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213 Cards in this Set

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Class ECG findings in atrial flutter
"sawtooth" P waves
definition of unstable angina
angina is new, worsening or occurs at rest
antihypertensive for diabetic patients with proteinuria
Becks triad for cardiac tamponade
hypotension, distant heart sounds, JVD
drugs that slow AV node transmission
B-blockers, digoxin, Ca-Channel blockers
hypercholesterolemia treatment that leads to flushing pruritis
treatment for atrial fibrillation
anticoagulation, rate control, cardioversion
treatment for venticular fibrillation
immediate cardioversion
autoimmune complication occuring 2-4 weeks post-MI
Dresslers syndrome; fever, pericarditis, increased ESR
IV drug use with JVD, holosystolic murmur at the left sternal border. Treatment?
treat existing heart failure and replace the tricuspid valve
diagnostic test for HOCM
echocardiogram (showing thickening left ventricular wall and outflow obstruction)
a fall in systolic BP of 10mmHg with inspiration
pulsus paradoxus (seen in cardiac tamponade)
classic ECG findings in pericarditis
low-voltage, diffuse ST-segment elevation
definition of hypertension
BP >140/90 on three separate occasion two weeks apart
eight surgically correctable of hypertension
1-renal artery stenosis; 2-coarctation of the aorta; 3-pheochromocytoma; 4-Conn's syndrome; 5-Cushings syndrome; 6-unilateral renal parenchymal disease; 7-hyperthyroidism; 8-hyperparathyroidism
evaluation of a pulsatile abdominal mass and bruit
abdominal ultrasound and CT
indications for surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm
>5.5cm, rapidly enlarging, symptomatic or ruptured
treatment for acute coronary syndrome
morphine, O2, sublingual nitroglycerin, ASA, IV-B-blockers, heparin
what is metabolic syndrome?
abdominal obesity, high TGs, low HDL, hypertension, insulin resistance, prothrombotic or proinflammatory states
Name the appropriate diagnostic test: A 50 year old male with angina can exercise to 85% of maximum predicted heart rate
exercise stress test with ECG
Name the appropriate diagnostic test: A 65 year old woman with LBBB and severe osteoarthiritis has unstable angina
pharmacological stress test (i.e. dobutamine echo)
target LDL in a patient with diabetes
signs of active ischemia during stress testing
angina, ST-segment changes on ECG or decrease in BP
ECG findings suggesting MI
ST-segment elevation (depression means ischemia), flattened T waves, Q waves
A young patient has angina at rest with ST-segment elevation. Cardiac enzymes are normal.
Prinzmetals angina
common symptoms associated with silent MIs
CHF, shock, and altered mental status
diagnostic test for pulmonary embolism
V/Q scan
an agent that reverses the effects of heparin
the coagulation parameter affected by warfarin
A young patient with a family history of sudden death collapses and dies while exercising.
endocarditis prophylaxis regimens
oral surgery-amoxicillin; GI/GU procedures-ampicillin or gentamicin before and amoxicillin after
the 6 Ps of ischemia due to peripheral vascular disease
pain, pallor, pulselessness, paralysis, paresthesia, poikilothermia
Virchow's triad
stasis, hypercoaguability, endothelial damage
the most common cause of hypertension in young women
the most common cause of hypertension in men
excessive EtOH
which heart defects have the lowest risk of infective endocarditis?
syphilitic aorta
cardiac pacemakers
holosystolic murmur that is increased on inspiration is the result of what condition?
tricuspid insufficiency
neck vein distension with prominent V waves are symptomatic of what?
right-sided heart failure
what is the drug-class of choice for Prinzmetal's angina?
calcium-channel blocker
how can beta-blockers adversely affect lipids?
decrease HDL, increase TGs
Virchow's triad
1. endothelial damage
2. hypercoaguability
3. venous stasis
Trousseaus sign
hypercoaguability due to malignancy
which artery supplies the AV node?
which anti-arrhythmic drug can lead to confusion in the elderly?
what is the treatment of choice for Dresslers syndrome?
what is the gold standard test for a pericardial fluid?
what defines a hypertensive urgency?
greater than 180/130
side-effects of thiazines
what are the K+-sparring diuretics?
spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride
first-line treatment for HTN ugency
orals (beta-blocker, clonidine, ACEI)
PR-segment depression in precordial leads + diffuse ST-segment elevation = ??
Conn's syndrome is caused by what hormone?
aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma
Cushings syndrome
ACTH-producing pituitary tumor
name Beck's triad for tamponade
1. hypotension
2. distant heart sounds
3. distended neck veins
size cut-offs for surgical repair of aneuryms
abdominal >5.5cm
thoracic >6.0cm
most common cause of aortic dissection
most common location of aortic dissection
above the aortic valve distal to the left subclavian artery
name the Debakey system for aortic dissection
type I = both ascending and descending
type II = ascending only
type III = descending only
name the Stanford classification for aortic dissection
type A = ascending only
type B = all others
what is the most common dysrhythmia associated with COPD?
treatment for second degree type II AV block?
pace maker
treatment for third degree AV block?
pace maker
delta wave before QRS is pathological for what?
most common type of cardiomyopathy
dilated cardiomyopathy
most common causes of dilated cardiomyopathy
long-standing HTN
most common cause of sudden death in young athletes
most common cause of right-sided heart failure
left-sided heart failure
ST-segment depression is indicative of what?
ST-segment elevation is indicative of what?
dying myocardium
what is the best predictor of post-MI survival?
left ventricular EF
name the area of MI these leads correspond to:
inferior MI
name the area of MI these leads correspond to:
anterior MI
name the area of MI these leads correspond to:
I, aVL, V5-V6
lateral MI
PTCA is not used for which vessel?
left main
most common cause of acute post-MI death?
lethal arrhythmia
autoimmune process, fever, pericarditis, pleural effusion, leukocytosis, increased ESR all occurring 2-4 weeks post-MI
Dressler's syndrome
blood pressure treatment goals
uncomplicated <140/90

