internodal tracts?
to bring impulses to AVN
Fibers of the AVN are
long and thin
What has the longest conduction time of any cardiac tissue?
How do you ensure that the atria depolarize and contract before ventricular depolarization?
by impulses being brought to the AVN and by having a slow conduction time via AVN and the rest of the pathway.
Special properties of AVN that cause slowing of conduction time:
long fibers w/ smaller diameters
Longer fibers of the AVN node cause impulses to take
Beginning to end of AVN introduces a
100 ms delay.
Delay of AVN allow
atria to contract prior to ventriculatr contraction.
After the AVN, impulses go down the
Bundle of His
After the Bundle of His, the impulse go
down right & left bundle branches, purkinje fibers, then ventricular muscles.
Diameter of Purkinje fibers
large: quickly bring impulses from bundle branches to ventricular muscle - so that you have a quick depolarization.
Function of Purkinje Fibers
quick depolarization of massive ventricles
Left ventricular muscle mass is greater than the right b/c the left has to generate
higher pressure
Right bundle branch of common branch/Bundle of His looks like a
Entire conduction pathway
SAN - LA via Bocchman's bundle -depolarize atrial muscle
SAN via radial spread depolarizes atrial muscle
Impulses go to the ventricle via internodal pathways - depolarizes AVN
AVN node/100 ms delay:go to bundle of His, divide into left/right bundle branches
Purkinje fibers then ventricular muscle
Because of the electrical conduction pathway, muscles of the heart
Depolarizations of cardiac muscle is what is seen on an
EKG - not conduction pathway.
EKG monitors
electrical events of the heart - only looking at depolarizations of the muscle.
From depolarization of muscle, you can
infer what is happening in the conduction system.
in order to understand EKG, you need to understand the
vectors that are set up.
Atrial vector goes from
SAN across inter-atrial septum towards the left ventricle
=atrial depolarization.
atrial vector is a ______ vector and gives rise to the _____ wave
Atrial vector is the origin of the
P wave - one vector - gradual depolarization going.
first region of the heart to depolarize is
across the ventricular septum going from left to right side of th heart = septal depolarization.
septal vector is
a small vector - quickly over
What happens after septal depolarization?
apical depolarization
What is the major event of ventricular depolarization?
apical depolarization.
Apical depolarization is when
majority of ventricle tissue depolarizes. Apical b/c ventricles depolarize simulateneously from base of ventricle to apex of ventricles
Due to ______, you can bring impusles to all regions of the heart
Purkinje fibers
left ventricular mass takes longer to depolarize on a cell by cell basis b/c
the left ventricular muscle mass is much greater
What is left late depolarization?
region of the left ventricular wall near its base - is last to depolarize.
4 vectors in ventricular muscle:
left ventricular
late left ventricular
normal heart rate is
60-100 bpm
How to control Heart rate:
control rate of diastolic depolarization /slope
changing threshold potential
nt alteration.
starting at a more depolarized state.
Controlling the rate of diastolic depolarization or the slope:
by increasing the rate/steepness of diastolic depolarization you would
increase the rate of spontaneous APs b/c threshold potentials would be more easily/quickly achieved.
Raising the threshold potential would:
slow the rate:slow the rate of APs by raising the threshold.
Decreasing the threshold potential would:
increase rate of AP production
Hyperpolarization will ______ the heart
slow: takes longer time to reach threshold potential
Depolarization will ______ the heart
how do you affect depolarization of the heart?
by changing K concentrations in the blood stream.
Increasing K concentration in the bloodstream causes:
the cells to increase K inside the cell thereby decreasing RMP, bringing it closer to threshold.
If you raise the RMP above the threshold potential, you may
may not get APs at all - so be careful about potassium
epinepherine does what to heart rate?
ACh does what to heart rate?
vagal stimulation is the ____
Heart is innervated by the
vagus nerve
vagus nerve produces
converting a perkinje fiber non pacemaker cell into a pacemaker AP via
a sponteneous depolarization will give rise to AP, no linger would need
electrical depolarizations to stimulate AP.
membrane potenial of a pacemaker AP is
-60/-50mV rather than -90 mV
do non pacemaker cells actually have the ability to become pacemaker cells?
SAN is the normal pacemaker & AVN is it's slave b/c of
overdrive suppression.
inherent drive of AVN will be lower b/c it is driven by
the higher rate of SAN.
If AVN is stopped from being driven by the higher rate it will
eventually recover
long time for first spontaneous AP to come out - initially, then time interval will shorten until inherent rate of 50 bpm will be reached.
increasing rate of driven activity - the amount of time needed for recovery for the first spontaneous AVN pacemaker cell will be
The higher the frequency of overdrive suppression, the ________ to obtain the first spontaneous cell
longer the delay/latency
how can you increase latency of the AVN pacemaker cell?
by increasing the number of depolarizations that occur prior to spontaneous AP.
series of APs termed:
series of APs termed:
A long train of impulses causes overdrive: the longer the train - the longer the
latency until you get the first spontaneous impulse.
What prevents AVN from acting as the pacemaker of the heart?
overdrive suppression
SAN has a higher
higher rate of firing overdrive: suppresses the AVN
If you lose impulses from the SAN, what will take over?