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208 Cards in this Set

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Key point of flow vs flow velocity
A vessel w/ large cross sectional area but same flow has a smaller flow velocity
Atherosclerotic plaque: decr area -> increased velocity
Q = cm^3/sec
V = cm/min = Q/Area = cm^3/sec/cm^2
Mean Arterial Pressure
(SP + 2DP) / 3
Measurement of Cardiac Output
Using doppler
A (cm^2) * V (cm/min) = Q (cm^3/min)
Measure Q - coronary artery flow
Explain the diacrotic notch
After peak pressure in arteries, as pressure is falling, the arteries recoil, creating a slight increase in pressure
Holosystolic apical murmur
Mitral regurgitation
Systolic ejection murmur
Aortic stenosis
(Harsh systolic ejection murmur over left parasternal intercostal 3-4 is VSD)
Normal chamber pressures
RA: 2-6
RV: 15-30 / 2-6
PA: 15-30 / 6-12
LA/PCWP: 6-12
LV: < 130 / 10
Continuous machine murmur
Patent ductus arteriosus
Ionic basis of phase 4 depolarization
In the cardiac pacemaker MAP
Phase 4 = spontaneous depolarization:
Decreased K+ current in due to increased membrane resistance + inactivation of K+ channels -> depolarization
AP is carried by Ca+ in
Effect of catecholamines on prepotential phase 4 depolarization
NE/E: B1 receptors -> incr cAMP -> inactivates more K+ channels to increase the slope of phase4 depolarization
Effect of Ach on prepotential phase 4 depolarization
Ach binds muscarinic receptors (GPCR) linked to K+ channels -> increases K+ conductance -> hyperpolarization
Ionic basis of non pacemaker cardiac APs (5 phases 0-4)
Phase 0 - Na+ channel activation is voltage dependent
Phase 1 - Na+ inactivation w/ slight repolarization and slight K+ channel opening
Phase 2 - K+ channels close and Ca+ channels open for plateau phase
Phase 3 - Ca inactivation and K activation
Phase 4 - resting potential maintained by inward rectifying K+ channels which do not permit outward movement of K+
Relationship b/w electrical and mechanical activity in myocytes
Plateau phase 2 of MAP due to increased Ca+ also provides Ca for sarcomere activation and contraction
Why is the T wave the same deflection as the P wave on lead I
Because APs get shorter and shorter towards the ventricular apex, so the apical cells are the first to repolarize even though the last to depolarize
Starling's Law of the Heart
Relation b/w EDV/preload and Force or SV
Increased rest length/EDV increases Force/SV
How do positive and negative inotropic agents affect Starling's law?
B1 agonist increases curve and B1 antagonist decreases curve
Starling's Law: homeometric vs heterometric changes
Homeometric: B1 agonist increases Force/SV at a given rest length/EDV
Heterometric: Force/SV increases w/ rest length/EDV
Mechanisms for Starling's Law heterometric change (2)
1) Stretching myocytes makes increased overlap b/w thin and thick filaments
2) Longer muscles need less Ca++ to generate the same force
Initial velocity of shortening and afterload and inotropic affects
As afterload increases, velocity of shortening decreases
Increases rest length (preload) makes muscle capable for shortening against a greater afterload)
Inotropes increase the curve: for a given afterload there is increased velocity of shortening
What cellular mechanisms explain the changes in VMax w/ inotropic agents?
Epinephrine increases myosin ATPase and increases Ca delivery to contractile proteins
What takes place during S3?
1st rapid filling of ventricle when mitral valve opens
What takes place during S4?
Second rapid filling of ventricle when atria contract
abnormal to hear.
When does PCWP not equal LVEDP?