DM or renal disease <130/80
what percent of OCP users will develop HTN?
what is the first line therapy for HOCM? second line?
first line = beta blockers
second line = calcium channel blockers (diltazem)
most common cause of death associated with an acute MI
re-entry ventricular arrhythmia
which beta-blocker is preferred for post-MI HTN?
metaprolol is preferred over propanolol due to its higher beta-2 selectivity
which heart condition can cause JVD, hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, peripheral edema?
RV failure
what drug should patients that have a-fib without any other risk factors be put on? "Lone A-fib"
ASA, no warfarin necessary without other risk factors
what do you do if you see an elevated CPK in patients that are on an statin?
discontinue the statin
what is the first and second line therapy for decompensated heart failure?
nitro first then loop diuretics
what is Conn's syndrome?
hypertension + hypernatremia + hypokalemia + metabolic alkalosis
what urinary tract infection can cystoscopy lead to?
enterococcal bacturia
what is the first line drug for v-tach?
amiodarone or lidocaine
what can causes pulsus pardoxus?
cardiac tamponade, tension pneumo, severe asthma
what is the most common cause of an aortic dissection?
what is a common side effect with anti-histamines?
anti-cholinergic side-effects
what is the most common EKG finding with a PE?
sinus tachycardia
most common cause of mitral stenosis
rheumatic fever
gold standard for diagnosing an aortic dissection
what is the treatment for PAC's?
nothing, they are benign
systolic murmur at LLSB + decrease in sound with squatting?
how is HOCM conferred?
autosomal dominant
wide pulse pressure that worsens when supine or left recumbant?
aortic regurgitation (water hammer pulse)
treatment for uremic pericarditis?
major side-effect of amiodarone?
pulmonary fibrosis
first line treatment for aortic dissection
HTN control
what drug must be given for post-MI patients <30 days since event prior to anesthesia?
beta blocker
does the Valsalva maneuver increase or decrease preload?
decreases preload
what is the only heart condition with a murmur that increases as preload decreases?
most common cause of ascites
portal HTN
what is the first and second line therapy for WPW?
anti-arrhythmic or synchronized cardioversion first; calcium channel blockers, dig, adenosine second; never give beta-blockers
what does lidocaine treat?
ventricular arrhythmias only
which MI do you not give nitrates with?
inferior-wall MI
what is the treatment goal with aortic stenosis?
decrease afterload with calcium channel blockers or ACEI
what HTN drugs make aortic regurg worse?
does cardiac tamponade increase or decrease preload?
decrease preload
what is the most common cause of a ventricular free wall rupture?
usually post-anteior wall MI
what is the most common cause of myocarditis?
coxsackie B
pansystolic murmur at LLSB + diastolic rumble at apex... ?
what is the drug of choice for a patient with HTN and BPH?
what is the treatment of choice for aortic stenosis?
valve replacement
what endocrine problem can amiodarone cause?
what anti-HTN drug can decrease both preload and afterload?
what are the 5 P's of acute limb ischemia?
pain, pulselessness, pallor, paresthesia, paralysis
when does CK-MB normalize post-MI?
1-2 days
when does troponin normalize post-MI?
~10 days
treatment for LE edema
elevation, compression stockings, ICDs
treatment for first degree heart block
nothing, it is benign
most common chronic arrhythmia in adults
recent URI + sudden onset cardiac failure = ??
dilated cardiomyopathy due to coxsackie B
what metabolic state can high volume licorice induce?
metabolic alkalosis
isolated systolic HTN is due to what??
decreased elasticity of the arterial wall
what are electrical alternans and what are they indicative of?
they are a variation of QRS complex heights from beat to beat; caused by pericardial effusion
an exercise EKG is best for patients of which pre-test probability?
intermediate pre-test probability
what drug will help limit post-MI ventricular remodeling?
prolonged A-fib can lead to what cardiomyopathy?
LV dilation
what percent of patients with mitral stenosis will develop LA dilation?
what are the features of hypovolemic shock? i.e. CO, SVR, blood pressure, heart rate, CVP
decreased CO, increased SVR, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, decreased CVP
what is the treatment of choice for symptomatic PVCs?
what lab test is best for hydration status?
BUN/Cr ratio
post-MI + persistent ST elevations = ??
think ventricular aneurysm
what are the causes of a widened mediastinum?
aortic dissection, mediastinal mass, esophageal rupture, SVC syndrome, anthrax exposure, mediastinal mass
what is the drug of choice for paroxysmal SVT?
IV adenosine
how do nitrates work?
venodilation mostly; reduces cardiac preload
BUN/Cr >20 = ??
pre-renal azotemia
which drugs have been shown to reduce mortality in post-MI patients?
ACEI, beta-blockers
inferior wall MIs involve what part of the heart 1/3 of the time?
right ventricle
what drug is contraindicated with RV-infarcts? what do you give?
do not give nitrates; give fluids to maintain volume
what diuretics are contraindicated with gout?
what drug must you pre-treat with and for how long with A-fib present >48 hours?
treat with warfarin for 3 weeks prior to cardioversion
what cholesterol meds are known to cause a horrible taste?
bile acid resins, i.e. cholestyramine, colestipol
what is the murmur and what do you do with it:
mid-systolic click followed by later systolic murmur over apex
mitral regurgitation; likely benign, check with echo to rule out valve pathology
widened pulse pressure + diastolic murmur over RSB = ?
aortic regurg
why is WPW unlikely to develop an AV block?
due to its accessory pathway; bundle of Kent
what is the treatment for A-fib with a hx of WPW?
stable - IV procainamide
unstable - cardioversion
what is the New York Heart Association classifications?
Class I - no limitations

