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33 Cards in this Set

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The artery connecting the aorta to the pulmonary artery in babys that is suppose to close within the three days of life is the _______ _______.
ductus arteriosus
The failure of the _____ ______ to close within the first few weeks of life causes left to right as blood goes from the higher pressured aorta to the lower pressured pulmonary artery. This is called a ______ _____ _____.
Ductus Arteriosus
Patent Ductus arteriosus
A "machinery" like murmur, possible CHF, a widened pulse pressure, and bounding pulses is characteristic of a _______ ______ ________.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
The administration of _______ which is a prostaglandin inhibitor, is usually successful in closing a Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in most preterm infants and some newborns.
An abnormal opening between the atria that allows blood from the higher pressure left atrium into the lower pressured right atrium is called a ______ _____ ______.
Atrial Septal Defect
A patient with an ______ _____ _____ defect may be asymptomatic and pulmonary vascular changes may only happen after decades if left untreated; however they may develop CHF. There is a characteristic "systolic murmur with a fixed split second heart sound". There may also be a diastolic murmur and enlargement of right and left atria usually eventually occurs.
Atrial Septic defect (ASD)
Patients with an Atrial Septic Defect (ASD) are treated surgically if they have a moderate to large defect using a ________ patch or a ______ patch. In smaller defects, a ______ ____ ________ is usually placed using a cardiac cath.
Amplatzer Septal Occluder
An abnormal opening between the right and left ventricles is called a _____ ______ ______. They are sometime classified by location with 80% being _____ (This location has less mortality)and 20% being _______ (more mortality associated). This condition is often associated with other heart defects which effects prognosis.
Ventricular Septal Defect
In _______ _______ ______, congestive heart failure is common and there is a characteristic "Loud holosystolic murmur" heard best at the the left sternal border. The _____ _____ is the procedure of choice.
Ventricular Septal defect
Complete Repair
An incomplete fusion of the endocardial cushions is called an _________ ______ ______. It consist of a low ASD that is a continuous with a high VSD and clefts of the mitral and tricuspid valve allowing blood to flow through all four chambers. This is the most common cardiac defect in children with ______ ______.
Atrioventricular Canal defect
Down Syndrome
In an ________ _____ ______, patients will have a loud systolic murmur and moderate to severe congestive heart failure. There may be mild cyanosis that increases with crying. Patients are at high risk for developing Pulmonary Vascular Obstructive disease.
Atrioventricular Canal defect
A _______ _______ is a narrowing at the entrance to the pulmonary artery. It results in ventricular hypertrophy and decreased pulmonary blood flow. The extreme form of this is called ______ _____ and is when there is total fusion and no blood flow goes to the lungs.
Pulmonic stenosis
Pulmonic atresia
When one side is underdeveloped it is called ______. Pulmonic stenosis may result in the right ventricle becoming _____.
In ______ _______, cardiomegaly is evident on radiographic films and a systolic ejection murmur at the upper left sternal border may be present. Baby's may be cyanotic or have CHF. They may also be asymptomatic.
Pulmonic stenosis
A narrowing or stricture of the aortic valve causing resistance to blood flow in the left ventricle, decreased cardiac output, left ventricle hypertrophy, and pulmonary vascular congestion is called ______ ______.
Aortic Stenosis
Newborns with critical _____ _____ demonstrate signs of decreased cardiac output with faint pulses, hypotension, tachycardia, and poor feeding. Children will show signs of exercise intolerance, chest pain, and dizziness when standing for long periods of time. A systolic ejection murmur may or may not be present.
Aortic Stenosis
A localized narrowing near the insertion of the ductus arteriosus (on the descending aorta) which results in increased pressure proximal to the defect (head and upper extremeties) and decreased pressure distal to the obstruction (body and lower extremeties) is called a ______ ___ ___ ______.
Coarctation of the Aorta
In the patient with a _______ of the _______, they may have high blood pressure and bounding pulses in the arms, weak femoral pulses, and cool lower extremeties blood with lower pressures.
Coarction of the Aorta.
_______ ___ _______ is a defect causing decreased pulmonary blood flow that includes four defects including: ventricular septal defect, pulmonic stenosis,overriding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy.
Tetralogy of Fallot
In _____ __ ______ there is a characteristic systolic murmur that is often moderate in intensity. There may be acute episodes of cyanosis and hypoxia called blue spells or ___ spells. ______ spells occur when the baby's oxygen requirements exceed blood supply such as when the infant crys or is eating.
Tetralogy of Fallot
________ is a form of extreme hypoxia or a decrease in oxygen. In baby's with Tetralogy of Fallot this can result in seizures, sudden death, or loss of consciousness.
______ _______ occurs when the tricuspid valve fails to develop; consequently there is no communication between the right atrium to the right ventricle. Blood usually flows through alternative pathways in the heart such as a ventricular septic defect. The result is unoxygenated blood mixing with oxygenated blood resulting in systemica desaturation and varying amounts of pulmonary obstruction causing decreased pulmonary blood flow.
Tricuspid Atresia
Newborns with _____ ______ normally appear cyanotic due to to the tricupid valve not forming. There may be tachycardia and dyspnea. Older children may have hypoxemia and clubbing.
Tricuspid Atresia
A condition in which the pulmonary artery leaves the left ventricle and the aorta exits the right ventricle with no communication between the systemic and pulmonic circulation is called _____________.
Transposition of the great Arteries
In ____________, the goal of therapy is to provide intracardiac mixing. This is done by administering intravenous prostaglandin E or performing a Rashkind procedure( cardiac cath procedure that opens the atrial septum). An arterial switch procedure is the procedure of choice within the first few weeks.
Transposition of the Great Arteries
In _______ ________ failure of normal septation and division of the embryonic bulbar trunk into the pulmonary artery and aorta leads to the development of a single vessel overriding both ventricles.
Truncus arteriosus
In ______ _______ most infants are symptomatic with severe CHF and variable cyanosis, poor growth, and activity intolerance. There is a holosystolic murmur at the left sternal and possible a diastolic murmur. Thirty five percent of patients have 22q11.
Truncus Arteriosis
In a _______ ________ surgical repair must be performed in the first month and involves the placement of a conduit. The mortality rate is greater than 10% and future operations will be needed as the conduit will not grow along with the child.
Truncus arteriosus
__________________ is the underdevelopment of the left side of the heart resulting in hypoplastic left ventricle and aortic atresia.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
Patients with _____________ will usually die within the first months of life if not treated. They will have cyanosis and decreased cardiac output that leads to cardiovascular collapse as it progresses. There is a high mortality rate and it usually requires many stages of surgery.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
The ductus _______ causes blood to bypass the liver in fetal circulation.
The ______ _______ shunts the blood from the right atrium to the left atrium during fetal circulation.
foramen ovale
________ heart defects are heart conditions that do not cause deoxygenation or low oxygen levels.