Mitral stenosis
Hemodynamic tracing: systolic LV > aortic
Aortic stenosis
Systolic murmur
Hemodynamic tracing: diastolic LA > LV
Mitral stenosis
Diastolic rumble murmur
Hemodynamic tracing: increased v wave
Mitral regurgitation
Backflow of blood during systole into LA increases LA pressure
Cardiac output determinants
SV determinants: preload, afterload, contractility
Afterload definition
Wall stress = pressure * radius / 2*wall thickness
Shock: incr chamber pressure, decr CO, incr PVR
Cardiogenic shock (MI)
Shock: decr chamber pressure, decreased CO, incr PVR
Hypovolemic shock (bleeding, dehydration)
Shock: normal decr chamber pressures, incr CO, decr PVR
Septic shock (toxins cause decreased PVR)
Shock: decreased R but normal L chamber pressures, decr CO, incr PVR
Pulmonary embolism
Major characteristic difference b/w large and small arteries
Large have elastic and small have muscle
What is the main function of peripheral vasculature autoregulation?
Tissue blood flow remains constant regardless of arterial pressure
2 mechanisms of peripheral vasculature autoregulation
Myogenic response - incr pressure stretches smooth muscle -> activates stretch channels -> incr Ca++ -> vasoconstriction
Dilator metabolite - incr flow -> dilution of dilator metabolites -> inhibition of metabolites' effect -> vasoconstriction
Why can't the myocardium incur an O2 debt? (3)
1) Because O2 delivery is flow limited, muscle extracts all the O2
Only way to increase O2 supply is to vasodilate
2) Heart can only rest during diastole
3) LV myocardium has very limited flow during systole due to contraction
How does ventricular enlargement in disease affect O2 supply?
Increased ventricle -> increased radius -> Law of Laplace: at a large radius it take more muscle (ATP) to generate enough pressure to contract
Coronary circulation autoregulation (vasocontrictors and vasodilators)
constrict: a1 receptors
dilate: adenosine released by muscle
Neural regulation of blood pressure
Baroreceptors innervated by CN IX and X respond to wall stretch in aortic arch and carotid sinus -> medulla
Most sensitive b/w 75-125 mmHg -> incr firing rate -> decrease symp and increase parasymp tone
a1 receptor activation
incr SVR
B1 receptor activation
increase HR and contractility
Mechanisms leading to restoration of arterial BP from high pressure
1. decr B1 adrenergic receptor activation
2. incr muscarinic @ SA node
3. decr a1 in blood vessels ->
4. vasodilation -> decr venous return -> decr SV and CO
Main risk factors for Coronary artery disease (5)
Main determinant of myocardial O2 supply
Vascular resistance
NO is most important vasodilator, produced by the endothelium
Main determinant of myocardial O2 demand
Heart rate
Cardinal symptoms of CAD
Angina and shortness of breath
Pathophysiological consequences of myocardial ischemia
Diastolic -> systolic dysfunction -> elevated ventricular filling pressures before ECG changes or symptom onset
Unstable angina vs STEMI and NSTEMI
UA does not have cardiac enzyme changes
STEMI pathogenesis and treatment
Disruption of a once stable plaque causing a complete/total occlusive thrombus
Rx - immediate thrombolytic therapy or balloon angioplasty
Pathogenesis of unstable angina and NSTEMI (5) and (differentiate from STEMI)
(Incomplete occlusion is main contrast to STEMI) - occlusion due to:
Mechanical obstruction
Increased myocardial O2 demand Inflammation
Hibernating vs stunned myocardium
Both have to do with myocardium that doesn't contract.
Stunned happens after an MI while hibernating does not
Pathologic hallmark of acute coronary syndromes
Coronary atherosclerotic plaque rupture or disruption a/w intraluminal platelet-fibrin thrombus
MI macroscopic pathology at 4 time points
After 24 hours - cut pallor surface
3-7 days - sharply outlined area with central pale, yellow necrosis
10-14 days - depressed, soft, gelatinous area
> 14 days - healed infarcts are firm and necrotic
MI microscopic changes <24 hours
< 24 hours - Non-contractile ischemic myocytes show wavy fibers, contraction band necrosis, deeply eosinophilic, wavefront
MI microscopic changes 1-3 days
Coagulation necrosis w/ loss of nuclei
Interstitial edema and hemorrhage
MI microscopic changes 5-10 days
Few PMNs
Early granulation tissue
Fibroblast proliferation w/ collagen deposition
Lymphocytes and pigmented macrophages
RCA occlusion
Inferoposterior LV
Posterior 1/3 of IV septum
LCircumflex occlusion
Lateral wall LV w/o apex
Mean Cardiac Vector (what does it mean?)