Class II - slight limitation with exertion, no symptoms at rest

Class III - marked limitation with exertion, no symptoms at rest

Class IV - symptoms at rest
name the Debakey aortic dissection classifications and which one is most likely with syphilis versus HTN?
Type I - ascending and descending
Type II - ascending only (syphilis)
Type III - descending only (HTN)
thiazide diuretics affect the calcium, sodium and potassium in what way?
increase calcium
decrease sodium
decrease potassium
what is the first line treatment for new onset HTN with an hx of DM?
treatment for acute onset aortic regurgitation
treat with positve inotrope (dopamine) and a vasodilator (nitroprusside)
what will you see in terms of changes to CO, PCWP and PVR for hypovolemia, cardiogenic and septic shock
hypovolemic shock = decreased CO, decreased PCWP, increased PVR

cardiogenic = decreased CO, increased PCWP, increased PVR

septic = increased CO, decreased PCWP, decreased PVR
treatment of choice for HTN in a post-MI patient with normal EF
target BP for DM patients
first line drug therapy for hypercholesterolemia
treatment of choice for high triglycerides
name some criteria in the Framingham criteria for CHF
basilar rales, S3 gallop, evidence of cardiomegaly, JDV, +hepatojugular reflux
what electrolyte change is the most useful for predicting outcome with a digoxin toxicity?
treatment for digoxin toxicity
treat with Digibind (digoxin-Fab)
what drug is contraindicated with a digoxin toxicity?
calcium channel blockers, i.e. diltiazem
what type of heart disease are alcoholics prone to and what should you advise them to do to stop progression?
dilated cardiomyopathy; tell them to stop drinking
what is the treatment for varient/Prinzmetals angina?
nitrates and calcium channel blockers
what artery feeds the SA and AV nodes?
who is at highest risk for a silent MI?
diabetics and elderly
treatment for Raynauds
dihydropyrmidine calcium channel blockers; i.e. nifedipine
most common EKG finding with Prinzmetals angina
transient ST segment elevation
harsh, blowing, holosystolic murmur radiating from apex to axilla with a loud S1, S3, widely split S2 and a midsystolic click
mitral regurg
opening snap murmur after S2 with a loud S1 and diastolic rumble
mitral stenosis
wide-pulse pressure, diastolic descrendo murmur at right 2nd intercostal space with bounding pulses
aortic regurg
weak, prolonged pulse, crescendo/decresendo murmur radiating to the carotids, weak S2, decrease in murmur sound with valsalva
aortic stenosis
what cardiomyopathy does chronic alcohol abuse lead to?
dilated cardiomyopathy leading to systolic dysfunction CHF
occlusion of which artery leads to an anterior wall MI?
anterior descending branch of the LCA
first line therapy for isolated hyptension
thiazides or calcium channel blocker
what is Osbournes sign?
aka J-wave; it is an extra positive deflection on ECG between the terminal portion of the QRS complex and beginning of ST-segment due to hypothermia
how do you diagnose Prinzmetals angina?
coronary angiography
what do you give to patients that present with stable angina that has become unstable?
IV heparin
list the most common causes of post-op fever in order of time
1. wind (atelectasis) - day 1
2. water (UTI) - day 3
3. walking (DVT) - day 5
4. wound - day 7
