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25 Cards in this Set

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Aortic aneurysm
dilation of arterial wall from weakness and stretching in the medial layer or wall of artery
Goal of treatment for aneurysm
controlling BP, limiting progression of disease
Fusiform aneurysm
diffuse dilation involves entire circumference of arterial segment
Saccular aneurysm
distinct localized outpouching of artery wall
Dissecting aneurysm
created when blood separates layers of artery wall, froming cavity between them
occurs when clot and connective tissue are outside arterial wall, results from vessel injury to all three layers of artery wall
Pain assessment for thoracic aneurysm?
pain extending to neck, shoulders, lower back or abdomen
Symptoms of thoracic aneurysm?
syncope, dyspnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, difficulty swallowing
Symptoms of abdominal aneurysm?
prominent pulsating mass in abdomen at or above umbilicus, systolic bruit over aorta, abdominal or lower back pain
Symptoms of rupturing aneurysm?
severe abdominal or back pain, lumbar pain radiating to flank and groin, hypotension, increased pulse rate, signs of shock, hematoma at flank area
Diagnostic testing?
abdominal US, CT, and arteriography
Call the physician if these signs occur?
severe back or ABD pain, discoloration in extrem, elevated BP
Thoracic aneurysm symptoms to report to physician immediately?
CP, SOB, difficulty swallowing or hoarseness
Abdominal aortic aneurysm resection?
surgical resection or excision of aneurysm, replaced with graft
Signs of graft occlusion?
changes in pulses, cool to cold extrem below graft, white or blue extrem or flank, severe pain, abd distention
Do not elevate head of bed ____
to 45 degrees
Notify physician if urine output is lower than ____.
30-50 ml/hr.
Monitor ___.
creatinine and BUN levels for renal failure
Posteroperatively, do not ___.
lift objects heavier than 15-20 pounds for 6-12 weeks
Thoracic aneurysm repair
thoracotomy or median sternotomy, aneurysm exposed and excised, graft sown into aorta
Total cardiopulmonary bypass necessary for excision of ___.
aneursyms in ascending aorta
Partial cardiopulmonary bypass necessary for excision of ___.
aneurysms in descending aorta
Monitor chest tubes for increase in chest drainage which may indicate ____.
bleeding or separation at graft site
Deficits in sensation and motion in extrem may indicate ___.
lack of blood supply to spinal cord during surgery