Mean direction of QRS vector
Eg it would be lead I in LV hypertrophy
1) add magnitude of QRS
2) drop perpendicular of magnitude on lead line
Or simply find lead that has QRS summing to zero and the MCV is perpendicular
Pauses w/o P waves
Sinus node dysfunction
1st degree AV block (ECG feature and site)
No block - P waves are all followed by QRS
Delay in conduction so that PQ interval is > 200 ms (1 large box)
Site is at AV node
2nd degree AV block
Only one P wave is blocked
Mobitz I 2nd degree AV block
Blocked P wave is preceded by a PR interval that is longer than the one that follows the blocked P wave
No Rx
Site is AV node
Mobitz II 2nd degree AV block (2 ECG findings, site)
PR intervals before and after non conducted P wave are fixed in length
Wide QRS
Block is infra-nodal
Can procede to complete AV block -> intervene w/ pacemaker
3rd degree AV block (complete block) (ECG findings, path of rhythm)
All P waves are blocked - no relation b/w P and QRS -> escape rhythm:
if high block - narrow QRS escape @ 60 bpm
if low block - wide QRS escape < 40 bpm -> life threatning
Evolution of MI on ECG (3)
Acute - ST elevation
1 -2 Days - T wave inversion, Q wave deepens
Weeks - ST and T normal, Q wave persists
Premature beats - ectopic
If preceded by P wave - atrial
If wide and not preceded by P wave - ventricular
Bradyarrhythmias (2)
Sick sinus syndrome
AV conduction abnormalities (2nd or 3rd degree)
Tachyarrhythmias (6)
Supraventricular - AT, AVRT, AVNRT, Afib
Ventricular - Vtach, Vfib
Atrial fibrillation
Irregularly irregular ventricular rhythm
Atrial rates at 350-600 bpm
ECG - fibrillatory baseline w/ irregular activity, no discernible p waves
Atrial flutter (path, ECG)
Macroreentrant tachycardia originating in right atrium involving tricuspid annulus
Regular ventricular rhythm
Sawtooth ECG
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (3 types, most and least common?, ECG)
AV node reentrant tachycardia (most common)
AV reciprocating tachycardia
Focal atrial tachycardia (least common)
ECG - P waves hidden, regular rhythm
Sinus node dysfunction (2)
Sinus pauses > 3 s
Tachy-brady syndrome - atrial fibrillation terminating in a pause
How do AVNRT and AVRT differ from AT?
AVNRT and AVRT are AV node dependent.
Interruption of AV node conduction terminates these tachyarrhythmias
Factors associated w/ Afib (1 main, 5-6 secondary)
Age, cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, alcohol, OSA
Afib complications (3)
Heart failure
AVNRT vs AVRT path
AVNRT - blocked fast pathway w/ reentry into slow pathway
AVRT - bypass tracts
Retrograde P waves in I, II, V1-V3
Wolff Parkinson White / Preexcitation
Form of AVRT
Delta waves
SVT management (4)
Vagal maneuvers
IV adenosine
IV beta blockers
Mitral Stenosis Path and Signs
Incr LA pressure -> incr pulm pressure -> eventually incr RV pressure -> RV hypertrophy
Elev JVP, pulm edema
Main cause of mitral stenosis?