5. wonder drugs??
where does lung adenocarcioma usually occur? what type of cells? how do you identify it?
usually peripheral, arises from mucuin-producing glandular tissue, identified by PAS staining
foeign bodies usually go where
right main stem brochus
"mill wheel" murmur + sudden onset dyspnea = ??
venous air embolism; often from central line cannulation
treatment for tension pneumo
needle thoracotomy
what bug type is usually involved with aspiration pneumonia and what drug do you treat it with (IV)?
likely anaerobes, tx with clindamycin
what drug type has the most profound effect on FEV1?
inhaled beta-2 agonists
what chemo drug often leads to pulmonary fibrosis?
how does iptratropium bromide work?
aka Atrovent; works as a muscarinic receptor antagonist
how does theophylline work and what is it often used in adjunct for?
increases catecholamine activity; good for prevention of nocturnal symptoms
erytema nodosum + uveitis + pulmontary fibrosis + increased ACE levels = ??
what lung disease does amiodarone cause and how does it present?
pulmonary fibrosis; may present as community-acquired pneumonia that does not respond to antibiotics
with emphysema, is increased PaCO2, pulmonary HTN and right heart failure an early or late finding?
with chronic bronchtis, is increased PaCO2, pulmonary HTN and right heart failure an early or late finding?
smoking history, hypercalemia, PTH-like peptide, centrally located, cavitary lesion, "keratin pearls"
squamous cell carcinoma
most aggressive lung cancer, smoking history, hyponatremic
small cell ca, aka oat cell carcinoma
non-smokers, peripheral location, linked to asbestos, pleural effusions show increased hyaluronidase levels
subtype of adenocarcinoma, due to proliferation of aveloar walls without invasion, CXR may resemble community-acquired pneumonia
bronchioalveloar carcinoma
rare lung cancer, often metastasizes to brain, histology shows large, undiffernetiated cells
large cell carcinoma
how do you rule out barotrauma to the lungs?
bilateral hilar/paratracheal lymphadenopathy = ??
what is the DLCO like in chronic bronchitis versus emphysema?
chronic bronchitis - increased

emphysema - decreased
first line test for suspected TB in the ED
sputum stain for acid-fast bacilli and CXR
how does Cromolyn work?
stabilizes the mast cells; aka Intal
what do you see histologically with asbestos and what stain do you use to identify?
ferruginous bodies that stain with Prussian blue
"thumb-print" sign on x-ray?
acute epiglottitis
how does allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis present?
presents as poorly controlled asthmatic patient or CF patient that cannot be weaned from steroids; cavitary lesion
radon gas puts you at highest risk for what carcinoma?
lung ca
most common cause of pneumonia in CF patients
how does ASA induce asthma attacks?
blocks the action of COX-2 thus increasing the leukotriene synthesis pathway
DVT from which vein has the highest risk for embolus?
common femoral
what are the typical causes of exudative pleural effusions? what is the pleural:serum LDH ratio?
usually due to infection, neoplasm; pleural:serum LDH >0.6
what are the typical causes of transudative pleural effusions?
due to changes in hydrostatic pressure or oncotic pressure; i.e. CHF, liver failure, etc.