Rheumatic heart disease
Mitral Regurgitation/Incompetence Path
Backflow of blood to LA -> LV has to work harder to maintain CO -> LV hypertrophy and failure
Aortic Stenosis Path and Signs
Decreased output -> angina and syncope
LV hypertrophy
3 causes of aortic stenosis
Rheumatic 60-70 y/o
Calcification of abnormal bicuspid < 60 y/o
Senile calcification > 70 y/o
Floppy Mitral Valve / Mitral Valve Prolapse
Connective tissue anomaly -> mitral regurgitation
Young women
Mid systolic click
Rheumatic fever pathogen (cause and path result)
Group A beta hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis
Aschoff nodules
Infective endocarditis (2 forms)
Acute - normal valve, virulent organism -> high mortality
Subacute - abnormal valve, low virulence organism -> low mortality
Infective endocarditis: predisposing factors and path (4)
Prosthetic / Abnormal valves
Immunosuppression / IV drugs
Sites of infection
Path - bulky friable destructive vegetations occur anywhere on valve
Main differences b/w rheumatic and infective endocarditis (4-5)
Rheumatic - small, minimal valve destruction, Aschoff, adherent
Infective - any site on valve, large, valve destruction, infl cells/organisms, friable
Two main functions of anti arrhythmic agents
Maintain sinus rhythm after Afib
Reduce frequency of Vtach and Vfib
Triggered activity: early afterdepolarization (path and what drugs cause it?, what ecg does it result in?)
Refractory period of cell is prolonged -> if too long spontaneous depolarization occurs from phase 3
Results in polymorphic Vtach
Can happen form K+ blocking drugs
Mechanism of Vtach
Reentry around scar from previous MI
Mechanism of Afib
microreentry in LA
Main mechanisms of anti arrhythmic agents (4)
Block Na channel (slow conduction)
Beta adrenergic receptor blockers (target AV > SA node to slow)
Block K+ channel (extend refractory period)
CCBs (target AV > SA node)
Use dependence vs reverse use dependence
Use dependence - more effective/TOXIC when HR is rapid, Na blocers (drugs interact more with the receptors when they are in open or inactive states)
Reverse use dependence - more effective/TOXIC when HR is slow, K+ blockers (drugs interact with receptor in resting state)
Class I AAA (3 subclasses)
IA - Na and K blockers; quinidine
IB - for Vtach; lidocaine
IC - Na blockers; propafenone, flecainide; prevention of Afib- contraindicated in structural HD
Class II AAA (2 uses)
Beta blockers
Control ventricular rate in Afib/flutter
Prevent recurrence of PSVT
K+ channel blockers
Dofetilide, sotalol, amiodarone
Class IV AAA (2 uses)
non-dihydropyridine CCBs
Diltiazem, verapamil
Block AV node in pts w/ Afib/flutter
Prevent PSVT recurrence
How to choose which AAA for AF?
If not structural heart disease IC (Na blockers propafenone + flecainide)
If structural heart disease III - sotalol, amiodarone
How to choose which AAA for Vtach/Vfib?
Heart failure status I-II sotalol (class III)
III-IV - amiodarone (class III)
Heart failure definition and Frank Starling curve
heart's inability to meet metabolic demands w/o exceeding left and right filling pressures
With increased preload there is not a normal increase in stroke volume
Heart failure predisposing factors (3)
Heart failure: systolic dysfunction
Impaired contractility and decreased EF
LV dilatation and remodeling
Causes: ischemic heart disease, chronic volume overload, cardiomyopathy
Heart failure: diastolic dysfunction
Impaired ventricular filling during relaxation (impaired relaxation or increased stiffness or both)
LV shows concentric hypertrophy but not dilation
Causes: HTN
Heart failure: ventricular remodeling and myocardial hypertorphy
Response to increased pressure or volume to normalize wall stress
Continues unchecked resulting in abnormal myocyte proteins
Heart failure therapies (4)
aldosterone blockers
Hydralazine + nitrates
Beta blockers
Heart failure therapy
Inhibits Na/K ATPase which increases intracellular Ca
What do high and low shear stress cause in the arteries?
Low shear stress at bifuractions -> atherosclerosis
High shear stress (like post aortic arch) -> dilation
Pain experienced in limb upon activity and relieved w/ rest (cramping characters)
(vs rest pain - inadequate blood flow at rest, dull aching pain, pallor)
Arterial pathophysiology (what is the response to stenosis? (3))
1) collateral pathways develop enlarge
2) arterial dilation (can cause rubor)
3) enhanced muscle metabolism and O2 extraction
Limb threatened ischemia
In setting of thromboembolism from AF
Claudication Rx (5)
Risk mod (smoking cess)
PDE inhibitors
Endovascular therapy
Bypass surgery
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (most common site, 2 types)
Infra renal aorta is most common site
True - contains all 3 vascular layers, develops due to collagen degradation and weakening of matrix
Fale - doesn't contain all 3 layers, usually complication of cardiac cath
Aortic dissection (path, 2 types)
Spontaneous disruption of intima creates false channel
Type A - ascending aorta,
immediate surgical intervention
Type B - descending aorta, meds
Subclavian steal syndrome
Occlusion of proximal subclavian -> retrograde vertebral flow
CNS symptoms w/ exercise but most asymptomatic
Risk of stroke if TIA from carotid
DVT risk factors
Virchow's triad - hypercoagulability, stasis, endothelial injury
DVT Rx (3)
Immediate anticoagulation w/ heparin -> coumadin 6 months
Leg elevation
IVC filter
Secondary causes of dyslipidemia (5)
Obstructive liver disease
Chronic renal failure
Meds - anabolic steroids, glucocorts, progestins
What is the LDL goal of someone w/ FRS > 20%?
< 100
Statins SE (2)
PPAR alpha agonists -> decrease TG by decreasing apo C-II for enhanced clearance of lipoproteins
(apo CII allows TG in VLDL to serve as a substrate for lipoprotein lipase in tissues)
Blocks intestinal cholesterol absorption -> upregulation of LDL receptors
Minimal side effects
Use in combo w/ statin
Anion exchange resins
Bind bile acids in intestine -> excreted in stool -> liver uses cholesterol to make more -> increase LDL receptor
Cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevalm
Anion exchange resins
Raises HDL 30%, lowers LDL 15%, lowers TG 30%
CHD Risk factors (5)
HDL < 40
FH (CHD in male < 55, female < 65
Age (male >45, female > 55)
2 or more = high risk
Fish oil
Decreases VLDL and TG
What drug for someone with low HDL?
What drug for someone with high TG?
Congenital Heart Disease: Trisomy 21
Complete AV canal defect
One AV valve instead of two
Congenital Heart Disease: Turner Syndrome
Coarctation of aorta
Congenital Heart Disease: DiGeorge
Conotruncal and arch abnormalities
What cells contribute to endothelial cushions?
Neural crest cells
Ventricular septal development (3 parts)
1) septum of AV canal from AV canal cushions
2) muscular septum from ventricles
3) outflow tract septum (infundibular or conal septum)
Tetralogy of Fallot
Most common cause of congenital cyanosis
Failure of septum to fully fuse ->
Overriding aorta +
Pulmonary stenosis ->
RV hypertrophy
Transposition of great arteries (embryological cause)
RA -> RV -> aorta -> RA
LA -> LV -> pulmonary -> LA
Two separate loops
Failure of normal septation of truncus arteriosus
Must have a VSD or ASD to survive
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Usually stenosis or atresia of mitral and/or aortic valves
Treat by surgically converting the RV to the main systemic ventricle
Eisenmenger's Syndrome
ASD or VSD -> L-R shunting -> incr pulmonary blood flow -> incr pulm resistance -> decr pulm blood flow -> reversal of shunting to R->L
Aim of intervention is to prevent Eisenmenger's
Eisenmenger's syndrome a/w:
Brain abscesses
Gall stones
Most common congenital heart disease in children
Most common congenital heart disease at birth
VSD by a lot
Atrial septal defect (results in, 2 symptoms)
RV overload
Rarely causes Eisenmenger's
Symtpoms: URTI, Afib
Ventricular septal defects (two types, what kind of murmur?)
Restrictive - small VSD, loud murmur, no Eisenmenger
Non-restrictive - large VSD, no murmur, Eisenmenger
PE: holosystolic murmur
Coarctation of aorta (symptoms, one PE sign)
HTN, lower body fatigue
Back bruits
AAA for rate control (3)
Beta blockers
Non dihydro CCBs
AAA for restoring and maintaing sinus rhythm
Class Ia,c, III
Dilated cardiomyopathy (pathophys, most common cause, clinical)
By far most common cardiomyopathy (90%)
All four chambers are dilated w/ hypertrophy (esp LV)
Chronic alcoholism
Insidious 20-60 y/o
Dilated cardiomyopathy (path and hist)
Globoid heart, flabby+pale myocardium
Hypertrophic and atrophic myocytes w/interstitial fibrosis
Etiologic factors a/w dilated cardiomyopathy (4)
Chronic alcoholism
Viral infections
Anthracycline (vacuolar degeneration of myocytes)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (genetics, epi)
Autosomal dominant B-myosin heavy chain defect
Young males
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (path and hist) (3)
LV hypertrophy
Septal thickening
Myofiber disarray in IV septum
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (define and 2 common causes)
Myocardium infiltrated w/ material that impairs ventricular filling
Common causes: amyloidosis and hemochromatosis
Abnormal iron deposition in myocytes
Myocarditis: 3 main causes
Infectious - viral, bacterial, rickettsial, chlamydiae, fungi, parasites
Non-infectious - hypersensitivty and immune related (SLE, RHD), radiation
Viral myocarditis path
Patchy or diffuse interstitial infiltrate of T lymphocytes, macrophages, w/ focal myocyte necrosis
Myocarditis in AIDS
Cardiac disease in upto 50% of AIDS pts
Most patients are asymptomatic
Chagas disease path
T. Cruzi infection transmitted by reduviid bug
Myocardial involvement in 10-40% of infected individuals
Chagas two clinical forms
Acute: 1-2 wks post infection -> chagoma w/ fever and swollen lymph. 2-3 wks, parasitemia, pseudocysts in myocardium
Chronic: 32% of infected have fatal damage to heart and GI tract -> ventricular dilation, chronic inflammation w/ myocyte necrosis
Aortic stenosis pathophys
LV pressure overload -> concentric hypertrophy (incr wall thickness) to normalize wall stress
Aortic regurgitation etiology (2)
Primary valve etiology - eg Congenital heart disease, RHD, endocarditis
Primary aortic root dilatation - rheumatoid syndromes, marfan's, athero
Aortic regurgitation pathophys
Chronic volume overload in LV ->
Eccentric hypertrophy
Dilation and hypertrophy
A large EDV can somewhat compensate for the reduced SV
Bounding pulses and wide pulse pressure
Aortic regurgitation
Mitral stenosis pathophys
Incr LA pressure ->
Dilation ->
Incr pulm pressure -> pulm edema and SOB
->-> eventually RV hypertrophy and failure
Loud S1 w/ opening snap
Mitral stenosis
Mitral regurgitation etiology (6)
Rheumatic HD
Papillary muscle dysfunction
LV dilation
Mitral regurgitation pathophy
LV volume overload -> hypertrophy and dilation ->
incr LAP ->
incr pulm pressures and RV failure
Tricuspid regurgitation (secondary to?)
Usually secondary to RV and annular dilation
Endocarditis in IVDA
Large V waves and venous congestion
Pericarditis (common symptoms and causes
Sharp, well localized pain relieved by leaning forward
Acute viral or idiopathic
Pericarditis ECG and Rx
ECG - diffuse ST elevation
Pericardial tamponade signs and symptoms (4 important signs)
Fatigue and SOB
Pulsus paradoxus
Beck's triad - hypotension, incr JVP, muffled heart sounds
CXR - cardiac sillhuoette
Constrictive pericarditis signs and symptoms
JVP w/ Kussmaul sign (changes in JVP w/ respiration)
Prominent y descent and square root sign
pericardial knock
2 indications for heart transplant
Ischemic heart disease
Dilated cardiomyopathy
3 problems influencing course of heart transplant patients
Acute allograft rejection
Cardiac allograft vasculopathy
Acute allograft rejection (pathophys, path)
Recipient recognizes graft antigens
Interstitial lymphocytic infiltrate -> necrosis and vessel injury
Graft atherosclerosis
Vascular disease effecting all vessels of graft heart
Concentric, diffuse thickening of intima -> occlusion
V wave
Pressure in atria before mitral/tricuspid valve opens
If regurgitation -> increased V wave due to increased blood
Aspirin (use and SE)
Secondary prevention (for people who already had events)
Not for primary prevention b/c of SE: GI/CNS hemorrhage
Aspirin mechanism
Irreversibly blocks cyclooxegenase mediated synthesis of thromboxane A2 (platelet aggregator)
Does not block irreversibly in endothelium b/c endo can regenerate COO
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) blockers
Adjunctive therapy in acute coronary syndromes
Nitrates mechanism
Reduction in preload via venous dilation
Nitrates interactions
Don't use with PDE5 inhibitors since both increase cGMP -> excessive vasodilaiton
Beta blockers mechanism
Decrease myocardial oxygen consumption by lowering heart rate and contractility
Beta blockers use
Chronic angina and post MI
Especially good for SNS like anxiety
Beta blockers ISA
Can't use in patients w/ cardiovascular disease since they have intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
CCBs type I vs type II (effects and use)
Type I - electrophysiologic and dilatory effects
Used for tachycardic arrythmias
Type II - no electrophys effects, just vasodilators so used in angina
Main angina therapy
Aspirin and prn nitrates
Nidefipine, amlodipine
Type II CCBs used to treat angina
Commonly used conduits for CABG
Left internal mammary artery (best long-term patency)
Saphenous vein
Radial artery (rarely)
Hibernating myocardium
Impaired LV myocardium that can recover after ischemia if revascularized as long as myocardium retained its viability
Aortic and mitral valve repair or replacement?
Aortic - replace
Mitral - repair
cytoplasmic (to proteinase-3)
perinuclear (to myeloperoxidase)
Microscopic polyangitis (hypersensitivity vasculitis)
Medium arteries, usually carotid branches)
Focal granulomatous inflammation w/ internal/external elastic lamina destruction
Elev ESR
Temporal (Giant cell) arteritis
Rx - steroids
Female < 40 y/o
Medium - large arteries
Aortic arch
Weak pulses
Focal granulomatous inflammation
Takayasu's arteritis
Young adults
Nodular lesions (OF DIFFERENT AGES) of small or medium muscular arteries
Fibrinoid necrosis
Spares lung and spleen
Polarteritis nodosa
A/w hepB
Rx - corticosteroids
40 y/o
Necrotizing or granulomatous vasculitis small vessels
Rx - steroids
Acute necrotizing inflammation of small vessels
All lesions of same age
Skin lesions
Hypersensitivity vasculitis/Microscopic polyarteritis
Middle aged w/ new onset or worsening asthma
Peripheral neuropathy
Churg Strauss
Rash on buttocks and legs
IgA immune deposits in small vessels
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
< 35 y/o smoker
Small - medium vessels
Granulomatous inflammation leading to thrombosis and microabscesses
Buerger's disease
Rx - smoking cessation
What is the most common primary cardiac tumor? (adults vs children)
Adults - Myxoma "ball-valve" obstruction in LA -> syncope
Children - rhabdomyoma (a/w tuberous sclerosis)
When is rupture of LV wall most likely to happen after MI?
5-10 days
When is arrhythmia most likely to happen after MI?
1-4 days
(ventricular arrhythmia after weeks)
Descrescendo diastolic murmur over left 2nd interspace
Aortic regurgitation
Holosystolic murmur w/ S3 gallop over apex
Mitral regurgitation